Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/754

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728 INDEX. - Pago. Pago. Jones, Elizabeth, J udgnwnta, appropriamion ilu- pa,yu.oub of claim of .. 524 of Alabama. Claims Court, when to be re- Jomsa, Elizq Q'.,dcccaned, ported to Secretary of State; how to apprepgzmon for paynueut of claim of estate be paid ._ . __,,,,____, , ,,,,._ 3 0 - -»-~ . . . . 431 sale of bonds for purpose of paying au- Jows Evan, tborizcd . .. 32 up];r0priati011 for pa.ym<mt of claim of .. 429 against national banks unsatisfied for thirty Jones, ]¢’lm;e·nfinc, days ground for SL receiver . . .. . . .Z. . 63 npp1}>pr1u.b1011 for payment of claim of .. 525 Judgment, of gow.; of Claims Jones *‘rcdco··ick, . · tg f ’ f 347 a.p;;x·0priati011 for payment of claim of .. 525 J hg)? or payment 0 4 ````'`````` Jones, 1¢'zw·m>y,administrator, 'buim d t 0 8’ Ut t . t b . tt h d ’ :x`ppr0priuti011for pu_yu1e11t of claim of .. 531 ° °m‘ 0 P mms { u 9 °u°¤ ° 8 ‘* °'° ° , - ,. to mghth mrcmt ...,.. . 61 J0nzs,G1.lbmt, A k d. .d d . t t 230 uppr0priu.tion {br payment: ofclaim of . . 475 T_a'm`m'S wl ° m ° w°' ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘"‘ Jmma,.H. P.,m1dCo·nwamy, J Md10ml E¥P€”866‘· _ payment tc, of drawback of tax on tobacco ¤PPi'0P\`m~U0“S {QF -·-- ;· · ---—· · ·~-----·· 167, 313 exported by. ..__ _ .._, _ ,,,_ , ,___ ,_.. 467 to supply deficiency m .. .. .. .. .. 46 Jouon, Hammh, Judicml Functions, 1I»])]_)1;;)D1`ikL['i()1] for payment of claim of .. 484 of ministers, consuls, etc., in Egypt, sus- Joncs, amcs T. gudgd _ _____,_____ _ ___, _ _________ 664 J n,1?pt}>[2ri;¤pi;;13for payment of claim of .. 476 Judicial §>,.0c“,d?"g8, °"‘8· mw"? · . . tax-lieu of Dnstricb of Columbia on mal csx npproprmtwu for payment of clmm of Wli.0 wr mm may be (mi-owed by 397 of .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .1 o , , '`'`````` Jones, Jervmw B., Judwmz IY0c8d"??! d . . h . ,,9 appropriation for payment of claim of .. 484 p1`°P°°° 8*8 mr un m` t"°’m°s W"' Spam" 6*) Jonas, John, J'·¢di6W»7`1I, _ _ nppropri:»1i0u for payment of claim of. ...,. 531 a.ppl‘0p1‘lM3l0l1s for expenses of .. . -.. 107, 346 Jones, .h)h01, Q/` Tl21Hll’88I’6, .]udiciary Num], ¤l>l*\`°PTi=\»ti*>“ fo1'1*¤)’¤10¤1» of ¢¤}*¤i¤\ of ---—-- 432 expenses of t1·:u1sporta.ti011, etc., of United Jv¢¤·8.·7¢>7w G-, _ _ _ States convicts to be paid from .. 89 mlcnscd from cermm taxes on dxstxllcd indium,} S MM bmmny ___, ____.. , . . . .. nos,J .9 - * . , _ appxoprumcu for improvements of 224 JOHGS, DGOMMS, _ _ sale of jail on, suspended. 28 I I &1_]')pI})pI`j2LLl()l1 lfoI` ])D»_Y1)lGI1D of CIBJHI Of. . 464 Old jgj] lpgy bg ygmgvgd from_ ____ _ ________ 224 ' °""’8· *""€· . . , J'uo·*isdiction / J02g}’5;}pn3';;;:;f°Y p°'ym°"t of clmm °f ‘‘‘‘‘' Gb) district qlmrts Of.T(él'1`it01'i(éS no have, in car- l ‘ ¤1¥r?··<>%~»i<>¤ M v¤w·‘¤¤<·¤¢ <>f¤*¤*¤· <>f ------ 4*** 0ma¤J?$€ $Sr?¤`{LbX?¥§3€£yA6ééxiéhfdiéi dd ']"'"’8’M“°`}’* . . . trict of Mississippi, western district

»pp1upru1tion for pamynxcut of clmm of .. 484 of South Carolina, and in Wush Vh._

Jones, Mary L. - - ’ appr0ptisxt.i¢;u for payment of claim of .. 475 Justice '`'`*`````'"```` 230 J°'"°s* fmLf°r°?* . .. n.pp1?opriz1,tim1s for ’s:1.lm‘ies, ctc., in .. 168, 318

  • 'i’\"3’¥?""E*_‘°" rmi Paymunt °f°1mm of ’ 4S' Ihr printing uucl binding for .. .. .. 105, 344

J°fl’°“· _ "'{Y’"?* r _ _ _ . ibn- contingent expenses of, may be trans- .,pp1<»pnm,11on on pdjynnmh of nlzum of .. 4z·S(> fared 57 Jones, x\`m·cisna, "Z'?' '``` T` `_ 'i' Y '``'``

for pnym<m1.0f claim of .. 521 to wlgggllggg:l§;;gDg;SJ&Pf?pr_ilT'{(iT_$0r45' Q?

upliropxiationn flw payment of claim of .. 464 Posmgbstmups fom how pmcm m' ° 1 1 Jones, Rosanna approprismtioh for payment of claim of .. 478 K. Jones, Samuel, · , _ political disabilities uf, removed . . 473 Kaiser, Joseph, ggurdum, _ _ Janes, William A., appropriation for payment of clmm of . 524: J :a,ppr%v3Eti0r}z for payment of claim of .. 432 Kdngag, f f I I 01108 1, dm . . · t· .i. ts political dinubiaitics of, mmovcd . . 514 dppmggai _ _(i ___ Et ffl_ 117, 271 JOM, W¢Ui~ JM _ _ p0st·roa.ds cmbxishcd in . . z:»,:szs,ss9 approprnat wu for payment of clmm of .. 457 omcc of Sm.vcy0,._geu8ml 0;; abolished _____ 121 J°"d“”¤ ·E· J"·· A all lands iu, to be subject to disposal as agriappropri:¤1,i<>u for paiynumt of clmm of .. 480 cultural lands ____________ _ _____ _ _ _ _ 52 Jordan G. 1*. G mf 1 ds mnt, d to in aid of rznilrox cls nppr;>pria.ti’ou for payment of . . 362 M nlgezijmcg fodgimdf ____ _ _ _ _ ____ _ __ 10] Jordan, .1 S., administrator-, right of, to mx Osage ceded lands iu, not ayppmprim ion for payment of claim of .. 461 prevented by uci: relating to entry am} Joy, George WC, purchase of said lands .. . ... 129 5l{)[)l'()])1‘i2].ti0D {br payment of claim of . 467 lands in Cherokee strip may be sold at ru- Jayner, G. D.; duced price; disposition: of proceeds; appropriation for payment of claim of .. 4x4 when acts to be in forge .. . . .. 265 .ludgcs·Adv0cat0, act granting lands to, in md of Kansas uml records of c0urts—m2mrtiul to bu preserved in Neosho Valley Railroad, repealed in office ot; at headquarters of depart- pmt .. .. .. . ... . 404 ment commanders for two years . 310 to he credited for certain arms ... . . 206