Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/314

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FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. IH. C11. 68. 1879. 289 stations; preservation of materials; purchase of tools; wear, tear, and repair of vessels afloat, and for general care and protection of the Navy in the line of construction and repair; and incidental expenses, namely, advertising and foreign postage, one million five hundred thousand dollars: Provided, That no portion of the sum hereby appropriated shall Limit to use. be used in the payment of any other than the expenditures legally to be incurred under this appropriation. For the civil establishment, forty thousand one hundred and five dol- Civil establish lars and seventy-five cents. mwt- BUREAU OF STEAM-ENGINEERING. For repairs and preservation of boilers and machinery on naval ves- Steam machinesels; for fitting, repairs, and preservation of machinery and tools in the W- several navy-yards; for labor in l11U`)'-y8I`(lS and stations not included above, and incidental expenses; and for purchase and preservation of oils, coals, metals, and all materials and stores, eight hundred thousand dol— lars; Provided, That no portion of the sum hereby appropriated shall Limit to use. be used lll the payment of any other than the expenditures legally to be incurred under this appropriation. For the civil establishment, twenty thousand and thirty-eight dollars. Civil establish- For the purchase of one testing machine for making tests of plate iron, m%“t;;. h, and so forth, three thousand dollars. °S mgm°’° m°‘ For contingencies, one thousand dollars. Contingent. NAVAL ACADEMY. For pay of professors and others: For two professors (heads of depart- Pey- ments), namely, one of drawing and one of modern languages, at two 0tf"°f°"°” mm thousand five hundred dollars each, five thousand dollars; three pro- m' fessors, namely, one of physics (assistant), one of chemistry (assistant), and one of Spanish (assistant), at two thousand two hundred dollars each; seven assistant professors, namely, four of French, two of English studies, history, and laws, and one of drawing, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; swordmaster, at one thousand five hundred dollars, and two assistants, at one thousand dollars each; boxing-master and gymnast, at one thousand two hundred dollars; secretary of the Naval Academy, one thousand eight hundred dollars; and assistant librarian, at one thousand four hundred dollars; three clerks to superintendent, at one thousand two hundred dollars, one thousand dollars, and eight hundred dollars respectively; one clerk to commandant of cadets, one thousand dollars; one clerk to paymaster, one thousand dollars ; one apothecary, seven hundred and nfty dollars; onebaker, six hundreddollars; one mechanic in department of physics and chemistry, six hundred dollars ; one messman, two hundred and eighty-eight dollars; one cook, three hundred and twenty-five dollars and fifty cents; one messenger to superintendent, six hundred dollars; one armorer, five hundred and twenty-nine dollars and fifty cents; one gunner’s mate, four hundred and sixty-nine dollars and fifty cents, and one quarter-gunner, four hundred and nine dollars and fifty cents; one cockswain, four hundred and sixty-nine dollars and fifty cents; one seaman in the department of seamanship, one seaman in the department of astronomy, and one seaman in the department of physics and chemistry, at three hundred and forty- nine dollars and fifty cents each; one bandmaster, nve hundred and twenty-eight dollars; twenty-one first-class musicians, at three hundred and forty-eight dollars each; seven second·class musicians, at three hundred dollars each; in all, ‘dfty-three thousand one hundred and twenty- six dollars. Pay of watchmen and others: Captain of the watch and weigher, at Wstchmeu and two dollars and fifty cents per day; four watchmen, at two dollars per 1“b°r°”· day; foreman of the gas and steam-heating works, at five dollars per diem; ten attendants at gas and steam-heatin g works of academy, one xx-19