Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/219

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192 _ FORTY·SEVEN'I'H CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 375. 1882. ` -. Boston Huber. Improving harbor at Boston, Massachusetts: Completing improvement, ninety-six thousand five hundred dollars. _ _ _ Nantucket Ha,. Improving harbor at Nantucket, Massachusetts: Continuing improvebor. ment, twenty-tive thousand dollars. _ _ _ 1.;,,.,4,,,,;-,,,,,; Improving harbor at Newburyport, Massachusetts: Continuing rm- Harbor. provement, forty thousand dollars. _ _ _ Plymouth Her- Improving harbor at Plymouth, Massachusetts: Continuing improvebvr- ment fourteen thousand dollars. Prginoetown Improvingi harllior at (I’:~1owl*incetown, Massachusetts: Continuing im- Har r- provement, ve thousand dollars. _ _ Seimas Harbor. Improving harbor at Scituate, Massachusetts: Continuing improvement, ten thousand dollars. _ _ _ Wareham Har- ‘ Improving harbor at Wareham, Massachusetts: Continuing improvel•°*· ment five thousand dollars. Li§:N¤n·ag•¤- Improving Little Narlragmrsett Bay, Rhode Island: Continuing imlm · provement. six thousan do urs. Newport5min:. Improving harbor at Newport, Rhode Island: Continuing improvemen twenty thousand dollars. Block Island Ixrlproving harbor and breakwater at Block Island, Rhode Island: Hngor ud \¤¤k- Continuing improvement, nineteen thousand dollars. bclsnugeporz Har- Improving harbor at Bridgeport, Connecticut: Continuing improve- - ment ten thousand dollars. · - mBre§kw•¢¤r n BrdakwateratNew Haven, Connecticut: Continuing operations, sixty W ¤'¤¤· thousand dollars. Milford Harbor. Improving harbor at Milibrd, Connecticut: Continuing improvement, five thousand dollars. bgowunven Har- Improving harbor at New Haven, Connecticut: Continuing improve- · ‘ ment, thirty-thousand dollars. - HN ew London Improvingl harbor sg New Iondon, Connecticut: Continuing improve-

  • 1****- ment., niuethousand ollars.

Norwalk Har- Improvingharbor at Norwalk, Connecticut: Continuing improvement, lm- ive thousand dollars.. Msontnport Hm- Iuéptgvinghharbolilat 1Sonthport, Connecticut: Continuing improve- - men ree thousand dollars. b0StoningtonHsr- Iuiprtgrvintg garb:;- at Stpmngton, Connecticut: Continuing improve- !- men en y- ve thousand ollars. Harm-muh0km- Improving Buttermilk Channel, New York Harbor: Continuing im- {;;·_N°'Y°*kH¤· provement, sixty thousand dollars. Bufalo Harbor. Improving harbor at Bumnlo, New York: Continuing improvement, one hundred and twenggve thousand dollars. Caunrsic Bay. mzmpwgmgngamme , New York: Continuing improvement, three usan 0 rs. kwplmlom Hu- thlruépnéoving herbsé gt ]Char1otte, New York: Continuing improvement, · - ve ousa dollars. _ Flushing Bq. tulmprolilngl Flushing Bay, New York: Continuing improvement, tive ousan dollars. Great sorlusmy Improving harbor at Great Sodus Bay, New York: Continuing im- H=***°*- provement, twentyfive thousand dollars. H:.ribt;haSodnsB•y P Improviéngmlnartlgoa attllrittle Sloduil Buy, New York: Continuing im- ~ rovemen en - ve thousand dollars. Hgrgr no¤1re11• gapxéoviug alarbor satgleaw Rochelle, New York: Continuing improve- · m thousand dollars. norm num-. prI)mprovp’ng€lI¤che:hHub0(1i, Rochelle, New York: Continuing immen ree ousen dollars. Hggdensburgn Improving harbor ut Ogdeusburgh, New York, ten thousand dollars. Oswego Harbor. Improving harbor at Oswego, New York: Continuing improvement Oak 0 and enlargement of harbor, eightv thousand dollars. Hmm. rclzard Improving Oak Orchard Harbor, New York, three thousand dollars. H3::; Chester mgmprpzggg ait dlpft Chester, New York: Continuing improve- ‘ , o in dollars.