Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/813

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. INDEX. 7537 Wagon-road, Page- Walla- Walla Dzdiwns Page from Aston; to Salem, Omg., donated to appropriations fo1·’iustu.1lmonts to-. .. 193 288 W,,,,,,,,,,,,j°.°‘f[}‘,P,f,‘3;’ gg ···· · ····-··—·--~ - 31 W¢U#»1V¢?¤<>», ‘ ' ngggigyrgggu foriaymenb of claim Ofw i U533 W:2;g:>;;E?c1;;o‘3I gr payment of clmm of . 482 ~ · . . “ ·ti t · ‘ ‘ - · Wappropréa.tion;fur payment of claim of . 462 W:w;?l2¥r;3r5gL.;1.?r pdlymcub Ot clmm of · i-? l 460 agoncr amue · ~ f , , , . · ”}PPfoI;g;l¤·#ii;I1 ¥'0I‘ Eaymigh of claim Of. 465 or pd,) umm, of claim of · U _ _ 489 ag1wI‘ ·‘I‘1,{!0p·0T 808dS ‘ gy { . t f .] _· _ __ __ zmppr<;p1;zmon tor’pa.ymon1; of claim of csmtc U or pdymcu 0 0 mm of538 0 ·---·- · ~---- ·-- ---·- -- ·. 521 ~ ‘ { { · · ______ _ ___ _ _ Waiqzetcm §ioy,.zc Indians, Wz¥z)l;;1gP(E;¢¤;Iz;;)1{;n¢31 Imymcm of gw appropuatnous for installments to 102, 287 :·»ppropri:win¤ for payments of claim of 536 Waiwv Joh? Q-; _·1, House Corirnzitwc on, V — I _ · ` W25%:';Ig;;:;g¤P£g/Y P¤•Y¤16¤t of ¢l=\l1.¤ of --... 475 ll·[T]\\`0_[!¥`iILUOIlH for extra, clerical services ( . I •.·•.».-.---•-·--••--¤-- ••--•••- i cortzuz} naval ci;ficqrs’ accounts @0 bc ud- War l)eq1:;·Iwzcrat, 103,361 Walcott .1;,18*;,6 011 bmi1S ofi ¤·1>DfoD¤¤·¤l0¤ ·~-- 366 a.pipr0priabi0ns {bg¤es, utc., in .. .-159,310 » ; _·, _ _ 01* printing mn binding for . . . 104,344 3#PP*'°P!`13»$10¤ for P¤·5’¤1¤¤t of G1011m nf ----- 451 for $I'BllS[)0!'lD»u0ll, atc., nf n.r1.icl•>s hom, Www. N; 0;, 1 no ceumuumxxexxpommm. . .. 46 Wa?Pl`*;!)!`}?t¥'g¤ fm' PW u10T1U of ¤»0¤0U¤U of ·--- 366 for cleaning springs, ctc., which supply ‘“ 6*, W'? · { b t . . . . . . . 3'9 bc be placed, {vitb mnk of surgeon, on prize- to SI2:)?; nigliciexnoicu in :n.ppropriu.bi0us 0 W U dlijt 05 stcamship Pensacola . 472 fop _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ ____ _ _____ 44,477 355 ar"' IM sta -t f h · · 1. . ..-169,319 approbriayio;1 for payment of claim of . 524 Wg;-)of§§1;,&I1ll)S Or, Ow Pwwxm W“”“"`» A‘?d'?°” A-: _ approprintioxxs for pensions so suridvors of, H/51`?]£yOII;•;?,t;gpfoy Payment of 4;],5,]]*;; of_____ 431 3f,;; _____ _ _____, ,_,,,__ ,___, ___-__ ___8,223 a 'f’ _ M} _ War of the Rebellion, _ W¤5F1";1g¤Zf·1;>¤ fm? D¤»y¤1611¥¤ of <>l¤·1¤1 of --·-· 433 upproprguticns for pulxlication of records ¤ 6** 6 0 ., . . ... 119 1(`O,360 W:B§;;;>;g;?f:;$11 for payrnout of claim of 463 } nrarburw"! E JU ’ ) Wuppr;»%};a,ti:;n for payment of clzmim of . 481 Wzféi lon for Imyumnt to `'`` 104 alkcr · - . . . I uppx·;>pvi:;Liou for puymcut of claim of . 533 Wzgg payment of ('M H of '` 482 Walker; Elizabeth A., .- - '. I , , · L W&b{w`0[g;2:i0l1 for payment of claim of 372 lggiifl mu It of 01`mm Of “``'` 52) a _ · ·ge, , .' l. _ 2 . K V ,*,,},1.:,,..-mm M payment of cmim Or. we "*"""‘II£T{‘f’}{T"fR‘T¥‘II‘{‘I’. T’$Y}f"}Y'TY`f.°fYfT$` . my Walker, Goorga W.,. W . ' i . f t F I . f 4.:0 md, Reubcm R., _ ’ lVZm:_°p;}` SW";} (W P“Ym°“ ° ° mm O · ····uppropriznmionn for payment of clznm of . 475 _ I " r 1

