Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/743

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718 UONVENTION—WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. MAY 20, 1875. ARTICLE 7. Anrrrcms 7. M actings of gen- The general conference mentioned La Conference generale, mention- °"'·] °“°-f°'°”°°· in article 3 of this convention shall nee a Particle 3 de la Convention, be at Paris, upon the summons of se reunira a Paris, sur 1a_conv0cathe international committee, at least tion du Comite international, au once every six years. moins une tois tous le six {LHS. It shall be its duty to discuss and Elle a pour mission de discuter et initiate measures necessary for the deprovoqucrlesmesures nécessaires dissemination and improvement of pour la propagation et le perfectionthe metrical system, and to pass nement du systeme métrique, ainsi upon such new fundamental metro- que de sanctiomier lcs nouvelles dé- logical determinations as may have terminations métrologiques iondabeen made during the time when it mentales qui auraient em iaites dans was not in session. It shall receive l’intervalle de ses reunions. Elle rethe report of the international com- eoit le rapport du Comite internamittee concerning the work that has tional sur les travnux accomplis, et been accomplished, and shall re- procede, au scrutin secret, au renouplace one—half of the international vellement par moitie du Comite incommittee by secret ballot. ternatioual. The voting in the general confer- Les votes, au sein de la Conference ence shall be by states; each state générale,ont lieu par Etats; chaque shall be entitled to one vote. Etat a droit a une voix. Each of the members of the inter- Les membres du Comite internanational committee shall be entitled tional siegent de droit dans les ré- to a seat at the meetings of the con- unions de la Conference; ilspeuvent ference. They may at the same time etre en meme temps délegués de be delegates of their governments. leurs Gouverncments. Anrrorn 8. Anrrom; 8. U¤mp¤¤*€i0¤· The international committee men- Le Comite international, mentioned in article 3 of the convention tionné a Particle 3 de la Convention, shall be composed of fomteen mem- sera compose de quatorze membres bers, who shall belong to diiierent appartenant tous a des Etats diffestates. rents. It shall consist, at tlrst, of the Il sera forme, pour la premiere twelve members of the former fois, des douze membres de l’ancien permanent committee of the inter- Comite permanent de la Commisnational commission of 1872, and sion internationale de 1872 et des of the two delegates who, at the deux delegues qui, lors de la nomitime of the appointment of that per- nation de ce Comite permanent, manent committee, received the avaient obtenu le p111s grand nomlargest number of votes next to the bre de suiirages apres lcs membres members who were elected. elus. At the time of the renewal of one- Lors du renouvellement, par moihalf of the international committee, tie, d11 Comite international, les theretiring members shall be, first, membres sortants seront d’abord those who, in cases of vacancy, may ccux qui, en cas de vacance, auront have been elected provisionally dur- cre élus provisoirement dans Pintering the interval occurring between valle entre deux sessions de la Contwo sessions of the conference. The ference; les autres seront désignés others shall be designated by lot. par le sort. The retiring members shall be re- Les membres sortants seront reeligible. éligibles. Anrrcrn 9. Anrrorn 9. D·¤¤·i<·¤ The international committee shall Le Comite international diri ge direct the work connected with the les travaux concernant la veriiicaverification of the new prototypes tion des nouveaux prototypes, et and, in general, all the metrological en general tous les travaux metrolo-