Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/347

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FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 23, 24, 25. 1881. 317 fund belonging to said Wisconsin Winnebagoes, as provided in said ac from the date of the passage of the same to the year eighteen hundred and seventysix and the payment of the full amount of the same to the Winnebagoes of Nebraska for such period, the Secretary of the Interior is hereby directed to have an account between said portions of the Winnebago tribe of Indians stated basing the same upon the census herein provided for, charging the Winnebagoes in Nebraska with the full amount found to be due to the Wisconsin Wiiinebagoes under said act for the period named, and crediting them with the amount actually expended in the removal and subsistence of the Wisconsin Winnebagoes at the date of their removal to Nebraska in the year eighteen hundred and seventy-three; and the balance found in favor of the Winnebagoes of Wisconsin, whatever the amount may be, shall hereafter be held and considered as a debt due to them from that portion of the tribe residing in Nebraska; and until said debt shall have been extinguished the Secretary of the Interior shall cause to be deducted annually from the proportion of annuity moneys due to the Wiiinebagoes in Nebraska, and to be paid to the Winnebago Indians in Wiscousiu,` such proportion of the share of annuities belonging to the said Winnebagoes of Nebraska as he may deem right and proper: Provided, however, That such sum shall p,,,,,;,,_ not be less than seven thousand dollars per annum. Sec. 5. That the titles acquired by said Winnebagoes of Wisconsin _ Titles to lands in and to the lands heretofore or hereafter entered by them under the H_*c’*l.*°¤¤·bl<,,¤·¤d provisions of said act of March third, eighteen hundred and seventy y0f,;°m me "20 five, shall not be subject to alienation or iucumbrance, either by volun- 1875, eh_ [32, tary conveyance or by the judgment, decree, or order of any court, or Stat., 18. 420. subject to taxation of any character, but shall be and remain inalienable and not subject to taxation for the period of twenty years from the date of the patent issued therefor. And this section shall be inserted in each and every patent issued under the provisions of said act or of • this act. Approved, January 18, 1881. CHAI. 24-.-·An act relating to the appgntment of professors of mathematics in the _],m_ go,1531_ 3.Vy. —-—-——-—-—-—·-— Be it enacted ln; the Senate und House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That hereafter no person shall Pr<>f<>¤e<>rj¤ of be appointed a professor of mathematics in the Navy until he shall have ’,f,‘*;“$‘°’j*{:’:,°v*:,"‘,,fh‘f passed a physical examination before aboard of naval surgeons, and a ,,(,,,,,%d_ P professional examination before a board of professors of mathematics in the Navy, to be convened for that purpose by the Secretary of the Navy, and received a favorable report nom said boards. Approved, January 20, 1881. _

  • CEA;P. 25.-—A.n act to regulate the award of and compensation for public advertis. JW- 21» 1881-

ing in the District of Columbia. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ _ States of America in Congress assembled, That all advertising required _ Public iMlY<>¤‘*¤¤¤, by existing laws to be done in the District of Columbia by any of the g’,§,:,’;b£,*fg‘;faQd departments of the government shall be given to one daily and one md co,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, weekly newspaper of each of the two principal political parties and to re§ulated. one daily and one weekly neutral newspaper: Provided, That the rates ,,,8-}*828- of compensation for such service shall in no case exceed the regular com- °'”’°· mercial rate of the newspapers selected; nor shall any advertisement be paid for unless published in accordance with section thirty-eight hundred anel twenty-eight of the Revised Statutes. _ SEO. 2. All laws or parts of laws inconsistent herewith are hereby repealcd. Approved, Januaiy 21, 1881.