Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/792

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CONVENTlON—UNIVEBSAL POSTAL UNION. JUNE 1, 1878. 767 de ce pays dressent eux-memes, exchange ofthatcountrythemselves Closed mails, pour chaque depecheexpédiee o11 prepare, for each mail dispatched "°¤ti““°d· recue, 11n releve F qu’ils transmet— or received, a statement F, which te11t a1’ofIice de sortie ou d’entree, they transmit to the office of delequel etablit, a la fin de la periode parture or of entry, which prepares, de statistique, 11n releve general en at the end of the statistical period, autant d’expeditions qu’il y a a general statement, in as many d’ofiices interesses, y compris lui- copies as there are offices interested, me1neetl’officedel’Union débiteur. including itself and the debtor Une expedition de ce releve est office of the Union. A copy of this transmise a Poffice debiteur, ainsi statement is transmitted to the qu’a chacun des offices qui ont pris debtor office, as well as to each of part au transport des depeches. the offices which have participated in the conveyance of the mails. XXV. XXV. Oompte desfrais de transit. Account of the Expenses of Transit. 1. Les tableaux E et F sont 1. The Tables E and F are incor- Transitexpenses. res11mes dans un compte partic11lier porated in a special account, in par lequel on etablit, en francs et which is shown, in francs and centimes, le prix annuel de transit centimes, the annual amount of revenant a chaque office en multi- transit payment accruing to each pliant les totaux par 12. Le soin office, by multiplying the totals by d’etablir ce compte incombe afoffice 12. The duty of preparing this crediteur, qui le transmet a Pofiice account devolves upon the creditor debiteur. office, which transmits it to the debtor office. 2. Le solde resultant de la ba- 2. The balanceresulting fromthe lance des comptes reciproques entre reciprocal accounts between two de11x offices est payé par Poince offices is paid by the debtor office debitc11r a Poffice crediteur, en to the creditor office in effective francs effectifs et au moyen de francs, and bymeans of bills drawn traites tirees sur la ca-pitale ou sur upon the capital, or upon acommerlll1Q place commerciale de ce dernier cial place of the latter office. office. 3. Uétablissement, l’envoi et le 3. The preparation,transmission,· payement des comptes des frais de and payment of the accounts of transit, afferents `a un excrcice, the expenses of transit belonging doivent etre effectues dans le plus to a period of service must be bref delai possible et, au plus tard, effected with the least possible deavant Pexpiration du premier lay, and at the latest, before the semestre de l’exercice suivant. expiration of the first six months Passé ce delai, les sommes dll0S par of the following period of service. llll office a un autre office sont pro- When this time has passed, the d11ctives d’interets, at raison de cinq amo11nts due by one office to another pour cent l’an et at dater du jour de office are subject to interest at the Pexpiration dudit delai. rate of five per cent. per annum, dating from the day of the expiration of the said delay. 4. Est reservée, toutefois, aux 4. Nevertheless, the option is reoffices interesses la faeulte de served to the offices interested to prendre, d’un commun accord, make, by mutual agreement, other d’autres dispositions que oelles arrangements than those which are qui sont formulees dans le present set forth in the present Article. article. XXVI. XXVL Exceptions en matiere de poids. Exceptions in matters of Weight. Il est admis, par mesure d’excep· As an exceptional measure, it is lwslghiv <>q¤1iV· tion, que les Etats qui, a cause de agreed that the States which, in “ "“ B·