Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/317

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290 FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 391. 1882. p¤1* •¤ tv ¤¤1¤ of and one hom the staff officers of the Navy, and one froxq civil life, which ¤"Y·Y*'d**»°*°· commission shall consider and report to the next, scsswn of Congress upon the question whether it is advisable to sell any of the pmjyyurds, aud, if so, which; and as to each of smd yards sgml cqmm{ss10u shall report as to its cost, its n.rca.,its present value, mcluding 1D separate items the value of the land, structures, macl11nery, and other personal property; the depth of water at jha yam}, and whether It rcmams apd will remain at such depth, or wnll reqmre azgpengc to kqcp open xts water communication; its condition as to being 1121 working order or otherwise; the condition and value of its “plaut” m the <11ii'qrcut departments; its advantages and disadvantages as a. naval smmou, and for the construction of vessels; its probable value for other purposes, in case the yard is discontinued; whether there is any demand for the yard for mercantile or other purposes; whether it can probably be sold, and at what price, in case of discontinuance; the annual cost dprnng aach of the past fifteen years of maintaining it; the value of what lt bps produced during each of said years, so far as It can be ascertained; xts value or necessity for purposes of defense on that part of tpc {coast} where it is situated, or in general, and also as regards any mty 111 1ts vwmgty; and any other facts which such commission may deem useful or adv1sa.- ble tc report in regard tc this question. . BUREAU OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY. gmgoing mms. For support of the medical department, for SUIQGODS7 ncccssarics for varies- vessels in commission, navyyards, naval stations, Marino Corps, aud Coast Survey, forty thousand dollars. Hggpit;] fum; For the navallnospital fund, namely: For maintenance of the naval hospitals ut the various navy-yards and stations, thirty thousand dollars. And if the Secretary of the Navy shall not be able to maintain properly the whole number of naval hospitals now kept open, on the amounts hcmby appropriated for the maintenance of and civil establishment at naval hospitals, he shall close those which are least necessary to the service, and provide for the patients now cared for therein at such other naval hospitals as may be most convenient. l ‘ cmungmt Q I- For contingent expenses of the bureau: For freight on medical stores; D¤¤¤¤¤- transportation of insane patients to the government hospital; adver- 7 tising; telegrapI1i1xg; purchase of books; expenses attending the med- _ . ical board of examiners; mnt of rooms for naval dispcnsary; purchase and repair of wagons and harness.; purchase and feed of horscs andcéwsg trees., garden-tools, and seeds, fiftccn thousand dollars. Ibpain. For necessary repairs of naval laboratory, naval hospitals, and appendages, including roads., wharvcs, out-houses, sidewalks, fences, gardens, farms, and ccmetarias, fihccn thousand dollars. cm; *;.3,5,,1;. For the maintenance of the civil establishment at the several naval mnt. £1hospital(a;A,dnls;vy-yards, naval laboratory, and Naval Academy, twenty ousau dollars. Investigation of For continuing investigations of atmospheric impurities, two thousand

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BUREAU OF PROVISIONS AND CLOTHING. provisions md For provisions for the seamen uml marines; commutcd rations for Clothing. officars, seamen, and marinas; expenses of the handling and transportation of provisions; of inspections and stomhouses; and for purchase of water for ships, for cooking and drinking purposes, and for provisions Eng Songmutatiou of rations for seven hundred and fifty boys, one mi1— 0 0 urs. · · ~ U¤¤¤i¤:¤¤¢ M- For contingent expenses: For frci ht on shi ments oxce tz r ·i - P°“'°‘“· ions), candles, fuel; books and blzmgs; smtioraery; aévertggiuigognil commissions on sales; foreign postage, tclcgmms, and express charges; toll, fcmages, and car-twckets; and ye0m:m’s stores, iron safes, icc,