Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/335

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FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. RES. 25, 26, 28. 1880. 305 respective offenses therein described, excepting the sections of said ordinance following, namely: Sections seven, nine, and fourteen, which said sections are not hereby legalized. Sec. 2. That the ordinances, rules, and regulations of said late Board of Health contained in the report mentioned in the preceding section, and printed in the said executive document therein mentioned, namely: First. “An ordinance to amend an ordinance to prevent domestic animals from- running at large within the cities of Washington and Georgetown, passed by the Board of Health May nineteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one"; Second. “An ordinance to prevent the sale of unwholesome food, in the cities of Washington and Georgetown", Third. “An ordinance to provide for the inspection of streets, food, live stock, iish and other marine products in the cities of Washington and Georgetown, and to define the duties of inspectors and other officers of the Board of Health ”; Fourth. "An ordinance to amend section ten of the code so as to read "; Fifth. An ordinance to amend an ordinance passed May thirteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, to read as follows ”; Sixth. "An ordinance to prevent committing or creating nuisances in or about public urinal or urinals located within the cities of Washington and Georgetown ”; Seventh. “Rules and regulations in regard to small—pox”; Eighth. “Regulations to secure a full and correct record of vital statistics, including the registration of marriages, births, and deaths, the interment, disinterment, and removal of the dead in the District of Co1umbia", be, and the same are hereby, legalized and made valid; and the penalties therein provided respectively for violations thereof, may be imposed and enforced for the violations of the same respectively as provided by section twenty-seven of the ordinances passed November nineteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-five. Approved, April 24, 1880. [No. 26.] Joint resolution acceptinlg the gift of the desk used by Thomas Jefferson April 28, 1880. in writing the eclaration of Independence. ········;··—··· Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the thanks of this Congress be Thanks of CM- presented to J. Randolph Coolidge, Algernon Coolidge, Thomas J eifer— K"u‘?,f“(f;’ $’r’f,;’E1f°f son Coolidge, and Mrs Ellen Dwight, citizens of Massachusetts, for the §,,,_,k 0,, which ,5,, patriotic gift of the writing desk presented by Thomas Jeifcrson to pst1mm0D of 1u. their father, the late Joseph Coolidge, upon which the Declaration of <1¤t><>¤<1<>¤¢<>hW M independence was written. T °'"° And be it further resolved, That this precious relic is hereby accepted ' in the name of the Nation, and that the same be deposited for safe keeping in the Department of State of the United States. And be it farther resolved, That a copy of these resolutions signed by the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives be transmitted to the donors. _ Approved, April 28, 1880. [No. 28.] Joint resolution to print the eulogies delivered in the Senate and House April 29, 1880. of Representatives upon the late George S Houston, a Senator from the State ————-——————·· of Ala ama. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That twelve thousand copies of the Gegrge S-?¢>¤¤· proceedings connected with the funeral of and the eulogies delivered *°'3E¢u,§;fj;° · in the Senate and House of Representatives, upon the late George S. Houston, be printed, eight thousand for the use of the House of Reprex.xr-»-20