Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/916

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INDEX. 89] P=»·z¤~ mg.; Ale-nomoneq, Wis., Metropolitan Police-Continued. appropriations for 1mproveme11t of harbor board of, abolished; duties transferred 107 of .- ...,.. . . . . .. .. 155, 368 · salurics of, how to be fixed . . . 208 jlercer, Allen, past cxpcnscs of} how to be charged .. 209 payment to . . ... . . . . 640 Meir, Hcnry, frwfec, Mercer, John, payment to . . . ... .. .. 507 payment to .. - ... . . . . 559 Mvricara Claims Commission, Mercer, John E., expenses oi] to be deducted from amount payment to .. . ... . . . . 630 rc ccivcd under convention before dis- Merchandise, tributiou . . .. .. 144 postage 011 samp1es oi] to New Zealand 700 yexymn p,.,,,,,;" of y·m.a8 t°,V*P`t°r}“. ·····- · ···· · ·· ;·;· · -···- - ~ — - - 706 cznvalrv to be employed in defense of ,. 2 withm L n1versal Ppstul 'bmou .. . . . . 737 Mm-gm,, `ypm M<·~¤?•¤¤¢»’ frchanvc M#··>··¤¥ Bunk ofb vw York, time mums, exim to soldiers in . . sm refund of mx to ,... . , . . ,, 129 Mpxgw M*""`h“"”’ Nano""] B“"k of New Y0"}`: distcibutiou of awards made under convenr¤f¤¤d of tu fc ·-·--------- - ---—--------- 129 tion with . . .. . . .. . 144 M<*¤7·¤¤*~’N¤*iM·¤¥ Bankvf W¤¤M¤a1<»•,D· G'-, convention wm]- 1>0m.1Um¤. . XI I 734 reimbursement of ,,..., , ,. 218 M· V li Ind` ,, , _ can aa a, 1fm·d·¢F•. Bradktv, dvv¢¤¤•~i, appropriations for installments, etc., to 72, 303 I‘3Y{¤*—‘¤* to esyafv of ·-·-·------· - -·--· - - · - 630 payment to B. L. Simpson from . 932 Meredith, Dedmck, deceased, Michael Joh payment to estate of - . . . . . 630 _’ Mmmm PBM payment to -... ...- -.-- - --------- 509 pqvmélt to ’ 630 Michael, John TK, and as adniinistrator, ‘·. _ ,. .f ‘’‘‘’ ‘ `‘‘‘‘'‘‘' " '‘‘‘ ‘ '`' paymeuttc 552 M;£’(;g’g·£ga·Tz ·" ···‘•‘‘‘‘‘'‘ ‘ ‘‘‘°'‘‘‘‘‘‘ 559 M;1cg{£·¢:$riation for light station 011 ccasf of 214 Merrill,Th0mas, -d--ld-t-t f,,1.d-·-` payment to _____ ____ ______ ___________ 628 Ju Wulf IB Fo S 32 » T?9£'f'°}*¤°( z f “’;?*°“'f Jlerrimao Rirer, Mass. 0 WPS Gltn lstnc , wcnueo ac mug, M;gg;;g¤;5;<;g;f¤r*¤»¤~·==¤¤¤*Of -—---~ -158*3 r.m£If.‘§§§»"’i{.£§;.;E;;a;,‘e.;;4;i;;‘a;;g;i;".¤4. "5 v ·> leased to . . - .·..---- 490 Mg:;;;;l€ %h2° ··········‘ ‘ ·‘‘'‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ '‘‘'‘ 562 post-roads established in . . · .-.-» .. · . --18, 444 J ‘¤ Michigan City Ind. Mg:};°3[;X_M'j; '‘‘ I ‘ ’’' ‘ ‘’‘‘’ ‘ 573 I approygxéiatinns iiwr improvement of h31‘b0i.g pgymepttgggfgteof _,., ,. .. .. 649i '·`-"`-'U"-..-..""'.·-_-.'· ’ Merritt, Susan, deceased, i M'°k{6¤ H“i"”“"¤ . . . . pavmem to www of ___________ ______ 645 ; clmm reterrerl to Commnsswpcrs of Clmms- 664 Me,.j;tt William g · Mxddlc Orcgmz Confedqrated Indiana, pawémt to __________ __________ ______ 566 appropriations tbr mstallments to . 69, 299 M, ,,.,}’,M,h Chargm Middl0l'G2l €T; MdTtiN L., executor, I')3y]I]QI]ffo _________,,,..,,-,.-... paylgelll 0°°°-°°-.`-`--·--`----•------__ Merryman, James, deceased, i M'(Z(IleL°'% Pam? . payment fg estate of, .,,.. . . . . 640 1 Payment to '‘‘ ’ `' ''653 Merripnan Jamey L', agcuior Maddlekazaj] Peter, deceased, P3;,m6HQj to ____ ’ ______ ____ _____ _____ 640 i g>;1y;xxicn}t;g estate of.}.: .. 633 Mm;ima” Thmnu E awutma ud e·au , umn, memo mv,

