Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/22

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XX11 LIST OF PRIVATE ACTS AN D RESOLUTIONS. STATUTES H-1882-’83. Pago. num 1: mu,. An wt my me mueror Daniel T. Walls. December 18, 1882 749 William Walhme Screws. An act for the relief of William Wallace Screws. December 18, 1882 . 749 Charles A., Luke. An act for the relief of Charles A. Luke. December 19, 1882 ... 749 George Foster. An not granting a pension to George Foster. December 27, 1882 .. 750 Albert Grant. An act. for the relief of Albert Grant. January 5, 1883 . . .. 750 James I. Waddell. An act to rsmovcthe political disabilities of James I. Waddell. January 5, 1883- 750 John IC Hermann. An not for the relief of John T. Hcnmunan, of Baltimore, Maryland. January 0 9, 1883 .. - 75 John L Salter. An act for the relief of John I. Salter. January 9, 1883 .. 751 Jacob E. Burbank. An act for the mlief of Major Jacob E. Burbank. January 11, 1883 .. 751 James I Faught. An act for the relief of J umes J. Faught, lam of Company D, Eighth Misouri (hwaky. January 1], 1883 ._,._,__,__ 751 John K Bond!. An not granting a pension to John V. Bovoll. January 11, 1883 . . ... 751 Robert Gorthe, Galvin Green. An act for the relief of Robert; Gorhhy and Calvin Green. January 17, 1883 _,,,,..__,.,,,,,_...___.. - ,.._,.. 752 John R. Taggart. An act for the relief of John R. Taggart. January 17, 1883 . - - . 752 P. E Lonergan. An act for the relief of P. F. Lonergn. January 17, 1883 .. 752 Robert Stodad Wyld. An act Ear the mliofofkobort Stodart Wyld. January 17, 1883 . 752 Peter Gallagher, deceased. An act furthe mliufof the bein of Peter Gallagher.·y 19, 1883-- 753 Willian R. Downing, deceased. An act for the relief of the heixs-at-law of William R. Downing, dccessod. January 20, 1883 ...-..--- 753 P‘ranciaE Smith, Anwbtorcmovothedisabilitinuof Fmngi¤H. Smith, snnior, of Virginia. January 24, 1883 .--..--..---.- 754 George WC Maher. An act for the mliefofGcorgc W. Maher. January 26, 1883 -..--.----.---.--- 754

B133b;, deceaud. An act for the rdid of the heirs of Thomas Toby, deceased. February 14,

... - . 754 W£l1iam8géHa»sellmulSona. An actfortl1ore1iefofW'11]iamSAn1m¤l1audSons. Fcbrnm·y22, 1 . - ...· --. - ... 754 E.P.Snith. Ana¤tfortberc1i¤fofE.P.Smith. Fcbrua.ry22, 1883 .--.---. - .--.-.-.----.- "T55 Gal1¤•Kérd¤er. AD8¢tRfGfZhIgU)ul8&I1t0fC]8imB the c1¤.imofG:111usKirchncr. Murchl, 1883 -——---·-··—~—-——---·-——-—---——-—-—·—-—·———--——· - ·----—·--——---·---· -·-·-.··· ·--· ~».. 755 0laeHnsaZ1owedbyuccou»dingo_y'£oe¢·s. An actfor the allowance o!a¤:&n din: counting 05m-nm of the United States Treasury Department. March 1, 1883 755 ’°’ Ixherwoodcdate. An actquthorizingthotrusvocsoftholshcrwucd mute toummdaccrhinplanof

 ofsaidcstotcrocurdodintlno l¤1d·rocords0ft.11cDistrictof Columbia. Mme1x2,

1 . --- . 796 .D¢:u¥:lBrud. An actforthemHcfcfDanic1Bmed. Maru1x2, 1883 ---... - _.____ 796 Wellington K Heusted. An act gmnting a pension to Wellington V. Haunted. March? 1883 ..-... 796 Maria Worthington. An act. granting a pension to Mrs. Maria Worthington. March 2, 883 -... 796 Ralph P. Ford. An ut. fm the relief of Ralph P. Ford. Much 2, 1883 -.--,,----.-.- 797 Thomas Alleack. An mt granting 3 pugiou to Thomgs Allcock. March 2, 1883 ,-,____,,,-... 797 D. D. Edwards. An act granting expansion to D. D. Edwards. March 2, 1883 --.-.-.,...------.-. 797 James B. White. An act granting a pension to James B. White. March 2, 1883 _________...----.. 797 Mary A. Oonken. An act granting npension be Mary A. Conkcn. March 2, 1883 .-... 707 .Edher JL Carey. A11 unt granting a pension fn Esther M. Carey. March 2, 1883 .-...- 7S1S` Williann M. jferedilh, An act for the relief ofWi1]in.m M. Meredith. March 2, 1883 -----.- 798 Ku»i . deceased. An act granting relief to the heirs of Kunigundn A. Miller, deceased. MaryJZSt0ver. An actmstnringthennmccfllary J. Swvorto thepcnsion-roll. Mu·ch2, 1u8:s... Anthony B, Gvqves, An act gmuting a pension to Anthony B, Gnvq, Mgmh 2, 1883 .____,_______ 739 Julia A. Slime;-a. Ap ict for the relief of Julia A. Stime;-p. Much 2, 1883, _.__ _ __,,__,,__, _ ___., 799 Elizubcllo Wdnddn. An mt. granting n pension to Elizabeth Weinstein, March 2, 1883 ._..-__ _ __,, 799 Janes LL Akin. An act the name of Jams M. Akin to the pension-roll. March 2, 1883-, 799 Roger M Blembd. Aunt pmvndmglbr thepay of Bar·Admim1 Roger N. Stzmbel. Much 2, 1883-- 79;) Frank S. Bowers. An act to rcrato the pension of Frank S. Sowen. Mami; 2, 1883 ________ _ _______ 800 Harriet N. Abbott. An act granting a pension to Harriet N. Abbot;. March 2, 1333 ______________ _ 800 Orplux Meacham. AD act granting n pension to Mn. Orplm Mmmm, Marc}; 2, 1333 _____________ 800 Robert Hmm. An act to inmunse the pension of Robert. Heune, March 2, 1353 ______ _ ____________ 800 Gevrgefllud. Ansctgnntingapcnsi0utoG¤¤geC.Rus¤, M¤mh2,1ss3_ __________ _ ________ 800 Kate Quilligmo. An actgmnti¤gspe¤sionwK»teQui11i{;¤4¤. Mucha, 1883 _____________________ 801 Eau7g FZ Warren. An act gxnnting n pension to the widow of the hte Major-General G. K. Wunun March 2, 1883 . - ., , ____________ _ ______________ _ ___________________ 801