Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/858

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828 INDEX. Page._ P$g°· Diaiilled SpiMts—Contim1ed. District of C0Zuml>ia—Cont1nued. _ _ _ loss of, in distillery warehouse, collection for c0nstrr;ctBoné>fbu1ld5nég for Lnxgc Ersof mg on ______ _ _____ _ ____, _ _______, 146 ters othe 00r an crm2m Pp 311 specifications of entry of, in distillery ware- Asylum .. . . .. . _- . . 157 hougg ____ _ _ ______ _ _ ________ _ _____ 146 for real-estate map for 0uts1de 0i 01h18S of 158 to be drawn into packages not less than 10 for selamiesf of justices of the suprem;36 412 gallons wine measure ,. . ... 147 Court 0 the.: _. . . Z- · .- -------- ' how gauged, proved, and marked . . . . . 147 for salary of additional Justice of supreme I 41 Commissioner of Internal Revenue to pre- court of. . .. . . . -- ---. scribe marks and brands for 147 for purchase of sites and erection of three Commissioner of Internal Revenue not to school buildings iu. . .. 160,467 assess tax on, in cases of loss by fire for removal of bodies from Holmead’;s62 46 _ etc ,. . , . . .,._ . . . .,... . . - . 147 Cemetery ,. . . . . . . , 5 Distiller, Bond of} for payment of judgments against the,. 162, 465 conditioned for payment of tmc on distilled deficiency for . .. . . . - . 253 spirits .. . . . . . .. , . . . 146 for purchase of books for Register of Wills 162 limited to $100 000 .. . . . . . . 145 for pay of temporary employes of. .. 162 fermentin eriod to be in the da r of an - for defra, in ex enses of courts in.277,453, 454 g P S 5 P S' S P proval of . . . . . . . , . . . 147 V for salary of marshal of the .. . . 236, 412 Distilleries l fees of .. . .. 161 463 alcoholic vapor vinegar iectories near, lanv of warden of jail in .. . ,236 as to location of certain, modified. .. 20deficiency for. . . . . ... 423 Distillery }l7d/l’6]l02LS6, I for improvement of harbors and channels form of entry for deposit in, prescribed 146 l in .. . . .. .. . ...,. . . 181,47O Distinctive Paper, for Washingtoii Aqueduct . . . . . . 157, 458 for United States notes, appropriation for. . 440 { for enlarging City Hall, Washington 331 deficiency appropriation lor .. . . 418 5 to supply deiiciencies for repairs of court- Distribution of Seeds , [ house in .l 248 appropriation fort ... . ... 294, 453 [ for government of the . .,.. . .r, 253,426 District Attorneys for extraordinary judicial expenses of. .253 426 appropriation lor fees of, postal service,. 177, 374 for expenses ofeoiirts in ,249 for salaries, ctc., of .. . . .. . .43, 236, 412 E one-fourth for hos itel for insane char e- dcriciency eppropii f f 428 l bl t P f th g 246

  • 21 ion or . .. , 2. e o revenues o ~ e . .. ..

duty of) in proceedings against vessels from overseers and inspectors of sewer and ports where contagious disease exists 5 1 street work in, how paid .. 159, 462 appointment of, for the western district of P issue and sale of bonds of, authorized. .. 9 D Iiogipienba authorized . . . 507 l srlpount oi, limited to $1,200,000 ..,... 166 istrict 0 o um ia I authority for issue of redemption bonds appropriations mi general expenses of 157, 460 i of, repealed _.,... . . . . . . 10 £0r deficiencies in ... . . . 426 ‘ certain coupon bonds of, authorized to be or miscellaneous expenses . . . . 162 465 exchanged for registered bonds. 165 for contin rent expenses ... 162, 460:466 board of audit ccrtiiicetes of to be re· _ E _ 7 7 dcciency in . . . . . 426 deemed by Treasurer oiTUnitcc1 States, for judical expenses. . . .. .. .-..161,463 ex njjicio sinking fund commissioner for sinking 1'und .. . ... . . . . 162, 466 of the . . ...,. . . 286 for pa, ment of interest on Linthicum loan 160 revenues from to be depositedinTreasury o in mum oen . . . . o in e e es o e rawn on t'LXth' l 466 fU`tc1Stt t b d of W:rshingt0n school-fund bonds. 465 { requisition of Commissioners of', cxof interest on 3.65 loan, deficiency 322 cept for interest and sinking fund. .162, 466 for interest and sinking fund on fundeelrequisitions for interest and sinking fuilrd debt of the' .. , .. . 162, 466 to be drawn by the Treasurer of the for sewers, streets, and avenues . ..155,458 United States .. . . . 162, 466 for cleztnino streets and sewers . . . . 159, 462 3 requisitions of commissioners of limited to , . => . = . . por blridpcs .. . . .. ... 155, 458 g appropriations and expenditure oi 162 · or ri ge across o omac rvcr near revenues o .. . ... . . * Georgetown; proviso . .. 328 Treasurer of the United States may sell for health department . . .. 162, 465 5 bonds and apply proceeds in satisfacfor nre department and tire alarm. 161, 463 tion of judgments of Court of Claims dvllolcncy in .. . . .. ... 426 1 against ,. . . . . . 466 lor Metropolitan Police .. . . 160, 462 to purchase any of funded indebtedness of clciiciency in . . . . 426 r the,ior sinking fund .. . . 466 £0I` police 001150.1 . . ... 161, 463 waiter service in, powers und duties of com- 01* public sc 00 s -. ... 159 464 missionersi. . . . . 9 tleilcleucjv fOr .. . . . ... . . . . i 426 interest on water mx in . , . . .. 9 §`or hespftzils and phamities . 156,151458 mlvmice of money for water service on `or rc ie `0 `poor 0 etc. ... 157, 459 E Capitol Hill .. . . . . .. 9 tor support of trunsicntipaupers in . 270, 446 Q impounding animals, etc., in . . ... 35 for support, ctc., _0t convicts in . .. .2715, 454 { church property in, exempt from taxation.. 23 tor reform school in, to be chargeable to.302, 459 g tuxes paid on, to be refunded ... 23 =lH101ld€<l ·.·. . ~.. . .. . . . 41 j title to, sold, vested in trustees of .._, 23 f deiicieincy in .. . .. 426 i released lrom faxes, exemptions .. .. 513 01” mM` MS lll -.~-.. . . .. .. 161 465 orphan as *1ums in taxes on ‘tt>1 - tor Columbia` Ilospiml for Women in.. 157; 459 1 cmpieal from taxation y.??. 513 additional cottages authorized to be 5 taxes in, interest on a,rrezu‘uges; correction erected et,..: . . .. , ._ . .. . . 157 E of esscssments puid ; publiczmtion of one of connmssioners of D18131`1C15 to act , delinquent mx sales . ... 36 fiS tfUSt€€ WY -——··-—------·----- - - - - 157 l extension of timcfor payment of arrears of 308