Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/12

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xg] LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIOIS. Pago. Supreme courts of Dietrict of Columbia and fhg Territories. An not rognlatmxappoals from ijho su- {fame court of tho District ofCo1nmb1a and the supreme courts of t o sovoml Terrxtoncs. ¤rch3,18+5 .. -. · -. ..--- . ..-.·.. .  ; .- Bridge avross the Mississippi River. An acl: to authorize the construction of a br1dgo acxjoss tho Mississippi River at Bock Island, Illinois, and Davenport, Iowa, and to establish It as a postrynrc. Marcb3.1885.-.. · -.---...-- ..; ---- ·-...- . . .. . . .. 443 Clerk of the Court of Alabama Claims. An act to mcroaso tho salary of tho clerk of the Court of Alabama Claims. March 3, 1885 . . . ...» » . ... . . 4·14_ Railroad bridge over Oumberland and Carrey Fork River. All act to give the assoiit of Congress to tho construction of a railroad bridge by tho East and Middle Tennessee Railroad Company over the Cumberland and Coney Fork Rivers. Mngch 3, 1885 - -H.6. -. .:.-%Lg..b;h;&; 445 Dc cine appropnh tions. An act mg appropria ions to supp y c 01BD018S m a f tigris for who fiscal year ending June thirticth, eighteen hundred and oighty-iivo, and for

 prior years, and for otlfr puiposezh March 3,   .-.? .. g.-. .:i.--égL;L.8E.£Bé EL; 446

nd doi! agppr 'atioaa. n so - ma ° g approprm IODB or u cup ex — '-ernment fegc year ending Juno thirtioth, eighteen hmnifgd and mghty-mx, and for other purposes. March 3, 18% . . . . . . . .. 478 RESOLUTIONS. Signal Service, Amy. Joint resolution extending the time fixed for tho joint comiuission appointed under the sundry civil act approved July seventh, eighteen hundred and eighty-four, to submit their report. December 18, 1884 . ... T . -. .. 515 Washington Mouamnt. Joint resolution in relation to the ceremonies no be authorized upon the completion of tho Washingou Monument. December lb, 1884. .. ...-.. . . . . 515 Officers and employéa, Senate and mum. Joint resolution to pay the officors and omploixés of the Senate and House of Representatives their respective salaries for the month of ccomber, eighteen hundred aud oighty-fom·, on tho twentieth day of said month. December 18, 1884 515 Tenth Cana. J oint resolution autborizin tho Superintendent of tho Census to continue tho work on the Tenth Census. Docembcr lg, 1884 . ... --. -. 516 Pay of per diem mplogéa of the Government. Joint resolution providing for the payment of laborers in Government employ for certain holidays. January 6, 1885 - ... . . . . . . 516 Dcatitutc Indiana. Joint. resolution appropriating fifty thousand dollars for tho support of certain destitute Indians. January 12, 1885 ...- ---. .. . . ..-;.. .., . . . . . 516 Descriptive Catalogue, Gorernment Publication;. Joint resolution Kroviding for the printing and elistributiou of the Descriptive Catalogue of Government Pu lications. February 9, 1885. 516 Eulogiaa, William A. Dunn. Joint msolution for the printing of certain oulogios delivered in Cougress upon the la. o William A. Duncan. February 12, 1885 . ... . ... 517 Eulogire, John H. Em:. Joint resolution providing for printing the oulogics delivered in Congress upon tho Into John H. Evius, Into a Roprosontativo in tho Forty-eighth Congress from tho State of South Carolina. I·‘obr¤•ry 12, 1885. -... -- .. . . . . . . 518 Maj. William Ludlow, atmsion of leave. Joint resolution extending tho permission utod Major William Ludlow by tho not of February twenty-eighth, oightocu hundred andgoightpthroo, to accept a civil positron. February 13, 1885 ... .- . . . . . ... . . .- -.. 518 Eighth New I ark Heavy Artillery Association. Joint resolution authorizing and requiring tho Somotary of Wax to deliver to tho Eighth Now York Heavy Artillery Asoocistiou the rogmoutai colors which belonged to mid artillery, and which arc now in the custody of the notary of War. February 19, 1885.-. ..'..--- . ..i.- . - . - . .. .. ... ;.. 518 Lien?. P. H. Raya rqiort 1}/ International Polar Empediliu. Joint resolution to grime two thousand ' additional copies o Lioutonmt P. H. Ray’s report of tho International olar Expedition to Point Borrow, Alaska. February 26, 185 .. -.. . . . . . . . . . ,..,.. 518 Report of 00mm8e5mm- { Education. Joint resolution authorizing the printing of the report of tho Commissioner of `ducation for eighteen hundred and eighty-thxco and eighteen hundred and eight;-5;:1-. 29865. ..6 .3.. -..i . . ... .. . . . . . . - .. 519 Reports of the `rcclvr 0 1 4: nitcd States aoSara;. Joint rosolutiou rovidu} for rioting nddhional copies of the sixth and sovong annual reports of the Dixootcg of the nitog Staten Geological Survey. March 2, 1885 .. . . . ... . , . .,..., , ,,,,,. 519 Reports of Nm Imeclor of the Bureau of Ethswlogy. Joint resolution providing for printing tho sixth and seventh annual reports of the Director of the Bureau of Ethuology. March 2, ISB5 519 Monograph nm of United States Geological Survey. Joint resoiution providing for Tobin Monograph two of the publications of the United States Geological Survey. liao 2, 1&. . 519 .Nav¤l and mi1i!ary¢·epw·l•. Join: resolution authorizing tho printing of certain novo! and military repcré; flarch ii, .. - . . . . . .. . .. . ... 520 R ortn of . it annum nuff; . Joint resolution to vide for rintin the annual reports of EP the Smithsoniam Institution. March 3, 18%. T. -._ . E-, ...? ,,_, - ,,,,, , ,,,_,____,, 590 .Bqor¢ of jiarmu of Animal lndustry. Joint resolution to authorize the printing of Bfty thousand copies of the second Annual Report of tho Bureau of Animal lndustry for the year eighteen hundred and eightyiiva. March 3, 1885 ..-- ,--- . ,..,,.,_,,, , ,,,,,,__ ,__ __,___ 520 Iqort of (.'om¤•ia•rio1•er of Agriculture. Joint resolution to authorize the priutin of three hundred and ten thousand copies of the Annual Report of tho Commissioner of ggricultum for the year eighteen hundred and eighty-five. Muah 3, 1865.,,. -, ,..,,, ,,,, ,,,, _, ,_,_____ _ _____ 5M Rqwrb of Commune oa Military Afain. Joint resolution to provide for the printing of additional copin of the report of the Committee ouhilitnry Afairs on the investigation of the National Home for Disabled Soldiers. March 3, 18%. ..,. , ,.,_,,,,_ ,__, , _____ _ _____ 5m