Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/214

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FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. OH. 329. 1878. 189 record division, two thousand dollars; two clerks, at two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars each; six clerks, at two thousand one hundred dollars each; ten clerks, at two thousand dollars each; nine clerks, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; four clerks, at one thousand seven hundred dollars each; five clerks, at one thousand six hundred dollars each; two clerks, at one thousand five hundred dollars each; ten clerks, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; three clerks, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; five messengers, at one thousand three hundred dollars each; one messenger, one thousand two hundred dollars; keeper of building, one thousand eight hundred dollars; chief detective, one thousand eight hundred dollars; two assistant detectives, at one thousand tour hundred dollars each; three hallmen, at one thousand dollars each; six watehmen, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; one engineer, one thousand dollars; one porter, nine hundred dollars; in all, one hundred and forty-nine thousand and seventy dollars. OFFICE or run Assrscrnncr Tnnnsnnnn AT Bosron.-For assistant Boston. treasurer, four thousand five hundred dollars; for chief clerk, two thousand five hundred dollars ; paying-teller, two thousand five hundred dollars; assistant paying-teller, two thousand dollars; chief interest-clerk, two thousand five hundred dollars; receiving-teller, one thousand eight hundred dollars; first bookkeeper, one thousand seven hundred dollars; second bookkeeper, depositors’ accounts, one thousand five hundred dollars; clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; speeie clerk,one thousand five hundred dollars; assistant specie-clerk, one thousand four hundred dollars; two coupon-clerks, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; two clerks, one thousand two hundred dollars each; assistantbookkeeper, eight hundred dollars; money-clerk, one thousand dollars; assistant currency-redemption clerk, one thousand one hundred dollars; assistant currency-redemption clerk, one thousand dollars; messenger and chief watchman, one thousand and sixty dollars; two watchmen, at eight hundred and fifty dollars each; in all thirty-tive thousand five hundred and sixty dollars. Orman OF Assrsrnrrr Tnnxsunnn AT SAN FnANo1sco.—For assist- San Francisco. ant treasurer, five thousand five hundred dollars; for cashier, three thousand dollars; for bookkeeper, two thousand five hundred dollars; for assistant cashier, two thousand dollars; for assistant bookkeeper, two thousand dollars; one stamp clerk, two thousand four hundred dollars; for one clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; for four watchmen, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each ; in all, twenty-two thousand and eighty dollars. OFFICE OF Assrsrnnr Tnnnsunnn AT PHILADELPHIA.-For assist- Philadelphiaant treasurer, four thousand five hundred dollars; for cashier and chief clerk, two thousand five hundred dollars; bookkeeper, two thousand Eve hundred dollars; chief interest-clerk, one thousand nine hundred dollars; assistant bookkeeper, one thousand eight hundred dollars; coin-teller, one thousand seven hundred dollars; chief registered-intee est clerk, one thousand nine hundred dollars; assistant coupon-clerk, one thousand six hundred dollars; fractional-currency elerk,one thousand six hundred dollars; one assistant registered-interest clerk, at one thousand five hundred dollars; assistant coin-teller, one thousand tour hundred dollars; receiving-teller, one thousand three hundred dollars; assistant receiving-teller, one thousand two hundred dollars; superintendent of building, one thousand one hundred dollars; four female counters, at nine hundred dollars each; five watchmen, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; in all, thirty-two thousand eight hundred ollars. OFFICE OF ASSISTANT Tnnnsunnn AT BALTIMORE.-FOI` assistant Baltimoretreasurer, four thousand five hundred dollars; for cashier, two thousand five hundred dollars; for three clerks, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each ; for two clerks, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; for two elerks,at one thousand two hundred dollars each; one messenger,