Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/847

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INDEX. 817 (jhwkasaz, Indlan8—CpHbiHu0d. Ghoctuwhatchec River, Ala., P‘g°° trugigb (iu11i;},) ffor mtcrest on u0n·payin§32 501 act pr;>;0ri,<]ii1;§l§<;n]0xnmiuntion and sm-vey 20 Ghwf Glerlégcirnuczgc, 56 Chnppropriation for improvomont of., -.186, 476 paymon . . . . . . .. . . o em Census Ojlce, act to prevent introduction oi, into the may roccivo and transmit census mail mat- United Stnitos . . 5 ter free of postage. , . . . 75 Ckopmnk [mer, Md., Chief of Engineers, Army appropriation for improvement of .. -.190,474 nppropniation for salaries, otc., in 0g0g2S 403 Chmtian, Charles, 0 .. . .. , , aymont to .. ..,...,,,,,,,,,, 425 vacancy in, may be filled. . . . . 45 'Clgistlana River, Del., Chief of Ordnance, Army, appropriation forimprovomont at mouth of. 181 , npprop? ation for salaries, etc., in ogc;27 403 or improvement of . ... . 480 _ 0 ------ · ·---- · -·--- · ------ - »» Ohmmav Thomas E 0Wf of P 08*0.0106 I"*$1{°°W"8» payment 110, as administrator of Jamos R. pay of actual 1u·a.vo1mg expenses author- West ______ _ _ _, ______ _ _ ____________ 564 ized · --··- · -·----·· ·- · ·---·· · ··-·- 177, 374 Church Properly, D, O'., OMV Sfywl 0.1710673 exempted from taxation . . 23 tv dir•><=*¢ Myiug telegraph ¤¤»b1<> #0 Bkwk time or Som mma in mum or . . 2:: I¤1¤¤<1, R- I ------------ - ----------- 60 taixospnid oh, to be rcfunded . 23 w bww rank wd my of =~ b¤ig=¤di¤r—g¤¤¤r¤l- 267 mama from mmm taxes . .- .. -. 513 Child, Minnie R., Church, William WZ, name of steamboat, changed to tho "Sa.i11t pension to ___________________ _ ____,__,,__ 651 _ Ni¤ho1¤¤" . . - ... 108 omncinzz, s., Ukiiwv. {apes, 566 namanisumgr of Juinmo. Gmwoia, do- 623 p ymcn 0 . . . . . .-·-- 003,88, u,m011 --... .-.. OMIM8i Jovvph B-, cmnmnn, 0m,p y Igzymvnt to -. -. .-------·- 627 port of entry, privilege of immediate mms- 0 • ren’s Hospital, D. G., portation of dutiziblo goodsto, authorappropriation for . . .. 157; 460 ized ,,. .. . . .. . 174 Ch/ina, Mi1l0r’s International Exhibition nt, mtiappropriations for compensation and ox- cles imported for, to be free of duty . 62 PWISBB of 00mm46S10U6N W ¤6g01?i¤t° appropriations for salaries, 0tc., in offico of treaty with . . - -- . .. .. . . 131 Assistant United Smtos Treasurer for secretory and intorprotor .. .. 134 nt ... . .. . . .23,2%,397 for additional contingent expenses .. 134 cust,0m.];0ug0 {mq] pgg(;.0f[iqg nt, gpproprig,. pmclamatiou of President declaring dis- tion for continuing work on .. .259, 435 criminating duties upon certain IMI'- condemned ordnxmco for monument to Colclmncliso imported in vessels hom, onol McCook, in Washington Park .. 8 discontinued . . . . . . 800 Circuit Courts, Chippewa Indiana,` of tho United States, in Colorado .. . .. 76 trust funds of, appropiiation for interest 011 in Georgia .. . . . . . . . . . non-paying stocks of .. 132, 502 in Iowa . . ... . . . . 1.>.> deficiency appropriation for support of 431 in Kentucky, terms of ‘ .. . . .-.. 45 Boise Fort Band, appropriation for install- in Texas, tormp of . ..--.·-- ;-- ;-;--· ;- --_-- 10 ments, ctc., of . . . . . 117, 488 not to establish northern Judicial district 0fth0Mississi pi, for instalments, ctc., to. 117, 499 of, mnondod .. . . .. . . . . . . 191% for support ofpsohool at pleasure of Presi- V in Ohio, to provide for tho, at Columbus .. 6.5 dont .. . . . ... . .,... 118, 499 established nt Chattanooga, Tonn .. 175 deficiency appropriation for support of.. -. 430 appropriation for ¢l0fi·a.ying expenses of . .. 277 Pillagors and Lake Wiiiuolmgoshish bands, deficiency tnpproprmtion for _. .., .. 249 for installments, om., to. . . 118,488 of District of Columbia, reorganization of . 167 ddicioncy nppmprmtion for . . 430 Fort Wnyno, Ind., terms of . . .-.·· of Lake Superior, for support, otc., of _. 129 Dmivillo Va.., terms of . of Red Lake and Pembinn tribes, appropn- Circuif Juclgcq, _ 2,, 236 412 tion fgr support etc., of _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ . j],pp[’()1)[']_}],t,]_O]_l f()]‘ §Q,1|],I‘1()S of , . , , _ . ,,,, . , ’ L’Ans0 and Vieux do Sort bands, of L21~k6 Citizens, _ d Superior, uuoxpendod balance to the or subyscts xnny not be snrrcnglcrgi np ézlr credit of, in the Treasury, how ap- 133 oijtrugition convention with 0 0 - 773 pH6d__________ _____ _____________:__ gram S ____ _______________________ OH White Earth Reservation a. ro 1`18>tl0I1 City Hall, D._ C. _ for support of 7 . . . . 129, 499 a.ppr0p1*i¤.tion for culmrging the ... . . . . 331 OM1’I’°'°“ RWM WW-, 0ityNat·ional Bank of Holyoke, Maas., 3PPFoP1'iMi0¤ fo1‘ i!11P1'0V6m¢>D1* Of: how g32q8g 4,.3 ConwayNationa.1 Bank of Conway, clmngcel 36 be us0d. - ... .. ·- ---- » •to.. . . .-·-· - ----·· - --··-···· Choate, G. W., · - g Bank 0 Mnnclwstcr, N. H-, payment to . .,... . ... . . . . 627 O‘g1g$;_?;'gd to change its name to MGF Ch°°t““’ I""’”“"”» 0},;,,,15;,* National Bunk of Manches- 3»pp1‘0priaJtion for annuities, ctc., to .. 116,489 ml, _ ____, _ _ ________ _ _______ _ , ,. 176 Choctaw Indian Zinn Funds, _ Cm, Engmmw “*°"”°‘é‘£}»2’el駓0i$?T . {‘TY?’???“. H"?. T‘f’H ?‘7YT'T%32, 501 iw.), nES,iggP§ig»,V;; ggmggggg of #1-C 3, Olmcmw Nation _ _ I. SS ’ ·`'`' Cl Chim Of, ,muQ0,iz,,d to be Presented, of 23110 ; OivllEstaIl/{lLt(l,`;11c1lt at Naval Hospzlals and Nm y ‘' `c ion · z gif-’.}£,”$S§f_9}?T’{‘{ YY.IT7Y'?}"Y’i ... T 504 ¤·1>1¤‘<>P¤‘i°·°i°¤ for ·--- --·········· 86* 385 xxi-52