Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/17

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LIST OF PRIVATE ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. XVII Pm William J. Hess. An act granting a pension William J. Hess. July 7, 1884 .. . . . . 609 Martha Bustin. `An act granting a pension to Martha Bastin. July 7, 1884 .. . . . . 610 Flap-ia A, Haskell, An not granting 3 pension to Flavin, A, Haskell, July 7, 1884 _,____ ___, ,,___. 610 Edward M. Wilkins. An act for the relief of the widow of Edward M. Wilkins. July 7, 1884 .. 610 -1sa/wl D. U`l»itz·omb. An act granting zi pension to Asahel D. Whitcomb. July 7, 1884 .. . 610 James King. An arr granting zi pension to James King. July 7, 1884 .. . . . . . . 610 John L. Foerardin. An not to remove certain disabilities ofJOl1D L. Cowardin. July 7, 1884 .. 611 James Brom:. An act granting a. pension to James Brown. July 7, 1884 - .. . -.-- 611 Eliza Howard l’0-were. An act for the relief of Eliza Howard Powers. July 7, 1884 611 RESOLUTIONS. E. H. George and H. W. Walker. Joint resolution for the relief of E. H. George and H. W. Walker. February 15, 1884 .. . . ...1.. .. . . . . . . .--- 613 Frank Galt. Joint resolution for the relief of Frank Galt. March 3, 1884 .. . . 613 L. K. Reynolds. Joint resolution granting permission to Ensign L. K. Reynolds, United States Navy, to accept the decoration of the Royal and Imperial Order of Francis Joseph from the Government of Austria. May 29, 1884 .. . ... . ... . . . . . . 613 Pharles L. Jones. Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to pay to Charles L. Jones the sum of iour hundred and sixty-five dollars and sixty-five cents, for services as messenger under the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate from the fifth day of July, eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, to the first day of November, eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, inclusive. June 12, 1*:84 .. . . .. . . .. .. . ... .. 614 (STATUTES II.-1884-#*85.) Jane Venable. An act for the relief of Mrs. Jane Venable. December 23, 1884. . . . . ... 615 Juliet H. Palmer. An act for the relief of Juliet H. Palmer. December 25, 1884 .. . . . . 615 Frederick Corfc. An act granting a pension to Frederick Corfe. January 10, 1885 .. ..-. .. 615 Uscbus Sweet. An act granting a pension to Usebus Sweet. January 10, 1885 . Z . .. 615 Charles F. Paris. An act granting a pension to Charles F. Paris. January 10, 185 ... 616 Jacob Hoerth. An act for the relief of Jacob Hoerth. January 10, 1885 .. .- . .--. .. 616 Albert Brant. An act granting a pension to Albert Brant. January 10, 1885 .. . . . 616 Henry Alden. An act granting a pension to Henry Alden. January 10, 1885 . . . . . 616 Margaret Daily. An act grantiuia pension to Margaret Daily. J auuary 10, 1885 .. . . 616 .L R. Waddy. An act to remove the political disabilities of J.R. Waddy, of Virginia. January 12, 617 1885 .. -. .. . . . . . .. - - . --- . -. .. .-.. .. John IK Franklin. An act for the relief of John W. Franklin, executor of the last will of John Armlleld, deceased. January 14, 1885 ... ,.. ...--. . .. .-.- .. 617 Lucy Le G. Jqfers. An act granting anincrease of pension to Lucy Le G. Jelfers. January 17, 1885. 617· Madison R. C‘aZve·rf. An act for the relief of Madison R. Galvert. January 20, 1885 .. . 617 William Bowen. An act for the relief of Williani Bowen. January 20, 1885 . . ---. . 617 Charles M. Blake. An act for the relief of Charles M. Blake, a chaplain in the United States Army. January 2},1885 1--. . . . . .. -... .. .. 618 0. W. Strcetcr. An act to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to examine and adjust the claim of 0. W. Strccter for moneys expended and services performed in taking the census of Dakota . in eighteen hundred and sixty. January 23, 1885 . . -.-. .. - ... ;. .. - _618 Eastern Presbyterian Church. An act for the relief of the Easmrn Presbyterian Church in the District of Columbia. January 23, IE5 . . . . -. .. ...- .- . ... . . . . 618 Elizabeth Carson. An act for the relef of Elizabeth Carson. January 26, 1885 . .. 619 Abby P. Arnold. An act granting an increase of pension to Abby P. Arnold. January 26, 1885 619 Cr-iel Crocker. An act for the relief of Uriel Crocker. January 26, 1885. . . . .. 619 Caroline Ireckell. An act granting a pension to Caroline Treokell. January 26, 1885 --.. . 620 Gabriel H. Hill. An act to remove the political disabilities of Gabriel H. Hill, of Virginia. January 27, 1885 . ... . . . . . . . . . ... . . . ... 620 J Pemlrrobe Jones. An act to remove the political disabilities of J. Pembrobc Jones, of Virginia. January 27, 1885 --.. ,... . . - . ..-,;- .. .-... . 620 Yost Harbaugh, An act for the relief of Yost Harbangh. January 28, 1885 . .. . .. . 620 I H. Ward. An act to remove the political disabilities of W. H. Ward, of Virginia. January 30, Gm 1885 ,. . . . . ,... .. .. . . . .,,.. . . ... Joh Sweeney. An act granting a pension to John Sweeney. January 31, 1885 .-.. 6*21 John W. Wright. An act granting a pension to John W. Wright. January 31, 1886 . ·. ·$1 Elisabeth Comstock. An act to reimburse Elizabeth Comstock customs dues paid by her on attielq donated lor the relief of colored emigrants. February 6, 1885 .. . . .. 621 Har; {I. .§£ato¤. An act granting an increase of pension to Mrs. Mary K. S. Eaton. February 621 I}, 1. . . ... .-.. . . -... . . . . .. Sally Redman. An not granting an increased pension to Sally Rodman, widow of General Isaac P. Rodman. February 10, 1885. ..- .. . .. .. .. . . 622 H. G. P. White, Peler Hanger, and L. T. Green. An act for the relief of B. G. P. White, Peter Hanger, a¤dL.'1‘.Green. ebruaryl2, 1885 . . ...-, ... .-.. . (W Emily Aged. An act granting arrears of pensions to Emily A el. February 13, 1% .. .. .. . . 622 r,‘qthari»»e Schools. An act granting a pension to Catharine Schools. February 13, IE6 .. . 622 Iflwmwr K. Nantes. An act granting a pension to Ebenezer K. Harden. February 13, 1% .. 623 Ayers I’. Merrill. An act for the relief of the execntrix of Ayers P. Merrill. February 13, 1£.. %