Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/747

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INDEX. 7 2 ]

 Pa 0. Pa a.

Hot Springs Rvservavion, Ark., House Committees, a.pp1·0prm.t,iun for commissioners, etc., to appropriations for clerks to . .. . .. 925, :297 survey, ctc. ; to be re-iunbursed .. 356 for clark to, on Coiuugo, etc. .. . . 223 law proyidiug TOP PGCMVGP Pépeélled; <30m— on Invalid Pemcions , ,,,.. . . . . 361 nmssiam to be appointed to lay out, on Frcedmauh Bunk. . . -.. 39l ctc., wsewatiou; quorum ; place of on Public Lm1ds,(ruvision of lam]-mnp) 361 meeting; oath ; organization; notice of Ways and 1\Imms .. .. .. , 225 _of mcct1ug . . - ...,.. ..-. 377 on Wza.1·-Oluiuns .. . .,.,. . _ . 361 c0mm1ss10u to lay out into squares, atc.; dc- for expenses ot, on Elections . . . :219, 226 SOI ipti0Ll of lzmd . . . . .. . . 377 {hr priming for, on Election in Louisiana . 361 map to Show claims: commission to hear to Supply deficiency in {l.]![)l 0] )Ii3»i;i0ll for _ proof and determine rights of claim- clerks to .. . . . .. ... 225 ants; appraiscment; time for filing cxpunsvs of mcuxbers of. on iuvestign,i.i<ms, claim, ctc.; certain claims ba,rrc¤1 378 limited . . . . . . ...__. 226 attendmxcc of witnesses, etc., may be com- of certain special; how disbursed, etc. .. 219 pelled ; testimony to be under oath payment to clerks of cm-min, from continaud in writing ...,...,..,,. . .__ 378 A gent-uml , ,·, ,.. . ..,.. ... . .. 409 hot; and warm sprmgs on land to be rc- House of 1£eprcxa»zluIr.ves, served; superintendent to be appoint- a,ppropria.t.ious lbr co1npmmati011 and milecd ; special mx on vmtexr . . .. 378 ago of f|lBHlb0fS ... 145, 296 buildings and obstructions may be removed. 378 for salaries of 0H]cm·s and cmployés of. . 145, 296 streets. ah-., may be widened, ctc.; coudcm- f()1 COI1()iIlg0IlF$Ll]dlUiSCOH2IKl(B(){lS oxpeansvs um ions of improvements; v:»lun.ti0u. 379 of ... . . . . . . . . . . . 146, 5297 map to be made and filed in Interior De- ilu- pay of crippled and clisnmed uohlu-1·»s parmwent, to be accompanied with in employ of .. .-.. .- -- ------ 5 schedule of cluixxnauts, ctc., cviclcmcc, for pany of widows of deceased members findings, and appraisals; cer|i1ica.tcs of . . . . . -.. . .. .r.. 102 to 4;1aima,uts--. . . . ... 379 for paynnexnt for 1‘0p01‘\»i¤lg Y0? <‘<>U1lIllYTG<‘S lands muy be entered cmd patented; a.dver— of ; 1w15G1I11i3S, how axpproxwl ... . . . Y . 104 tiseumnb of notice .. 379 for expenses of ixxvcsbigutlllg GIGOf1v1! H1 who to have right to e>1•b01·,ctc.; time 1im· Mississippi . .. . . _ }lS {md _,.._. . ..,,. , .,,.. . . 371) for ventilation of lmll of . - ------ 7320, 64*} lands not entered to be sold nl. auction; to supply Mficieucics in .. .. 41,2% price; notice of sale ; p1·0cc0<ls. . 379 for folders tkgr .. . . . . T j- - - UB i1up1·0v<·rm~x1ts may be removed ; time for., 379 mtc of pay ofwwnesscs resuling m DlSt{ lCt» disposition of prommecls and wnmr-rents; rc- of Columbia. when smummmd batons port to Congress .. . ... . . 379 committees of .. . . ..- .. . 41 United States marshal to oxccutc processus mommmnts to deceuscd in(~unl>m·s o1, to lm re(1||ir3(\ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,_,,_______ _ _ _ _ _,,, BSO (5;·ggi,(;(l. m CQ[]g] (§5$i()]);[] (_ ;g1uu(m·_y ; F mrux of office of cmmuissiomars ; may am- how puxd Rm ., -, . . . . .:. .»4 ploy GI1gil)€t5l S, cbc. g C0l1l]_)lfl}SZ1»t»iOLlS, two Il\()lllbB1 B of, to be q.ppqll1!.0(I 011 (‘0\llll\lH·· how paid .. . . . .. . . . . 1380 sion 011 rc-0rgnmzn,t.1ou of Arxuy . _ lOl I 1I0b Springs liailrouel Company to have lmzwting, otp., of, @0 b0_ umlvr direction of I right of way ; route, width; COIN- Arch1t0cb of Oap1tol_ .. _-. $48 puny may purclm.selzm1dibr 11ops,ctc. 380 umployés to be under 4lm~utmu oi Dum- _ ·)(( Garlmnl County to have hmd for public k0ep0r.._.._.. .. . . .. .. ..1-10,-.1.1 buildings; proviso , . 380 proceedings oi, m mumm g the clcctuxul 2O_ Hough, Amasa, jr., _ · voms .. . . _ . . ._.l M uppropriatiou for payment of clmm of. 487 mgost; (if Ties of, to ;mK·Tpnr•:d by _]0U1llU· m Hough, Amum, sr., daccaemd, _ _ _ G cr ? P°'".Pg" '‘ ’ ```’`' 2[)])l ()[)1 izl.T;i011 for payment of <]0.1!1l of hcnrs ~ U*;';8{;°.£x{;$lf°2”;{:_:;;;` »t8XMi0“ by District of ? C0]u]Kl)i;; ____ ____ ________ __________85)39[) Hough, 1L1{cn_lI., S f 1 _ f 487 Houses of Rc/wc, U I1:1£$; ;§;,?£ ;_f P y upp:·0priP,i1011s for salaries of kcopurs of . 107, 1$4.> appropria,mi011 for paxymeutx of claim of. 487 for payment Ofjudgumm 0,-

