Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/816

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786 AGREEMENT-REPUBLIC OF FRANCE. NOVEMBER 13, 1880. November 13, 1880. Agreement to increase the limit of weight and size of packets of patterns of "—""‘-“ merchandise exchanged through the post, between the United States and the Republic of France. Agreement between the United States of America. and the Republic of France for increasing the limits of weight and the dimensions of packets of patterns of merchandise exchanged through the post between the two countries, signed at Washington, November 13, 1880. Contracting pei- The General Post Onice of the L’Office General des Postes des ties. United States of North America Etats Unis d’Amer1que du Nord, and the General Post Office of the et l’OH:ice General des Postes de la Republic of France, being desirous Republique Francaise, désirant faof facilitating the postal relations ciliter les relations postales entre between the two countries, and in les deux pays et usant de la faculte exercise of the power given to them qui leur est laissee par l’article XV _Stat. 20, ccnvcu- under Article XV of the Conven- de la Convention de1’UnionPosta1e

  • 10*% I’· 743- tion of the Universal Postal Union, Universelle, conclue a Paris, le 1°’

concluded in Paris, on the 1st June, J nin 1878: 1878: Have agreed as follows: Sont convenus de ce qui suit: Weight and size The limits of weight and the Les limites de poids et de di- °f Pa·°}****¤ Walla dimensions of packets of patterns mensions des paquets d’echantil· §’,Y3§gS§,th° MB of merchandize exchanged through Ions de marchandises échangés par ' the post between the United States la voie de la poste, entre les Etats of North America on the one part Unis d’Amerique du Nord, d’une and France and Algeria on the part, ct la France et 1’Algerie, d’auother part, may be increased by tre part, peuvent etre portees par the Postal Administration of the l’Administrationdes Postesdupays country of origin, beyond those d’origine, au de la de celles qui ont _S*¤*· 20, ¤<>llV¢>ll- which have been Hxed by Article eee iixees par Particle V de la COH- °‘°“# 1* 738* V of the International Convention vention Internationale du 1°' Jllill, of the 1st June 1878, under the ex- 1878, sous la reserve expresse que press reservation that such limits ces limites ne depasseront pas, sa- _ shall not exceed the following: voir: ` Welsh1J- In weight. . . . 350 grams. Pour le poid ... 350 grammes Y 301centimetres, 30 centimetres en ength. longeur. Dimensions_ In dimemicns _ _ 20b<;;1;gtm\etres, Pour;$D(;imen- 201g;;(t,ir1Iietres GH ` 10(icentimetres, 10 centimetres en epth. e aisseur. Commencement. The present agreement shall take Le present Arrangegent sera exeeifect on the 1st of January eight- cutoire a partir du 1** Janvier, mil _ een hundred and eighty-one, and huit cent quatre-vingts et un, et se 0 T°l`I;l_,l¤*b€9 Ou shall be tcfmlnable at any time terminera. moyennant im aV01‘l71SS9· “° y°” “"° “’°· 011 a notice by e1ther office of one ment donné une annee a l’H»V¤ll09 year I par Pun ou l’autre office. _ In witness whereof the under- En foi de quoi les Soussignes signed, Horace Maynard, Postmas- Horace Maynard, Maitre General ter General of the United States des Postes des Etats Unis d’Ameof North America, in virtue of the rique du Nord, en vertu des poupowers vested 1H him by law, and vou·s dont il est investé par la lol: Maxime Outrey, Envoy Extraordi- et Maxime Outrey, Envoyé Extra nary and Minister Plenipotentiary ordinaire et Ministre Plenipotentiof the Republic of France at Wash- aire de la Bepublique Francaise 3