Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/795

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INDEX. 769 . . Page. P San Lrcmczsco, Cal. Sa a L E “g°· Swppfo];!g:»f1;g;;`§é;rS;£&d€S in officc of assistigsll 305 ;pg?0pg(;;ig:8fo;puymout of claim of . 536 for salaries, cw., in {¤ii}{£$£Z"lZfIZZfZZC1Esvj;>,o1 S“"“""‘“”*·G“?·# . . for subtreasury building at ______ __ _ _ Y I 1107 351 appropriation for improvement of harbor of, 154 fol` 3.ppI‘3.iSt·1‘s’ stores gg], _____ _ ______ _ _ _ _ U0 gsi S¢UFWQ8_¢7»7|¢Z TI"N:8¢ Cmvnpamkas, certain ncw steomsliips accepted for cans- <=<>f$H·\¤, l‘€qurrcd to make reports to Compi1}g mail between, and ()]_qim),; P", YFOH8i' QfCLlfl'cIlcy,and publish; peu- , _ V180 -·----· l.- .. . ..__, _ _____ _ HU almcs for failure no reporc, ow.; how Uéxbt of Umied States to pmt; of Presidio _ collcctecl .. . ... .. 64 reservation, relinquished to; certain S°"”gST’Ba"]°'*’ . Streets gecland public highways ibn ucriamuaroqiiircd to roporhio Compbroilcr of ever . ._,_ , ,_,___ _ _ _ _____ _ _____ 52 (»lil‘l‘0D0y, mud publish; penalties for m16g8c (,0, by Umm? States, of two lots _ 'fmiuro to report, ajc. ; how collizctod. G4 Og ghxch marine hospital banding m Dxsiiagiognof lCoIl;1r{1bm to bg subject to S Ml S' proviso . ,,,__ __ ___ ____ IQ7 ‘ f1_- H-H ’ RWS; ma lhlum (MIDI- I act couiirmiog indemnity soh001—land sc- ml "°q""`*“l of ······ · · · · ···· · ~· - --·· M lccticos to. California, not to apply to Srrycr, Wilfia{n, _ Imlds 111 clty or counny of, ,____ ____ _ 363 v»I>]'>l‘0p!‘l%mhm1 for payment of clamu 0[ . 428 San Francisco China and Japan ·$'¢¢¢Z<’8 P08¢—O,Uicv Ilqiartmcnf appreprintioii for otoamship uérvicu lmmveen @0 appicpriaticns for. . .. . . . . . .79, 384 San Joaquin Ri;-er, Gal,, <¤>¤¢1‘¤¤tS fm', may be signed by Fi;-my Amo;- · apg¤r0priu.t.i0n for improvement of . . .. . 135 9 I P°S;m:'St°r`G°°°'“1 ‘····· · ······ 355 S dl D ,-d, - A ca 08 L. Llc1N. V. ., a;p(I;.[;;pI.ic;é0n for payment of claim of _ · I _ 4 52,, ¥Ip[7;`OPl‘l3»t310l1 for payment of claim of . 524 Sanders, George W, Selemgfcr, Edzoard Qld'., approprizitiou for payment arf (Milli of ·--· - WU Uyxpr0p(;;;t:€];ffgi¤§):;gT;IgE3v?;- f] -?.!` 347 Smzclors, Jolm, deceascd, _ ,8,,;,,,,,,,,; Henry · Y°°“Si°“ €"““t°d fm Widow "f -·-· · ----— ~ · · · M5 zwyrrcinriatioo for payment of claim of . 464 S“’*‘1""`“· Le··*w»~·¢i, Schedules of Pm-noozol Property, "PP"°P*`"m°¤ mr Paymgub Of 0]****** M`- ---- 533 liable to mx in District of Columbia., to bc Sa”d6"$s M“"i‘* ni: pmpmu], etc . . - ... ..., , , _ , ____,_ 85, 399 pension gx·a.nmd to .. . . . . - . 448 Sclunkicr, Augustus, Sanders Patrick appropriation for paymoqt of claim of . 488 appropriatioiffor payment of claim of 533 Schcidcr, l”re¢ler5c;_¤¢, Sanders, W·illia·m Y appropriamiop or payment of claim of . 