Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/968

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INDEX. 943 _ Page. 1 P 0, T';"}/, Mzqha Jam}, 0 i Torkawa Indians, a"p` aymen 0 use 0 . ..,.. , ____ _ ______ __ 65 .· { ·. _ Tirwivy, Bwvkin, l apPmp;¤{gv;g£S.€?iP??feflf EXPEDGCLS4 31;} jmYm*`m? to ·---- · -···-----·----- .. .. 661 Tonnage [hwg, l"' `-·`-l ’ T·1#<>g·» Ewen S-, 1 nppmpl-amaon for refund of ______ _ _____ __ _ 128 Pa'} ment t° ‘····· · ····· ;·; ···· · ---- · ----— 501 ‘ PYOWSY Mid Zlppéal in ccrtaiu cases of col- Tellurmgton, James M., admzmstrator, 1 lcction ot} waived . . {71 payment to . . ,,,, ,,,, , _____ _ ____ 63] { . " `' T itlwringlon, I?. WZ, deceased, i Tqmuégc Bums,]. payment to estate of .. . . . . 631 · Tm bmymn IS ‘"‘dS ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ ···· ·· · ·· 704 Titfmwrlh, Charlotte, A M·· M_ r-—·-·- •-•·-·•-·...-. ..., ,, [ Tiggylgsignto ‘‘‘‘ ‘"‘ ‘‘‘‘ · ‘···· · ····· · ····· °62 Toons, Javgei, deicasedk ) · aymcn oesa *' _P3$'¤\€¤t Y1) ---- ·· ------. .. . . .. . . . 523 Togzelra, Kang., B O 01-9 T1;;?, Sams;?, 503 Tappropziatious for court-house building at-210, 377 _ XYUQD 0 ·----· . . ... . . . .. opograp er, TW8 am? Gvldmvyef, 1 of Post-Oiiice Department; pay-rolls of Tlmyment to -----· - --—-· - ---·-·—---- · --··-- 641 i 0506 of, how made, etc, ____ ____ ____ 143 obacco _ Torian George L. Rpgrégriaficu for altering tax-stamps for.. 343 i puyniqent m , _ _’_ _ _ ______ _ ______ _ _ _ ____ 501 T8 6 0 tax OD . . . . 343Torpedo Cor s manufactured, size of packages .. . . .. . 345 I nppropriggiiing {Oy gxpguggg of _ _ __ _ _52,Q87 drawback on exported; payment; bond; y Torpedo E:rp¢~riment.s, €V1d€¤¢€ ---- - ·-·-- - - -- ---—· · ----- - 347 appropriations for .. . . , , ; _ __ _ .32, 467 marks on packages of, yxccpt for export; Torpcdoos, materials for packing . . 345 appropriations for, for harbor defenses; pI‘O· manufactures of, returns, bonds, etc,) of ; , visas ___, , ,________,, , _,,,, _ __,,___ _32 467 penalties . . . . . . . 344 ‘ ’ dealers in leaf; books to be kept by; rc- T°;Q;,7;€éD`€0;lg A°’ 417 tum3· penalty __,_ _,,, ,,., , .,,., __, 345 ...-.-.-------`---..-.-.----.-. to Whom army sc]1 .. . . . . 344 Togggjlgghf _ 123 rate of special tax 011; who arc . 343 Tm.]? W A "tj"````` " '`'``’``‘ . . y, . ., an Company, pcddlcrs 0i, collectofs certificate for. .,... 346 Payment to 123 forfgiturgs for failure to exhibit, etc., cer- Total Bundncgg -- - . H - · U - . - · U _" I U U · l - - dticatc and speciarta.x stamp; pen- mm of pemsiim fm. 484 _ NYY .- --· ------ - ----· ---- 346 j Tim B ‘ ‘ J '·`---·-·-..··—---‘-·-·- se1z1g§p?1€`?v3ggn, atc., of, by collector or 346 1 0P€géiO1$"{g";;?d0‘Q of ______ _ _____ _ _____ ___ _ 534 stamps for réstampiug, when may be issued . 