° g ’  2     ’ · Court ofC1uims in favorof ..   347

appropmamou for payment of clmm for use 4 \Houston James H.,

 `'`'`   `````   °`°``                         g.ppy();)yig,{,i0]] {by pggymgmp of 4_51g1m of, .,,, nlil
g ’   · rc lloustma Ifobcrt

H,?E,*}f ‘i§L§TLTElTi l y °““ "f‘ ···· ’*‘ ..,.p.0;»...o0.; gl. p., of .1.. Or. no ’ · - - ’ · ~ usfon lfobcrt . ___

pp P    l y        ````    ?I·l\1)I (\; )1 i1l,Ii0I1 fo; payment of claim uf.  :>.»1

Hough. Wimqm T', . ., H0z~(ry, O/oar/08 E., _ _) appvoprmtxou for pnyrpcnm of clmm of. 48/ nppmprmtion im. p,,y,m,m, of cgmm o{_ ___, 4.,1 Houk, Ao·chi·m<·dcs, admiwralmtor, _ _ Howard and H,qf,_.,-’ _ _ approprin.tiou tbr payments 0i clam: of, 519 appmprmmm for p,,s,m8m, of Mooooo of, _, $06 Houk, Hopkins, deceased, _ Hmmwd, Harriet, _ _ 3 ,23 ¤1>1>¤>w·i=¤*i¤¤ M vnymm of cimm vf ¢¤¤¤·t¤ oppmp.·mm fm- poymm 01 clmm 01. .» . of ... . . .· .·-· - --·-· -- -·-·-— 519 .H0wa·rd, H. Q., dqceascd, _ Houk, James, _ appropriation lor payment of claum of csfntc 428 appropriation for pemynwnv of clam: of- .--- 461 H d of i. . . .. . . »...- ‘ ‘. owar ,.0m ., _ _

 §g;;:gdm______ ______ ______ ______ 541 g,pp;·Ol)[·lg,[.i0g$éLgr p;yy|x19:1b 01 0]:1,1111 Of.  484
p ’  ’ · ··      f  · ut of ulnim of .. 521

appropriatigu for payment of 01am1m of . 400 approprmtwu or paymo - . .. xxx-4