44-$8 appropriation ior payment of claim of . 4aO écgggfzi f r payment K mm ‘_ 4,,1 M4 _ Sanders William W 0 " c ‘ S 0 "’ ’ appropriation ior payments of claim of . 520 S¢`h°“"6"'·`<‘*’: { my _ _ , _ Sandusky City, ONO, a.ppr0p1·¤ation for payrmmt, ui claim of . .304 appropriation foriuiprovomimt; of lmrhor of. 133 S°'“’°Y‘P“”d’· _ . _ _ . certain selections for, by Nebraska., con- Srmdlwiy Bw, Ohm, r armed ______ _ _______________ _ _____ _ 8 l S "%W:°}”}“,h°g ff"` r?g€'¥g§T ;°‘ ‘‘‘‘ 112 indemnity selections of, by Coliibruiza con- Q,°" ww} 8a" 8* °°° “]}’“"°"’ 3 an S'Hruned; inu0cc11t1purchz1sorsand mm ’S“'id"¥,;`jh [agar? Sfg”;¤ _ 200 ua.1 settlers under pm-emption and _ , tg ’° °° Q ° @5 `Y °“’ °t‘° ‘‘‘‘ A " ‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘ homestead laws protected; not not to Minrmry Scrmcc, District of Colwmbew, _ · apply to mineral] lands ctc_ __ ______ 267 ¤·[>1>1‘<>1>¥i¤·W>¤S {0i' —---·- - --.. . . . . LOU, 30+5 Sd l ' Sans Arc Sioux Indiana, f°° 8>_. t d t f _ h I fN H act ramifyiug agroemomz with . . . . 254, 260 *’“I’°‘“é;€)1?;]& (20 °gg‘;g°g\?$0r($;s?021 U2? 0}. Sa"'" Barbara Li9]"t"St”*“°"¤ G“l‘¤ Eastern Chorokcoa. . . ..n... Y- .- . 197 appropria.tiou for purchase of lzmd ms; an- mpmlco _____ _ _____ _ __________ _____ gg-; Santa Fétyrmjon ~ l - _ - I · - l —-`U``````- 1 [2 .Sch.o0Is, District of Cclumgia, { } desiguzitcd depzhsitoty ah, discontinued ].>F> »pp1O¥;LalS,;;;,(·;) l;TiK{l?6_ ?_ _’ __lf)B 347 time for complcting Denvor and Rio Gmudo Soma Jugm A_’ Ru.i1road to, oxtcudcd. . -.-. . 405 pcnégon granted to ____ _ ____ _ _____ ____ _____ M7 Santee Sioux: Indians 9c-butt Martin deceased acc wpiiviug ¤g¤*:¤¤¤<>ut with .. . . 254, 963 A piméaon gmémi to xl-idow of . . Sl? $******6 $*0*** -?"dm(*" of D“"°L7*’ L“k"» _ _ Schuylkill River, Pe·rmsyZvan·ia, approprizmons ior msmllmcuts 1,0.- . . 192, 381 appropriation fm. impmvcmcut of ____ __ _ _ _ 1;;;, Samoa Siozix indians of Lake 73·¢we¢*sc§_ SC;,,wa,.tZ, George, deceased, · appropriamnomi for mstollmouts to .. .. 192, 3254 charge ofdcswuon agaiusb, removed; mmmé, Sumo Siovw Indians ¤f M?>Mvk<», _ Og {0, ,,,,3,, 0,,,, ______ _ _____ _ ____ _ 436 a.ppropriations for instaiiiments, e@c.,_t0.}_ . 191, 286 sown John “’ S`L%‘éZ’€S?§€€é°§f°?. }';‘.."¥I‘T‘.'T‘?’T'."i?f’f‘..f‘}" 28 »»»i¤»p¤é¤·»¤ or wmeui of ¤1=¤¤· or- ·---- M Sapdo Island? GwrgM’ Smjmd, AM€i];?1"¥0I a. moms of claim of .. 527 appropriwon f<>r beacon M- -----. - ... 112 **PP”°P¤* P Y Smjuy, Jerome, Scott, Bryant A., _ A approprmtion for payment of claim of . 525 appropriation for payment} of clmui of. 48x Saugatuck, Mich., · _ Scott, Hubcrt_P., _ _ appropriation for improvement of harbor of - 13:) appropriation for payment of claim of ., ¤34 Xxx-49