Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/1036

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CONVENTION-BELGIUM—POSTAL. Novnmsnn 20, 1882. 1009 Convention between the United States of America and Belgium, concerning Nov. 20, 1882. the exchange of postal-orders. Signed at Washington November 20, 1882; "_"’"" www by the President November 20, 1882; ratijications exchanged at arlington December 28, 1882. Convention between the United Convention entre les Etats·Unis States of America and Belgium d’Amérique et la Belgique pour concerning the exchange of pos- Péchange de mandats-poste. . tal orders. The undersigned, Timothy O. Les soussignés,TimothyO. Howe, Contracting Howe, Postmaster-General of the Postmaster Géuéral des Etats P*¤'**°•· United States of America, in vir- Unis d’Amérique,ag·issant en vertu • tue of the powers vested in him by des pouvoirs qu’il tient de la loi, law, and Th. de Bounder de Mels- et Th. de Bounder de Melsbroeck, broeek, Envoy Extraordinary and Envoyé Extraordinaire et Ministre Minister Plenipotentiaryfrom Bel- Plénipotentiaire de Belgique aux ' giumto the United States of Amer- Etats-Unis d’Amérique, &c., &c., ics, &e., &c., in the name of his agissant au nom de son Gouverue- _ Government and by virtue of the 1I10M, Gb 611 VGPU1 d45S Pl6i¤S P011- powers which he has formally pre- voirs qu’il aformellement présentés sented to this edeet, have agreed a cet eifet, out conclu la Convennpon the following Convention : tion suivante: Anrrcnn 1. Anmcm 1. There is established betweenthe 11 est établi entre les Etats—Unis Scope. United States of America and Bel- etla Belgique, un échange régulier gium a regular exchange of postal· de mandats-poste. Cet échange · orders. his exchange is to be aura lieu par Pintermédiaire des edected by the Exchange Offices bureauxadésigner par chacune des Exchange of or- Which each of the two Admiuistra- deux Administrations eu cause. d¤¤¤i h•>W ¤9`¤¢*¤d· tions shall have designated for this Ces bureaux se notifieront recipropnrpose, and which Exchange Of- quement an moyen de listes, les hoes shall notify each other by mandatstirésd’un pays surl’auu·e. meausoflists of orders for payment. Anrrcnn 2. Anrrcnn 2. The amount, of the grdgrg ghall Le m0ItiCaI1IE de chaqlm 1I1Q1I1d8b Amounts; how always he expressed in the mgngy sera exprimé dans la monna1e du ¤¤P¤¤¤¤¤d· of the country whggg payment is pays on le paiement devra avoir to be made. HW- Anrxcnn 3. Anmcmn 3. · L No order shall exceed tlresum 1. Ancun maudat ne pourra ex- uugmum, of fifty dollars, if it is payable in céder la somme de cinquante dolthe United States, and two hundred lars, s’il est payable aux Etats and fifty francs if it is payable in Unis, et de deux cent cinquautc _ Belgium. The two Administrations, francs s’il est payable eu Belgique. however, may, by common agree Toutefois les deux administrations ment, increase this maximum to pourrout, d’un commun accord, one hundred dollars or ilvc hun· élever ce maximum a cent dollars died francs. _ ou a cinq cent francs. 2. Fractions of s cent, or of a 2. Ilneserapastenucomptepour Fmum xxu-~64 `