Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/784

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758 INDEX.

 . Pago. pans_

Pmyor, Wouiagn, Public Lands-Continued. °

;ggg;;;; ¤3 i;;on for payment of clmm of . 433 :Vhit;;mn disgricc, Wash. T0r.éest§nb1isl1ed.. 207

`t' Hal { d when shapeé of delinquent stockholders of mm {)z:wgmvvi1(i>r;¤§ut;y$:budI;2gisI;1 lf2f13s18g12h- uzmonul bsmks may be sold at, to pay emptiou entry . . . . . . 404 asspssmeu s 64 Revised Statutes sec. 2291 p. 422 as 60 when sapqe lands {0 be offercd for sale at; homcstaadéfs a·i5davi%, amended 403

sixgggmum pI`1C6.. .. - .. . . 221 in States Whore there is no la-ud—0fGca, how

uy zqzgs entered · proofs ctc. how mkmr disappmpr1a,@1011;s for fuql, ctc., for. .. 44, 118, 355 p0sit,i0n,of pr0<;ecds’ . . 1- -L. 315 for i\l!SDlPl`ll`6, <>tc., ior . . .. .. 118, 355 proc]a,ma.ti011siu relation to sulc of, how and . fof heating, Vwtilrmug, etc., apparatus where published ,,,,,_,. , _,,,,,,,,,, 221 for .. I ... .. .-.. . .. 118, 355 time for making final proof by pre—eu1pt0rs for custcdmns, etc., for .. . . -- . . 118, 355 on, extcudediu cases of destruction of ipr vaults, etc., for .. ..-. .. 118, 355 crops by grasshoppers . . . .. .55, 405 tor plaug, etc., for .. t . .- - . . 118, 355 time for proof, etc., by settlers on, injured by for repairs myd preservation of . . 351 grasshoppers, extended .. . .. 59, 406 {<g1gc<;1;;rn§:té0p of . . . , :.5 . .7% 110, 350 provisions extended to settlers under timu y 0 cmncy 111 appropna. ion 013 bor-culture act; . .-.. . . .. 59 fuel, hghts, etc., for .. .. 364 restrictions on sales of} in Alabama, Missisat Aus{»1u, Tqx., t<; lap built; cost; title to sippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Florquc y Jumsr IG 1011 .. . . .. 7 ida- 1‘cm0v0d· provisqs .. . .. 73 at Harrgibuirgln, to be built ; cost of}. . 352 in Missouvi and Kmissm to be subject to disusc 0 a auqu 0 ormcr appropriation or posal as agricultural lands . . 52

 land, to improve premises, authorized 203 grant of site for Lick Observatory from ; pro-

8* LW?6 Rvck, Ark., lmub of expenditure vim ,,,.._ . ,___,,,._,. . ..,,, _,_, 5*7 or 2-. . .. .: . . .. 20 to Missouri of swamp or overdowcd .. 395 M M¤1¤I>h1S» TSM-, site fop, accepted; title to Kansas and Neosho Valley Railroad anto be made good ; blllldlllg to be erect- nulled, and lands to be restored to

 c£L c0¤tJ  old 103 gp bc§01<1 ; germs,.   market by proclamation of the Presiu n ws 0 grouu or c zmge .. 1 dent .. . .   .  . . .  405

at UD1021,N. Y., to be built; cost of 351 saline in character to be examined and ramay b? c0¤qtrm$te<; by D11§uque County, ported ou; how sold; price; when

 gw :a lll as mg OH quam  -.. . 37 act act to apply · title to be conveyed 221

Publw Bm]dzp’gs angl Grounds, Wa8himgtm1,D. O., desert, may be autcréd, etc., for reclamaa,pp1·0pr{aJtions ior cmployés in connection t-ion; use ofwaterg proof of reclamavmh .. .. ,- ,..147,298 tion ; patents; quantity in each entry;

 Jsorézava, etc., of .. . .. -.  114,358 deiiuit{0n; proof of fact; where act

u w usmess to app y· tiual decisions and rwulaletters, 01:0., im, may be sent by mail free; tions.. -.,.. . . . 377 hoyvmarkcd; penalty for falsely using town-sites on, quantity which may be on- -

    2 fi1g;g11 envelopes .. . .. , . 335 tercd for; certain eu tries within COWH··

u gc { an aes - sites c0nHrmed· where town—sit:0 cxbulldmgs belonging to certain, exempted needs maximum,, proceedings ; whcrc {fom taxsmou-by District of Colum- · less than maximum; proviso 392

 I3; ..  .  .  85 399 provisions concerning entry and purchase

Publvc Depositorics, sec Designated Depositary. ) of lands known as Osage ceded lands Public Doqumpnts, in Kansas, (see Osage Coded Lands) 127 approprmtxons for prmckmg, ctc. : . .- .. 162, 313 of Cherokee Nation, in Kansas, may be sold Senators, etc., may send and receive, by mail at; reduced price; disposition of profree; how fmnkcd; term of privi- ceeds; when act to be in force .. 265

  1ege .. . . . . .  336, 345 Fort Dalles military reservation to be sold as. 406

Publw Gayamger, . certain part: of, excepted 406

 agj;p1·<g>r¤at§>n gr fayiuenibtod . -. . 298 Hot; Springs reservation, Ark., to be laid out,
 u w rq1m  s as ing on . . etc. and sold ...   378
 a£pripr1g1t10;1 for cam, 0;:0., of   . . 114, 358 Fort Keurixay military reservation to biz sur-  

u IC an s veycd and wld uuderhumasmud lawsappropriations for surveys of ; proviso ,... .120, 348 proviso . ‘. . . . . . . 7 94

0I.‘ suiffov of certain, i1}Micl1igan . . . 231 part of Forts Laramie military reservation

Ur cv cc ing revenues rom .. . . 122 349 restored no body of .. . .. 132 for suppressing depmdsntious on timber .122; 349 certain settlers under donatiomiaud laws for OHIOBS of surw->y0rs—.geuera1.121, 104, 315, 349 may have patents for lands included for cler};:s m Gegueral ;.a.ud-Oifnce to bring in military rei§rva,ti0us,but 110 longer car gun in o mar et .. . . 357 necessary for ovcmmcut purposes.. 4 for publication of proclamations relating iudemuit s0h00r1zmd selections confirmed to sales of3"7 t YC 1`f ts h

    ..  . . ..j-.. Lu 0 24 1 OID1H;' muoceu pure asars

for prmi1mglarga c0nucctad map of United protected ; actiml settlers under home- States, showing .. . . .. . . 118 stead and pre-cmptiing laws protected; for revision, etc., of land-map by clerk of acm not to apply to mineral lands, ctc. 267 House Committee on .. . . . . . . 361 certain selections oi} by Nebraska, for schoolto supply d<>H0i0I10i€s in a»ppr0p1‘ia,Li0us for lands, conijrmed . . , . . .. . 8 Survcyillg .. . . . . 366 certain pm-cmption and homestead entries how appropriation for survey of, to be cx— of, within railroad-grants, contirxuad 35 pcndcgg what land to be surveyed; trustees of Cheyenne, Wyo., may purchase cost 0 Survey . ... . 12 , 348 certain ; patent; .. . . 269 Beaver distpictzUtah,estn,blishqd. . -... 36 Stevens Point, Wis., may have patent for Evanston d1str1cts, Wyo., esmbhshcd ... 126 certain ,... , ..,., .,,,.. ,. . . . 270