 640 paymentto  .  . .- - -···- - ------- 633

M£ZEZ$$?0?Zez;u8, Mf·W¢*m•·t{*·" M 500 tt ____ _____ 640 paymen o - . ---- - ------- M£°$ZZ’}Z`rZ”ApZm mum, _ M·<Ml•=#<>~·t{I¤J·¤» 655 appropriation for removal of Apache Indians Paymeu 9 ···· · · ···· · ·‘·‘‘·‘ ‘ ‘"‘·‘·‘‘·‘ to reservation ()f_ ____ _ __,_ , . . . . - . . . . 232 Mzddle?0"7 {hchard’ Mggifq Juana Uranf, Penman 0 ".`°" H-`-. u---' -·-· I -0- U-. ccummed ______ ____ ____ ______ 592 Mzddmigh, Damel, Me88m m_8 pengmn to.; --------·-- - · - --··-·--- · - - -·-· T · Mzdshapmen, 1\avy “Pg’i}"§’;;;'°” f°" P“Y °f S°““t° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ mg¤1at1¤¤ ¤£z;§poiutmeut of cadet .--- - · - · 143 - '`'`°```````````````Migratory T ruse lm wlggergggg gig; lTY? s€1;`;?(? 181 not to killed, ctc., in District of Colum- ofScnatga_u(]H0u33,h0Wb0b0p3»i(1. .-.. · 255 i gl; ``'```°`'``` "-In--l' ..-.'-.-.. 34 Metal 1 am . . ggréaiu 31-50]% gn, may be imported free of 9 Q g;=;y131¢¤;t;:i · ----· · ·-·-- - -··-· ···· ···· 660 duty; bond . . . . .. . . . . .. z cum, n row, Memzuc Ammmwm, K p¤ym¤M to ---- - ---·-~---·---··------ ·· —· 66* appropriations for manufacture of . 3, 149 [ Mzleagc, Me,caU·e Lyne ,g a.pgnr0pmaQ10us foc, of Senators.- . 178 (g()¤tggfg(1-43]gcfi0n QXPBIISOB of .··· ~-·- · -·— 400 E or deflclcncws In "' "' ```` °'°`° '·-- 10 MetcaU’e Melvnuz A., { f M mbers and Delegates 180 payménb io .. . ..-. . . . . . . 516 n Miles, Archie, deceased, Mgrmomgmz obaenmma, ‘ , paymwt to FSMMB Of ·-·-- - ~-·-· - - ·--···· 661 appropriations for reducing, ctc . . . 51,286 I Mzlcs, Clementma, MgfrjgsmndqrdgI paymentto """""'°"°°`°`—-- .-.--. · · ’ ‘ ‘ ~ il Harris approprmtxons for construction, otq., of.. .216, 38.3 M es, , W Metropolitan l'oIi¤e, District of Columbza, ‘ payrncnb M ---- - ----------· ··-·-· appropriation for pay of . -. c-. .. . . . 408 Mules, John {K, classification nf; new appointments . .. 408 · payment 0 . . . . . . .