Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/949

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INDEX. 92 ]_ Pao . r ·· _ Iluddick, Lindley, ae I Sailors, Pl"`, 1·=v_Ym<·¤f tv .- - ·-...»... .- .. . . 579pension to, increased for loss of arm ut Rudnaell, A n¢I1-ew (ar Rudiaill), I shoulder joint ____ _ _ _ _ __ _ , 431 Pppyrwrrg to -.-- .. . ... 582 Sain! Ann'v Infanf Asylum, District of Colum- .u nc . manue . bia, payment to . - .. .. . . .. 582 appropriation for the 126, 314 Rugg, Qeorge W., Saint Bernard, Alexander, pension to .. . . . ... . -. . 629 pension to . . . . _.,,... 26 Rugglea, Solomon K., Saint Cloud, Minn., pension to. . . ... .. 541 construction of dam across the Mississippi Rule, Caleb, River at, authorized ,-. . 154 payment to .. .. . . 566 Saint Croalt River, Wis., Rule, John, appropriation for improvement of, In-low payment to administrator of .-. .. . 566 Taylors Falls. ...,. . .., . ,. 143 Rule, Samuel A., · bridge across the, between Stillwater and payment to .. 566 Taylor’s Falls, Minn .. . . 2509 Bunnions, George W, Saint Francis River, Ark., payment to .. . . .. - ... .-.. 566 appropriation for improvement of . I4? Runyon, Aaron A., ‘ ’ forsnag-boat for .. . , 142 payment to .. .. . . 566 Saint Lqnatius Minion School. Montana, Ranald, appropriation for support of Indian pupils declaration with, concerning the admeas- at .. . .,. . ..,..., ,, , _ ::81 urcment of vessels .. . . . . 789 Saint Jeromda Creek, Md., Russian oplcera and nzioctn, appropriation for improvement of harbor to enable the President to bestow testimo- at entrance of . . . . .. ,. . . 1:18 nials upon, for aid to survivors of Saint John’a River, Fla., Jeannette Arctic Expedition 478 appropriation for improvement of clmmwl But, George S., over the bar at mouth of .. .. l-IU payllwnt to .. . ... . . . . 579 for establishment of lights on .. . . . . 197 Rutherford, J. WC, for lighting and buoying the . . . 487 • payment to . . .-.. 566 Saint Joseph, Mich., Ryan, Hugh, appropri · tion forimprovementofhnrbornf. 136 pension to . . . . . ... 642 Sain: Jowph, Mo., Ryan, Peter, appropriation for post-ofiice at. . . lil!} payment to .. . . .. .. . . 566 for post office and c0urt·b0nse ut . . ,. 461 Saint Louie. Mo., appropriation for salaries in omce of Assist- S. _ aut Treasurer United States ut ...,. 175, 406 for salaries and expenses of assay-otiice SiN1w Pau, Tn., at .. . ... ..177,408 appropriation for improvement of ---- 135 for paving in front of old custom-house Banco River, Me., at . . ... --. . 448 appropriation for improvement of break- for laundry house, etc., for marine hoswater st mouth of -... . . 133 I pim} ut .- ... .. .. .. 482 Sacramento River, Cal., deficiency appropriation for furniture, apfpmsriation for improvement of ; proviso 143 carpets, ctc., for custom-house and or redge-boat ,... ,,,, 144 post-olilce -... . . IG Sacramento, Cal. for completion of custom-house at- . , 16 erection of pnnlic building, etc., at, author- Saint Louis Wine Company, ind ..., ,. .. . ... ---1 336 payment t0... .. . . . . . 453 appropriation for purchase of site and com- _ Saint Lekés Protestant Epiocoyml Church, D. 41., S. I pletion of public building at. . . . 481 remission of cer1;_aiu taxes, interest, and I e endian, penn tics 0 .. . ... . . 3 appro riation for the, of the Mississippi.- 85 1 Saint Mao-;/s Falls Canal, of tgg Misgouyi _,,,__ __ __,_ ,_,, ,,,,,, -. S5 i Secretary of War to prescribe rules, etc., Sac and Pix: and Iowa Indian, for use of the .. . . . . 148 appropriation to enable theBooretary of In- Saint Margie River, _ tgzior to survey, sell, etc., lands of S‘app;»pr:a$on for range-lights mr . 4:;*5 t ...,.. .. . 353 'ut an , Gun., ' 8a and Ion Indian of lowa, appropriation for completion of (public hcreaftorgolxavetheirperoapitspvtoportion lmildiug for quartermester an comosf moratgznppropristcd for nliillmont missary depot at . . . 508 of in -... , ,...,. . .. 373 Sala and Mm•pI•y’u Canal, La., he and Fan: Indian of the Mivbuippiv appropriation to close outlet of river known appropriation for permanent annuity to; as. . . .. .. . . . 141 mm ..,. ... . ...,. ..-. .., 86,52 Saline River, Ark, Sao and Indian of the hioomsri, approprim ion for improvement of . . .. I4?. · a propriation for interest, etc., to., ... 85,373 Saikrbafchre Meer, 8. C,. _ Sofft, l appropriation for improvement of 129 appropriation br, fnrputal service.- 156,386 * Snlnr, A., or miie buildings under control 0;% 4 payment to . . 458 ,a•m·y Department .. . 95 l Sam. Myrna River, Kirk. j nnlmhng eargoeo of imported, etc . 60 stampnlphiiation for inprovoment of . I4?! g Baumann, Richard, 5*7 ag p, _ payment to. . . . .. . .. ,..-.¤ torm,¢le¤n•d . . . . . ..-. 438 i Sampson, Saul S. (widow), rules to be {allowed in navigation of .. 438 pension to .. . . ... N I