Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/842

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l N I )EX. 8 1 7 Pa rc-. ' Baltimore, Md., L I Barracks, Pago. appropriation for salaries in officc of assist- i appropriations tor, at Fortress Monroe,Va.223, 389 aut treasurer at .. . . 12-*0 for Army ... . .. . . . ... . 3, 148 of expertsin sugar-drawback question at. 9 i fordeiieienqieg in ____ , _____ _ _________ 113, 195 tor improvement of harbor ot'. . .. ..152,364 · for Murine Corps ... . . .. 56,292 for payment to . . . ... .. . 385 Barren River, Ky., salariosof naval officer and surveyor of port examination and survey of .. . . .. . . 374 0f .. . . . . . . . .. -.. 322 Barrett, Antoine, report on necessity for post—oftlcc building payment to . . . 120 at .. .. . . . . . 209 Barrett, Dwight A., grant of part of Fort McHenry tract in, lor pension to . . . . . . . . . . . 511 dry·dock; conditions, etc .. ..., . 167 Barrett, Gregory, Bglfimgyg Dy·:;I-Dgc]g Compu"'", tpilyulcllp of Jlldgment to------ -···- ·--- ---- 235 grant of part of Fort McHenry tract to; L“""”"» H"`“”'· H-: conditions, etc .. . . ... . . 167 ~ I’“Ym"“t_t° ·-··-- · ··-·····-·--·-------·-- 553 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, l B“""°w» W°l*’.U» ' proclamations warning all persons to desist I Payment to ·--•-- - ----· • ··-—· · ···-- · -—··- 559 from domestic violence along the line Barth, M-: or-tile . , . . . . . .. eos, 804 B 533;;;:1; x",,,; ·----- · ---·- - --·-- ~ ------- 231 Bancroft, Eugene A., -_ - ’ u-B- 3,,,,,,,,;,,, of judgment to ____ _ _____________ 235 Baeigggppdgeu fvrr ¤ me smde ¤f ---- - ---- 2% I v appropriations for refunding certain .. 129 Bgmmjggsjo ‘ ° '°’ " ’ ‘ ` 238’ 419 when remitted in certain cases . . . . 351 1),1),;,1,,11,,1, 0’ __ _ __ _ _ _ 637 Bankrupt Lawt _ . Bass, Samuel, . l M to repwl, pr<>v¤¤<> ------ - ----·------ -- 99 ,,,,,,,,0m fg _________________ __ __ _____ __ __ 637 B¢¢’M10¢‘l6 Iridium, Bass, Thomas D., appropriations for installments, etc., to 79, 309 payment fg ______ __ _ _ ____ _ _____ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ 518 tor goods, etc., to mixed .. . . ... .73, 503 jgawhcidm-, Edmund R,, for settlement, subsistence, etc., of .. 82}, 313 pension to ____ ,,_, ,_,, , .,,,,,, ,,_ _ ___, __-. 621 {01* (lOl1C1Q11C16S 1I! .. - . . .. .. 414 Bqfggy flgygdgrgmr, BtIpll8l, DalBy, payujgnt to .-.-.. ,. . . .. . . 553 pension to .. .. .. . 574 Bam, Ja,,,,., C_ Baptist, Mary Emma, 1,c,;Si0,,10 __’___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ______ ____ 550 pension to . . . . . . . 574 B,,”,__H0,,,,,,,,, Ba ptiut, John,on Hot Springs Reservation, sites for; lease pension to widow and child of .. . . 574 , of , tax; monopoly . . .. 230, 258 Burataria Shy:-Canal Company, » Bath, Me., act granting right of way, etc., t0. .. .- 140 _ appropriation for improvement of Gut oppo- Barbee, J Russell, * _ _ mm t°··_ ······ 3 ····· ···· ···• ·-;- --;· 15** payment to ____ ____ ______ ____ ______ _ _____ 233 privileges of immediate transportation in Barber, Charles IL, bond extended to .. . 63 p,,y,,,.,nt to ____ __ __ __________ _ _____ _ ____, 50:; Balm, Talntha, Barber, George, Payment to ······ ···· •····• · ·•·· · ······ ·· 554 payment to .. . . . . 118 , Battery Commanders, _ _ 1;,,,.;,,,,,,.) _],,;,,, M_, l may recommend non·comm1ssioned otneers pa,y,,,m to ____ __ __________ _, ,,,, , ,,,_.,, 500 , for prvmotwu, ew ------ - -·--· · ----- 150 Barclay, William, 650 S B';:;?!:?;':?;) 628 B£;};g;];,,tO ````"` { Baulkman, Elizabeth, in New York City to be erected; appropri- i P**5’m°“t 1° · ·---· · ··················· ···· 551 ation; title to lands; limit to cost., 133 ‘ Baum, J°§¢}’l*1“» _ f 225 Barker, Howell, W5 y Bissfgggoing °f °°rv1°°s ° ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘’ °' payment to ,_______ _ _,,, , .. .- -> · v ,. Barker, ormam, · p“y"‘°'}}° t° Z '‘‘‘’ " " ‘“°‘ ° ‘`` ‘ °"6°7 Payment to ____ __" ____ __ ____ ____ ____ ____ 5,54 Barter, Lathamel, 653 B¢·¤·¢0··*» N J-. _ , ,1. M B,};’}§‘,§§‘}t,§f’(3_ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘`‘‘‘'‘‘'‘'‘ allllroqgzggtfot_?f?f'??TT€_ _?_ _ _ _ 21,1 , B appéopizatioii for range-light on , repealed . 214 aa are · B“""”¤ H"'"`! C-, 560 p/ayment,t0 .. . . . . . ... ---· 637 Bfayulcnt to " ```' `"' `````° "" "" " '``` , Bayard Post G. A. R. of Trenton, NZ .L, rncs, Mana, , d d 1m 325 Imymm, fg __ ____ _ _______, , .. 505 5 °°P ,,*}*;:.*3 °“““°“ ···················•· Barnes, Rebecca A., = Baum Q lll'! , , _ F1 r examination and survey of harbor of .. 374 payment to .. . . . . ... . . .. . 50 _ Ba!/M Thomas B‘"`""’> S"‘T"°`"v ,22speeial-imprbvement taxes of . 512 payment to .. .. .. .. .. 0 , 3,,,,,,6 and C,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Barnett, Asher, ‘ appropriation lor expenses of collection of payment to . . .. ...· --·- -- 239 ~ claim against .. . . - ...------ 218 Barnhouse, Fielding A., . Bayou Bartholomew, Ark., payment to ..,... .. .. · ---· · --·--- 521 examination and survey of .,.. . . .. 160 3,,,,-, 1;,,,,*,,,,;,,, Bayou Qourtableau, La., 373 Puylneutto •·-_.-—.---.--._._____________ (}x[],]_\’]]|]u1'1t)“ mul Sufvfly ()f_,,,,___,,,,_,,, Ba,.,. 8,,,,,, J . Bayou Deglanzc, La., p8$,ment t,;--H--"____ _______ _____ _ _____ 505 I oxaiiiiuationn11(l5urv5y0f,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,. 374 xx-432