338T°“°"¤_,EU“b”thr r 3,SS@§S[]‘\6]\tS’ BEC,, il] CQBB of SZ16S, €tC., \Vit].1- H I` I U - l -l I I · II ·- -· _- U · - 034 im 0ut stamps ,... . . ..-:..7. . 346 pméion to ·:t-_-_---·_-·-----’----‘··--·· 613 ported scraps, etc., may be tmnstexncd to T V _ W factory without payment of internal- Owagc of "P8 Off arr r V ,mmu0 mx_ _____ _ _____________ 346 h T0=$£r<>p¤¤¤<>¤¤ or —--- -· —---- - -··- — ----·- —>0» QSO Todd: AM , ma); be chartered by Territorial levislapayment to. . . . . . . 6.>3 1 tures ° 101 _Tgdd,J03g1)hJ,,dec6a86d, ll, Ed" Cé·t}-·`-l--·•-·--I-U-U--unU payment to estate of . . . . . . 647 °;;;_’;DBm*;‘g' Wi fjcgigscd, 655 T0kd0’ Oh{0’ , , \ Towns, Isabel, appropmatjgng for ]mp[0\'6m€]]1§ h211’b01`r 1 palynmut to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ _ _ ______ _ 655 Of 1 ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘"."‘ I ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1"6* 369 » Townsend, B. F., guardian, terms of gmgmt and dmtrxct courts at . 101 * Payment to __________________ _ _______ _ _ _ 504 Tolls T . ” V R b _` raée, Of, {0 bg chg,]-ged by Barntaria Ship- 140 Ofggsglgét 3) €7;t_%; __ ____ _ ______ _ _ _____ 554 Canal Company .. . . . . .. _'` Tolaon, Daniel, administrator, TOM"" H9"? f f 197 payment to -· ·---·- · -------·—-- ·· ------·— 657 Téippugr? mu or mm O`'`````````'`' Tmnbigbee Hmm Ala"OSC'., aéca old medal 669 appropriations for improvement of . .. 153, 365 I T gg P ‘ g · ‘···· · ····· ‘ ·‘‘‘‘ ` Tmnlinson man s., ¢ M. f Tpaylgmftjy) ___é} _ _____ _ _____ 648 g Trg;F§2$au Islands ..-------- - ----· - -·--- 704 ‘;'g;[;;°;;1t t°;’:;i0`°;c($.€_ _ _ - o l · -. - - _ _ I _ . _ 652 l agraam;1117 with Great Britain fo¥' PI‘0t€0ti0¤ 703 Tqmpkjng, Robert H,, adrniniatrafor, [ 0 ````_ 'T `````````n -- I A I - ` pgwmemt to . . . . . . .- . . 565 frajford, W. H., admgmgtmror, i T<¤·u$k·iM, Sarah J-, { 1>a»y¤¤<>¤t to ...- .. .. . ...-. -.-. 647 payment to . . . . . . . ... 652 5 Trad, Edward, (Br TOM Jvwh, E 1>=~y¤¤<>¤t to ------ · ----- -·---- - ----- -- —> t t _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ ___,, 634 W Zmincr E. P. T0I;l2§l].;II;]01l? La., ; reimlgursenicnt of . . .. . ... 497 appropriations for closing.. . . . . .. . . .. 153, 366 j T,·a;,,m·7 M,c;,,a€;, ¢¤=¤¤i¤=Mi<>¤ =~¤<1 Svrwy of-- -- -- -- - ---- - - - 161 miulbum-I¤(·¤t of ,,,, . . . _ .. 407 Tone!/> J"]"' A-, i Transfer of Indian Bureau, _ _ _ payment; to ,_,,.. , . . . . . .. . . . . . . . - 647 appropriation for cXp0HS€S of_]01¤t 00H1m1t· T<>~y<¤1>¤h<w River M· — fw <>¤— ----- ~ ---·· ------ -- ·· ---- 276 examination aim Sdrvcy of ____ __ __ __ _ _____ 161 E time for report of committee on, (extended. 487