Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/759

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734 CONVENTION—UNlVERSAL POSTAL UNION. Jmm 1, 1878. June 1, 1878. . . . . L___ Oomaentzon for the formation of a Universal Postal Union. Ozmcluded at Paris June 1, 1878. [NOTE.-—-This convention, as signed, was in the French language only. The English translation has been added in Washington.] _0ontmcting pm- Union Postale Universelle couelu Universal Postal Union concluded ms- entre l’Allemagne, la Republique between Germany, the Argentine Argentine, l’;Xllt1‘lCl10—HOHg1`lC, Republic, A1HSfP12L-HUllg‘dP_§', Bella Belgique, le Bresil, le Dane- gium, Brazil, Denmark and the mark et les Colonies Danoises, Danish Colonies, Egypt, Spain l’Egypte, l’Espagne et les Colo- and the Spanish Colonies, the nies Espagnoles, les Etats—Unis United States of North America, de l’Amerique du Nord, la France France and the French Colonies, et les Colonies Francaises, la Great Britain and certain British Grande-Bretagne et diverses Col— Colonies, British India, Canada, onies Anglaises, l’Inde Britan- Greece, Italy, Japan, Luxemburg, nique, le Canada, la Grece, 1’ Mexico, Montenegro, Norway, the Italie, le Japon, le Luxembourg, Netherlands and the Netherland le Mexique, le Montenegro, le Colonies, Peru, Persia, Portugal Norvege, les Pays—Bas et les and the Portuguese Colonies, Colonies Neerlandaises, le Pérou, Rouinania, Russia, Servia, Salvala Perse, le Portugal et les Colo- dor, Sweden, Switzerland, and nies Portugaises, la Roumanie, Turkey. la Russie, la Serbie, le Salvador, la Suede, la Suisse et la Turquie. CONVENTION. CONVENTION. Preamble. Les soussignés, plénipotentiaires The undersigned, plenipotentiar des Gouvernements des pays ci- ries of the Governments of the coundessus enumeres, s’etant reunis en tries above enumerated, being as- Congres a. Paris, en vertu de l’arti- sembled in Congress at Paris, by cle18duTraiteconsfift1tit'del’Union virtue of Article 18 of the Treaty genérale des Postes, concluaBerne constituting the General Postal le 9 octobre 1874, ont, d’un eommun Union, concluded at Berne on the accord et sous reserve de ratiiica— 9th of October, 1874, have, by mution, revisé ledit Traite, conforme- tual agreement, and subject to ratiment aux dispositions suivantes: iication, revised the said Treaty, contormably to the following stipulations: Anrtotn rnnmsmn. Anrronn 1. u¤iversu1Post¤1 Les pays entre lesqnels est con- The countries between which the Um<>¤¤· clue la présente Convention, ainsi present Convention is concluded, as que ceux qui y adhereront ulte- well as those which may join ithererieurcment, torment, sous la denomi— after, form, under the title of Unination d’Lmoa postale universelle, versal Postal Union, a single postal un seul temitoire postal pour territory for the reciprocalexchange Péchange reciproque des corre- of OO1'1‘GSpO11(l0l1CC between their spopdances entre lexus bureaux de post-offices. pos e.