Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/32

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FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 18, 19, 20. 5 CHAP. 18.-An act in reference to the Trustees of the Lincoln Monument Association Feb. 25, 1882. YVhere:xs, owing to the large number of Trustees named in the "Aet to iT ineorpomte the Lincoln Monument Assoeintion" approved March ,,,,,,;;1_°,;(;,,,I,;,,,,,,,(:,I:,{1 thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, it proves to be impmcti- 15 Smt., 11. cable for xt majority of said Trustees to meet for the transaction of the business of said association: Therefore, Be it enacicd by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United F. _ States of America in Congress assembled, That hereafter five of the Trus- lG,,g: °,ug;,1,?;°°S ° tees of said association, whether named in said act, or subsequently ap- ° pointed, shall constitute am legal quorum and may exercise all the powers conferred by lz1w upon said association: Provided, That each of said Proviso. trustees shall be notified by the President or Secretary twenty days in advance of any meeting of said trustees. Approved, February 25, 1882. CHAP. 19.-An act authorizing the Lancaster National Bank of Lancaster, Massa- F Gb- 25, 1882. chusetts, to change its location and name. { Be it enacted by the Senate cmd House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Lancaster National _L*>·¤¤¤·¤*°1‘ N¤· Bank of Lancaster, in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, is hereby 2;;;: B‘,’;;‘,;L“f,; authorized to change its location to the town of Clinton, in the county ,,;,,,,,,4, ,,m,,.,",md of \V0reeste1·, in said Commonwealth, whenever the stockholders repre- 1o¤stYen. sentiug two—thirds of the capital stock 0i' said bank, at :1 meeting for that purpose, determine to make such change; and the president and cashier shall execute a certiiicate, under the corporate seul of the bank, specifying such determination, and shall cause the same to be recorded in the ofljce of the Comptroller of the Currency, and thereupon such change of location shall be effected, and the operations of discount and deposit of said bank shall be carried on in the said town of Clinton. Sec. 2. That nothing in this act contained shall be so construed as in Liubilitiw, vw-, manner to release the said bank from any liabilities, or affect any action “°* ““ °°“°d· or proceeding in law in which said bank may be a party 0I` interested; and when such change shall have been determined upon as aforesaid, notice thereof and of such change shall be published in two weekly papers in said county of \Voreester not less than four weeks. Sec. 3. That whenever the location of said bank shall have been elem ged fx·om·said town of Lancaster to said town of Clinton, in aceordsame with the iirst section of this act, its name shall be changed to the Lsueaster National Bank of Clinton, Massachusetts, if the board of directors of said bank shall accept the new name by resolution of the beard, and czmse an copy of such resolution, duly authenticated, to be tiled with the Comptroller of the Currency. Sm. 4. That all the debts, demands, liabilities, rights, privileges, and » powers of the Lancaster National Bank of Lancaster shall devolve upon the Lancaster National Bank of Clinton whenever such change of name is eileeted. Appros·ed, February 25, 1882. CHAP. 20.-Au act making an agportionment of Representatives in Congress among pcb_ 5, lgggn the several tstesunder the tenth census. --·-;--—-- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Reptescntatives of lice United _ States of Auzerica in Congress assembled, That after the third of March Ai£1>¤1‘*¤<>¤¤¤9¤¤ eighteen hundred and eighty-three the House of Representatives shui} ygcogmggfg becemposed of three hundred and twentyfive members, to be app0r· ,1,,, S,,,,,,,., ,,,,,,0, tioned umeng the several States as iollowsz me tenth census. Alabama, eight. Arkansas, five.