Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/875

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INDEX. 845 . . . Pm- · page Hydraulw Engmeormg, [Magma; g0,·e,,w,m,8 ' maps, etc., of Professor Fo11ta.1ne’s im- committee OD, 10,,;,] of gags to ____ ____ 655 proved methods of, accepted; print- Inauguration of George Wadeiwgton, my jirst mg ---—-··----··· _--_-· ·-·;-· ····---- 50 President of the United states, Hydrometrwal Surveys ofMzssumpp¢, Rwer, monument to commemorate the ... 313 Commission to direct; powers, duties, etc 37 Incidental Expenses, Hynes, Isaac L., appropriation for Indian service . 130, 500 payment to . - 616 of Army. .. 32,111,347 deficiency for . . . , . . . 431

 L Independent Order of Odd Fellows, D. O.,

Ickzs, Thomas H., Grand Lodve of authorized to negotiate al payment to .. . . . . 623 loan ,. .,.,, , , ,,___,______ _ _____ 6;; Idaho, Independent IVY0d8i!?'!], · aippropniation for expenses of government appropriation for salaries, etc., in . 23, 221, 396 0 , . . . .. - . .. 23, 225, 400 for special agents of . .. . . . 223, 396 for office of surveyor—geuera,1 of . 23, 234, 410 for contingent expenses of , .. . ... 223, 396 contingent expenses of .. .. . . 274, 450 deiicioncy appropriation for com ingout exfor incidental expenses of Indian service pauses of . . . ... 428 in, how expended .. . ... .. -130,500 Index, for settlement, etc., of Shoshone and Bam- to private claims, etc., appropriation for nook Indians in A . . . 130 expense 0 preparing .. . . . 456 for Indians in South-eastern Idaho, to 10- appropriations for preparing, to journals of came on Fort Hall Reservation in ,... 499 Congress. . . . . . . . 2,26, 214, 389 post-routes established in ,... 21,94, 206, 358 · [mum, Agmcm, ‘' ‘ L ‘ I . . . . . lands for u]—uV€I`S“~ty PUYPOSBS gwuféd to ·---· 3% a.pp1‘0pr12,t1011s for repairs and buildings roapportionmont of the members of the leg- I at ____ ______ ______ _ ________ 116, 481 islature of authorized - - · -—·-·— - · - - 154 for compensation of Indian agents at 485 Secretary of Wa} mlthvrized to repair and __ to be imma for seutiiem mm Utcomimprove Mullen wagon-road lll . lob pahgn, Utes of 3010mdO __________ _ _ 903 deficiency appropriation for pay of United jndigm, Aggnjg, Sfmt6B mM8h3i of ------ ·----· -- 260 appropriation for pay of .. .. .. .. 114, 485 foI` OOD1I11g8H1J 6Xp0DS€S of . . .. · . . . fg]; pay Of Spgqjg,] ____________ _ ____,,,, 117, 487

J;01' ]6g1S]&®iV6 GXPGDSGS of .- · ----·-   416 deficiency appropriation ior salaries, otcE   

·'l7l0’l8 of ______ _ _____ __,____ __ ,,,, , ,_.,. ,3) I

§0st3r§utes established in  13, 22, 39, 94, 206, 357 [mmm Cgmmiggigngrg, Board of i ’    

wais ive?" a 1*0 riation forexpeuses o '. . ‘7 a*PPI`°PI`i3·U10U fOr imPY0V€m€¤t of -·--—- — · 187,478 I saligrigs and expenses oi; prohibited from bc-

 for locks and dams, and for dredging.. . . 187 r mg Paid frgul m,[,I·0p1-imiom my Inmport duties diem s ·rviee .. . . . . .. 131

provisionsyfor immediate transportation of I Indian Inspectozg ézzds S“bJ“t mv t ° °f. f]°?f°{I}?’t 173 J smpg1r0f1}i;»tion for pay of . . .116, appropriation to supply deficiencies in ap- I Imuazrlygcfgggtizgjll HU U ll`. N ’ ’ - - . _ pyopriations for, and for repayment l Wproprmtion im my of ____ _________ 11(; 486 0i deposits, and for judgments m Indy", Omce “ (’h?rg8S and commisskms cases"? 242 l appropriation for salaries, etc., in. ..23,28, 231,497 on ~J3££°‘i3§3p·S;;»·>kiz,;1;;etis ieigm ,,,di;9,52:,*;g;,6¤°y·** ··-· · -----·- -··· "“ "hoops out and punched "a.nd "bar- · t- f , f. · ____ 131 :01 rel-hoops" when ordered under cor- I"Z§L¥%%1;8l0D or pay 0 ’ proviso ,0 win contracts ---· - - · · ·-—-·-· _· -··· 309 included iii limit of enlisted men of 8»I‘bic]€s imported for oxhibiti0D Hit M 1U<§I‘S’ 1 Army ____________ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ____ 30, 110, 346 International Exhibition at Cmcm- Mdwn Smme mtti, Ohio, admitted free Of- --··-· _- 62 3 {0pt1am};-, for iucitientol expenses of-130, *00 articles imported for relief of colored ami- PP dmcmhcy in ____ 256 grants admitted free cf, undef 111185 for commgcut exbzmscs of ____ _____ 117, 487 prgggmbed by Scc1‘6T3»I‘y of @119 Twas' 66 l for punishing ij-ands in _ __,,.. - .. 277, 453 vry ---- - -.-·- ---- - --—-· , . *2 ,· ,,· , ith - Shwp and wool imported for oxhibiiupnfor t°;§;ph;g%{;czgH txiuijltgnc follggjgfs emggéitgrnatioual show, Phlhdélphla, m l For ______ ________ _______ ,67,13]_5()1 I`€€0-- --—· --·-·- —-·· ···· I · ] ‘ ____ __ ___,,,... .117,487

 quiniue admitted free of. . -. ...·--·--- 48 1 f°B:;;Z;g§1{)E    _ _ _____ _ _ _ _ 256

"°P°"’¢"‘8 X · · ‘ ____ , __,,. 2"6 421 430 I'6fund of duties, etc., to; proviso ... 418 for ddiciencms m D ° y wpaymeut to, excess of deposits ou duties Indian Supplws, 131 501 _¤¤=¤~¤¤<=r¤>¤i;¤¤d ---· —·—- ·--- ·- 429 gudjjggjf ·····‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ "jjjjfjjjjf]fjjQ_ buzz of artigiez iiogisglief of colored emigtarite 56  ;; i tibh· éhéiortation of wm Impms `'`` ```` dciiciencyin q---; -----— ···{ ···i32 502 P1`0Vigi0¤s for immediate tmnsportion of] 0»dV0}'b1861I10I117S i01)??3·g1 g;PUb11ShC* # 431 from ports of entry to ports 0i final g?f;*;;( g 3i;PY°PY1“ ‘‘‘‘ " ' $i°S*‘“‘“’°“· ····· ····‘·‘‘‘‘‘ 1 n mmmam,,{"v&r¤i¤g an persons from relmpoundzng, _ _ P · ‘ to or settling Hp0H leudsm of domestie animals in the Dlstmcb of C0- 35 gizvlng m 1 3 4 »yg·;,793 ImP"W0¢11b;nII;l§£awcsa I l i I . post-rovites-estziblished in M- é. $305, 358 interest 011 aneamges of ; correction of a»s· ¤PP1‘01;§¤U°¤ for S“PP°*`t* 0 ° ° 129 499 sossments for ..-.- ·· --··-· · ----· · ·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘`'' '```