Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/707

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682 CON VEN'I‘ION—CANADA. JUNE 8 AND 23, 1875. (7. No. -. Pos·r·Orncx DEPARTMENT, Momrr-Oxon Omcn, Washington, D. 0., —- -, --. Sm: The total number of international moneyorders, which were issued in the United States from 1- —, 18--, to --—- -, 18-, inclusive, and were certified and transmitted by the several exchange offices of ———--—- for payment in the Dominion of Canada, was ——·, amounting to S---. Tho total number of such orders, which were issued in the Dominion of Canada during the same period, and were certided and transmitted by said offices for payment in the United States, was —-—, amounting to $1. On account of which the United States office has already paid the following sums, vis : --—- -, 18-. ... . . . .. 8 ———- -, 18- . . .. . . . . . 8 --- -, 18- . 8 Diderence remaining .. . . . .. 3 In accordance with Article VH of the convention of ——-— --, 1875, a bill of exchange on Montreal, Canada, is herewith transmitted, the receipt of which you will be pleased to acknowledge in due form. supomizmam. To the Pcsrnsna-Glxnan 0I rn Doimuox or CANADA. Owma.