Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/795

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770 CONVENTION-UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. JUNE 1, 1878. Portugal, Suisse, colonies portu— Portugal, Switzerland, Portuguese gaises; colonies. _ _ 5° classes Argentine (Républi- 5th class :_ Argentine Republic, que), Grece, Mexique, Perou, Ser- Greece, Mexico, Peru, Servia. bie: 6é classe: colonic de Surinam 6th class: Colony of Surinam (ou Guyane neerlandaise), colonie (or Dutch Guiana), colony of Curade Curacao (ou Antilles neerlan- tfoa (or Netherland VS est_Ind1es), daises), Luxembourg, Perse, colo- uxemburg, Persia, Danish colonies danoises, Salvador; nies, Salvador. 7 ° classe: Montenegro. 7th class: Montenegro. XXIX. XXIX. Communications a adresser au Bu- Oommunmatione to be addressed to reau international. the International Bureau. International 1. Le Bureau international sert 1. The International Bureau Bureau <=<>¤‘¤=· ddntermediaire aux notifications serves as the intermediary for the SP°“d““""· régulieres et generales qui intéres- regular and general notifications sent les relations internationales. which concern the international relations. 2. Les administrations faisant 2. The Administrations forming partie de l’Union doivent se com- the Union must communicate to muniquer notamment par l’interme· each other specially through the diaire du Bureau international: medium of the International Bureau: 1** Uindication des surtaxes 1st. Information of the additional qu’elles percoivent, par application charges which they levy by virtue de Particle 5 de la Convention, en of Article 5`of the Convention, in plus de la taxe de l’Union, soit addition to the Union rate, whether pour port maritime, soit pour frais for sea-postage or for the expenses de transport extraordinaire, ainsi of extraordinary conveyance, as que la nomenclamre des pays par well as a list of the countries in rapport auxquels ces surtaxes sont relation to which these surcharges percues, et, s’il y a lieu,-la designa- are levied, and, if needful, the destion des voies qui en motivent la ignation of the routes which cause perception; their collection; 2° Uempreinte du timbre special 2d. The impression of the special ou de la marque servant aconstater stamp or mark serving to authenla recommandation; ticate the registration; 3** Le modele de leur formule 3d. The model of their form of d’avis de reception; advice of receipt; 4° La collection de leurs timbres- 4th. The collection of their postposte; age stamps; 5° Enfin, les tableaux C dont 5th. Lastly, the Tables C, the Petablissement est prescrit par Par- preparation of which is prescribed ticle V du present Reglement. by Article V of the present Regulations. 3. Toute modiucation apportee 3. Every modification adopted ulterieurement, at Pegard de l’un ou hereafter in regard to one or other Pautre des cinq points ci—dessus of the five points above mentioned, mentionnes, doit etre notifiee sans must be notiued, without delay, in retard de la meme maniere. the same manner. 4. Le Bureau international recoit 4. The International Bureau egalement de toutes les administra- equally receives from all the Adtions de l’Union deux exemplaires ministrations of the Union, two de tous les documents qu’elles pu- copies of all the documents which blient, tant sur le service interieur they publish, as well relating to que sur le service international. the interior service as to the international service. 5. En outre, chaque administra- 5. Moreover, each Administra-