Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/1152

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1125 Page. ,?ruggs, William, payrecur to .............................. 774 ?'ugs, James, payment to .............................. 691 Sea-coast ?brt?.Scations, appropriation for ar?ment of ............ 93, 471 approp?ation for salves, etc., of agents at ................................ 314? 612 for pm?ction of the .................. 315, 612 de?cien? ............................. duty on ................................. 514 approp?a?ion for ?H? of Ame?c? ..... ?, 4? deficiency, for ..................... ?-.?5,5? for enlistment ?un? to ........ for shipping and discharge of .......... 1?, 4? deficiency, lbr gratuity, etc., ? ......... ?men? to .............................. no? ot?e? ?o?ide? ?or? exempt ?om dut? .............................. ?ment ? .............................. ?p?priat?n for ? e?., ? offi? of ................................ for additional clerks in ................. � ?p?a?on for ? e?., ? o?ce of t? .............................. ?, 5? for ?ditional clerks .... ? ............... ? ?al Ba?, X?,ia, 0?, ?cr? of ?pit? 6t?k of the, author. appm9?ation for ? of ............. app?on for ?1?, eta, in ?ce of ................... ? ............ ?,? sJ6?nt ?mt?, cler?, e? ....... ? negotiate with the Sio? Iudians for m?- appmp'?tion for .................. to pu?h? ?d &tdbut9 ?&?o? amo? o? ?f to Indians, eto ...... ? of, to be made to Con?e? ....... to ?e ?q?[?on ?Sr o?ci? ?t? ? mirabum C?k o? ? .......... ?ganize and ? compeu?tion of fo? on ?ological Survey, etc ........... ? p?cuxe star,tics of mira8 and mining ?er th? ?ld and ?lver, ?der ?e; appmp?tmn for ................... to ? ce?in l?d? in Ute Indisn tion, ?egon ............ Omaha In?an ?ation'?'?- b? ............................ Colo?do ........................... ?9 to pa? in st?k, e?., in l?u ofc?h ..... ?ylum, D. C ....................... auth? to dive? ce?ain appm?atio? under t?ty stipulations, etc ...... ?ecretarp of the ]**ter/or--Continued. authorized to carry into effect terms of agreement of Crow Indians, Montana, for sale of lands, etc ................ 43 to investigate and report on an equitable settlement of dispute, etc., between Cherokee Indians .................. 328 authorized to pro vide rooms, etc., for use of Civil Service Commisaion, Washing- ton, D. C .......................... 4(?5 to enable the, to complete certain negoti- ations with Si. oux Indians .......... 444 to enable the, to remove lndians, etc., in consolidating Indian a?eneies ...... 449 to establish Turtle Mountain Chippewa Indians at permanent homes, etc .... 449 may purchase Indian supplies in open mar- ket, when .......................... 450 authorized to use any surplus in appropria, lions. for deficiency, etc., for Indians; prowso ............................ 450 $eo?eta? of Legatio? at Yiemm, appropriation for salary of. ............... 603 ?m*etaf?l of tl? appropriation for compensation of the, as- sistant, clerks, etc ................ 243, 553 to enable, to compeasate owners of the NorjJl Star, eto ..................... 6?0 to enable, to reward certain natives at St. Lawrence Bay, etc ................ 620 to pay Potomac Steamboat Company, etc. 620 authorized to make requisition for official pesta?e-st?mps .................... 255 to preserioe duties of assistant .......... 340 to suspend work at navy-yards and sta- tions ............................... to ascertain cost of, etc., of additional land at Norfolk, V?, fa? constroetion of wet-dock ........................ to appoint commission upon sale of ynrds, etc ................................ 289 to make inventory and appraisemerit of stores and supplies ................. 296 to alppoint naval advisory board to exam- me vessels, etc ..................... 296 to organize paxties, etc., for observation � of transit of Venus ................. to appoint court of inquiry toinvestig?te lmm of stemher Jeannette, eta ....... 394 to take possession of certain iron-elsA vessels ............................ 477 to dis10ose of condemned naval vessels.. 600 plan, location, etc., of bridge across Timroes � River, Connecticut, to be approved by ................................ 46! 8eo'etar? of $e?ate, . ? _ authorized to advance moneys to ?ergesmr? at-Arms of Senam .................. 328 appropriations for compensation of the, as- sistant secretaries, clerks, ere ..... 225, 538 for expenses of monetary commission, to be approved by the ................ for International Fishe? Exhibition to be expended under direction of ..... 389 for additional allowance to clerks at con- sulates, to be expended under direc- tion of the; proviso .............. 133, for contribution to nmintenanee of In- torn?tional Bureau of Weights ?nd Measures, to be expended by the... 135, 430 for contribution to maintenance of In- ternational Prison Commission, to be expended by diroction of the...135, 430 to eraable the, to pay Caroline C. Ma?h, to l?aY E. J. ?11et; proviso ............