Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/14

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xiv LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. _ Page. Fort Rldgely military reservation, Minnesota. An act to amend chapter one hundred and ninety-eight. 506 volume sixteen, of the Statutes at liarge. March 3, 1881 .: t . t ii I .&i.:.1.Hi.£H.{S. Judicial districts, Louisiana. An Mt to d1v1de the State of Loursiana into wo Ju cia s c . 507 M¤·¤·•>h3» 1881 ·- ·--------- - ----- · —-------·----------- ; ------·- _ ·----. - ----- 1 ------ - ----- ‘ itle land ln. An act confirmin and vestm the title to a certain tract of land UW h"iln0l?¤1f·htn);?ta:n, Itgwa, in the independent scligol district $1% city. March 3, 1881 . ...1; 508 Land egletoggli Kansas. An act to establish an additional land district in the State of Kansas. Marc . 508 1 ____ _ _____ _ ___________________ _ ____ _ _____ _ _________ _ _ ________________ l __ _ ________ ' 1bluwoo,for United States Navy, purchase of. An act to regulate the mode of purchasing tobacco 509 for theUnited StatesNavy. March 3, 1881 -... Letters atm! of United States. An act to provide for the preparation of olassi e a rrdgmen o 509

  • 51 l¤¤*¤¢¤ P¤*¤¤l¤ of the United Sims- March 3, 1 1 . . . ,.. .}_

Sale of Osage trust and dinwnlahed-reserve lands, Kamae. _ act to graduate the price and dispose 0 the residue of the Osa? Indian trust and d1mu11shed—reserve lands lying east of the sixth vri¤¤i1>¤1 meridian. in was- Merch 3, 1881 Z ... .. .. Z. me _ Engineer ofwers, United States Navy, rank of An act to amend section fourteen hundred and eighty- six of the Revised Statutes in order to pfeserve the meaning of the original law from which it was takerg witheiieference to the ran of engineer officers, graduates of the Naval Acad- 510 em . Marc 3 .. - ..----------- -·-- ---- -- -----· -—-- —·-· ---· --·· ---- ---· Redmond slutty. An dot for the relief of Redmond Tully. March 3, 1881 . . .. . .. .. 510 Indian war bonds, California. An act for the payment of certain Indian war bonds of the State of California. March 3, 1881 . .. Z -.-. - . 510 Revised Statutes section 2297, amended. An act to amend 80051011 twenty-two hundred and ninety- soven, of, title thirty-two, of the Revised Statutes, relating to homestead settlers. March 3, 5]_ 1881 .. . . . . . . . . . ... . . . ; .. . . . . . . - . n District and circuit courts, Fort Wayne, Indiana. An act aruendatory and supplementary to "An not to provide for the holding of terms of the district and circuit courts of the United States 3 Folrt Hague, Indiana/’ approved June eighteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight. rn are 3 1 . . . . . . . ... . . ..-.-- - ..-. - ·-----·-·----·- ·> Title lo lands it Ohio eonjirmed. An act to confirm the title to certain lands in the State of Ohio. Mucha, 1881 _,..,,., .. .. - ... .. 511 Indianapolis, Indiana, a port of delivery. An act to establish a port of delivery at Indianapolis, in theStn.teof Indiana. March3, 1881 .. . . . . ..-· ..·- T-. ---- 5I? Battle of Sarato a monument, Schuylerville, New York. An act to provide for the erection of s. monument at Sazhuylerville, New York, commemorative of the battle of Saratoga, and for other purposes. March 3, 1881 ... .. .. .. . . .. .. .. - ... 512 War lndmnity, Kentucky. An act to declare the true intent and meaning of “Act to reimburse the Stale of Kentucky for moneys expended for the United States in enrolling, subsisting, clothing, supplying, arming, eqn pplng, paying and transporting militia forces to aid in suppregipg the rebellion, approved June eighth, eighteen hundred and seventy~two. March 5B Alley, Square 504, Washington, D. C. An act to vacate and close an alley in square five hundred and four in Washington, District of Columbia. March 3, 1881 .. . .--. .. . . . 513 Chwrohea and oogiham aeylamw, District of Columbia. An act to construe an act entitled "An act to relieve the churches and orphan asylums of the District of Columbia, and to clear the title ` of the trustees of such property." March 3, 1881 . ;. .. . . . . . . .. 513 RESOLUTIONS. Congressional Record. Joint resolution directing one copy of Congressional Record to be sent to each of our legations abroad. December 18, 1880 . . . . . ... . ...,,__ _ .__, 515 Inlemational Sanitary Conference. Joint resolution appropriating two thousand five hundred dollars to meet the expenses of the International Sanita Conference invited to meet in Washington on the first of anuary, eighteen hundred and eighty-one. January 21, 1881 .. . . 515 Gongreaatmml Record to Supreme Court U. S., etc. Joint resolution in reierence to the distribution of · the Congressional Record. January 27, 1881 .,,_.._,,. . ,___, _ ____ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ 515 Grounds ooulh of Capitol. Joint resolution making an appropriation for filling up, drainin , and placing in pood sanitary condition the ground south of the Capitol, along the line of the old canal, and or other purposes .,.,__,_ , ______ _ ___________ _ ____ _ _________ __ __ _ __ _ 515 National Board of Health Report ojl Joint resolution to print six thousand copies of the Report of 1,]),9 National Bgaré of H5;;,]i;];_ February 1, 188] , ,_,_, _ _____ _,_, ,_,_ , _ _ ____,____ , _____ ___, 516 Baltimore Ohio Railroad Oonipony. Joint resolution ratifying settlement of taxes made by the District Commissioners with the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company. February 1, 1881. . 516 Egyptian Steamwhip Deswug. Joint resolution authorizing the inspection and issue of an American register to the Egyptian steamship Dmasoug. February 8, 1881 , . . . . . .. , . .. 516 Index of Congressional_ coord. Joint resolution to provide for printing and distributing the index of the Congres ronal Record semi-monthly. ebruary 8, 1881 .. . . . . . . 516 Hayden? Atlas of Colorado. Joint resolution to provide for publishing an edition of Hayden's Atlas ma?. ..,‘?°s..‘°*°;‘°‘ .¤£3E’¥&2l.&i3E8£.; tat;;.;- ‘‘‘‘ t 1; " " =‘e-‘ ‘‘‘‘ taxa; ‘‘‘‘‘ ;1‘ ········ · ···· "" . xze e r1n in o ou‘ ~ report of the Commissioner of A 'enlture relative to giiseasesyof swig: a1fd.)Iin(fiec(i;ioi1Is6;ii]'d contagious diseases incident to other domestic animals. February 14, 1881. .. . . . . . 517 Fish ang Joint resolution authorizing the lfublic Printer to print reports of the 14, 1881.-a-es. is 0mm18S10D8F upon new discoveries m regard to fish-culture. February 517 OHUQTP. MMM". Jqini; rggglutign 3,uti;'·(;(;y1;]é;y1]3kH'··-I I-.- --'. ._-· _-'. UU--I _ I-.- ·A-gg0c" N`-- ‘ am. February 14, ml. $7 . i . ... ‘E ’T‘}f‘f’f Tf’.Y‘}?f°?}’f’f‘.]?‘i‘Z‘}'}f'?‘?‘}Ff"'f . .. .. 33*3 me