Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/1170

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rSOEX. 1143 Pag? pension to ............................... 699 Watson, Rebecca, /?ayment to .............................. 790 tson, William P, payment to .............................. 693 Watt, James, psyment to .............................. 7? Watt?s, Ja?s, pa?ent ? ?mlnis?tor of .............. p?ymen? ? .............................. WaI?, J. H., W?ent ? .............................. ?, Joke, ?nt to .............................. Wa?, M. E., paymen? ? .............................. Wa?, ? ?, app?op?ation for ?ns?ction of ligh? sSation, and e?ion ? s?m fog- sisal at .......................... Waukegan. Ill., appropriation for ?provement of ?r?r at ................................. Way, Grantkaro, payment ?o .............................. appmp?ation f? inte?a? on non-pa?g s? held in ? for ............ ?, ?vment ? .............................. ? u? oxomp? ?m du? ................ .......... . ................... ? ?l?a? p?en? to .............................. W?b? G?r?o ?.? 719 n$ion to? :ne? .................... H?, . W?, J?, a?d B?jami? Ho?, nt ? .............................. Wi? H., psym?t ? ............................. du? ?, etc., comp?d of w?l, e? ...... eom? of cot?n, eta ................. 514 t?, Mar$ J., n[z Urnyd,, ?men? to .............................. 676 , Ma?a? ?m'?istrat? of D. pa?en? ? .............................. ?? Ea? of Ute I?,dia?s, appm?tion for in?al?ent, etc., ? .... 81,4? ?B., ?tdn, EI?, ?y?nt to .............................. ?, ?. H. ? ? .............................. Welshbilli#, Pat J �, weP/sension to ............................... 7'21 A, EpAraim, payment to ............... , .............. 692 Welt#, Martin, Wepsayment to executors of ................ 694 sort, Jostpk, and ?n, Fepsay ment to .............................. 808 t, Mar?l J., ?vidotv of William C., pension to, increased ..................... ?02 tVest, M. �., administrator, /FePayment to .............................. 678 st Point, 3?. Board of Visitors to Military ?cademy appropriation for expenses of ...... 125, 418 ?resI, ?omas, z?nior, W?ayment to ............................... 777 t Virginia, ?oa?-routes established in ............ 27,368, election of Representatives to Congrsa% � day of, in .......................... 58 i?pzsaYment to .............................. 777 ? Ba?d 8hashone Indians, Wa?propriation for in.ailments, ere., to ...79, 443 izr? $?I?m?a geser?atio% 3�vada, appropriation for support., etc., of Indiana on the ............................. 447 IY?stern Unio? ?ele?ra?oh Co., wp?ayment to .............................. '259 t?rrelt, Martha, widow of wp?en si on to ............................... 717 ?kal?n, Dora, . appropriation for payment to .......... 87 West?halsn, P?ter, wphayment to .............................. 87 alebo?% nnma?ufaetured, exempt f?om duty ...... 5?1 p?vment to .............................. 7(? duty on ................................. ?03 Wke?l?r, David, p?ymont to .............................. 665 ?Yhe?l?r, Jolm, payment to .............................. 671 YY?ler, John, � payment to ............... : ............... 672 Wheeler, Joh? E., payment to .............................. 788 Wheeler, Joseph, p?yment to .............................. 339 Wheeler, $. P., payment to .............................. 599 Whippl% lthamar C., payment to .............................. 590 Whipple, Wilso% paymenS to .............................. 67! Wkitakzr, p?ymen$ to .............................. 67! ?YAitcraft, William, payment ?o ?igne? of. .................. 785 White, ?4. H., decearl, payment to administrator of ............. 777 White, Ee?jamin, payment to .............................. 777 White, .Cornclio ?'., w?dow of Frank ?r., pension to ............................... 7?5 Whit? Eartk Rzserratio?, Min?., appropriat ion for anpport, eSe., of Chippewa Indians on ......................... ?'?, 446 W?ite, James, Imyment to admlniatra?or of .............. 69? White, James B., pension granted to ....................... 797 Wkit?, Jokn, Imyment to executor of ..................