»pprupris»Lion for payment; of claim of . 477 U Z; Payment of Chim of 537

lVaIlm· John, _ _ _ I . (l»]l'|_)I'Z)}')1'if.Ui;()Il for payment of claim of. ..,. 481 W“"d> R°"F"*_C· T!-¤ ‘*d'”*""“'"é“";"~l_ . f ,37 Waum., John S_ deceased, Wa.%»ropr1a.t1_0n in- y'»uynn4g1Io mm 0 . .» credit: to be nilowccl in accounts of ‘ 434 ‘" °’” °f,·’“!l: D *i"`*°* of ” """ '“» M8 318 Walken- Nancy, _ mppreprxamous for sqlary of: . .. . . , a,ppr:>%rim>io;1 for payment of claim of . 462 W bralfgzggh ££g°‘;§$g;;S“°£T Walker amue . v * appropriation for payment of claim of . 533 Ware SJ;,;"‘;lP"#*d ---·- » ··-· ·· ······ · ·· · · B9 FWHM" 12 J" · "’ f I · tion for cormin hnds tn appropriation for payment of clmm of. 433 ‘Jm`m“;*m? " r? €"*; r I _ r émmims of ,300 Wan"", Wmwm no mance o 0;,a wp os . , . . a.ppr:»priatiou’for payment of claim of 489 lWu*chqu{cing, _ _ ryazzabout Bay, N,fY_, d S b prov1s;0usbr<us;g¢€;:b;;ng€ ggafgos, ctc., fur, lll 031 c rwfn lands 0 Unite tatcs in, muy G ·1”<>¤» YW! * *> 8** “ ·····- - ·-~-· -··- 6 I sold to city of Brooklyn; commission Wa,rmnta,_ _ _ _ _ to appraise; description; tcrms mad authentication of, for use m extradition r conditions of sale; report to Con- 039 I oasis .:1;). . ,?0} . Q .>9 ..,-.. .-...,..-,...,. [ or QITBR pl'()VIHl US ·, .` {-1: ‘ Wallace %1?;;c*is, IJOIISZZKBIIMOII with Ottoman.lmnp1w... 52.3 appropriation for payment of claim of . 528 with Spain . . . -. . .. .. .. . 6·>0 Wallace, James AL, _ Wmwn, .1; Rt, f 1. _ [_ 4 _0 appropriation for payment of clmm of . 5237 appmprmt,1011 for payrneub o c u . .> Wallace, John, _ _ Wm·rcn, S._ J.! 104 appropriation for payment of ulmm of . 44 5 a.pprop1·{ution for payment. to . . Wallace, Richmond, Wawwr 1i}mg·, A{abqmu, { 136 appropriation for payment of claim of . 428 iqrmnpmvcnmut 0 .. --.- Wallace, Wallis R., Washburn, Zucharmh B., dagcased, 2-ppfnprizmtiou for payment of claim of . . 534 mmrrwtqd lm{d-putoui; to assuu to logal r0pm· 515 Walid- Whlla and Columbia Rmbrand Gomgquy,suumtxvcs of .. . . . .. l right of way tdurougb Wa.ll:>.—Wa11a» xm xwry W<wI•M¢g¢<¤{¢ /{q¤wd¤¢i, _ L f 1 1, 359 reservation granted Lo; provisus 72 appxoprmtxous for mmutemmco, 0 c., 0 .. .»,