Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1024

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PROTECTION OF SUB-MARINE CABLES. MARCH 14, 1884. 990 ' <>@b]°¤» €¤ 038 d6 P08e, *1** d饤¤S¤· being laid, are out of order, or are Went 0}* de Y¤Pt¤T€» d01V9M S0 Uk broken, shall keep at a distance of mf él°*H¤é§ de 095 bouées 9·_¤¤ one quarter of a nautical mile at (1H3ft} de IDI11B DZIIIIQHB BH m01DS· lgasf, from Such bu0yS_ Les engins ou tilets des pechenrs Fishing nets and gem- Symp bg devront etre tenus a la meme dis- kept, at me smug diswucg tance. Anrronm VII. Anrxcmi VII. Les propriétaires des navires ou Owners of ships or vessels who Lonsu on asbatiments qui peuvent prouver can prove that they have sacrificed ¤<>¤¤¤t of ¤¤b1¤¤· qu’ils ont sacriiié une ancre, nn an anchor, a net, or any other im- Iilet ou un autre engin de peche, plement used in fishing, in order to pour ne pas endommager un cable avoid injuring a submarine cable, ' sous-marin, doivent etre indemni- shall be indemnified by the owner sés par le propriétaire du cable. of the cable. Pour avoir droit a une telle in- In order to be entitled to such indemnité, il faut, antant que possi- demnity, one must prepare, whenble, qu’aussitot apres Paccident, ever possible, immediately after the on ait dressé, pour le constater, un accident, in proof thereof, a stateproces-verbal appuyé des témoi- ment supported by the testimony guages des gens de Péquipage, et of the men belonging to the crew; que le capitaine du navire iasse, and the captain of the vessel must, dans les vingt-qnatre heures de within twenty—ibur hours after arson arrivée au premier port de riving atthe iirstportof temporary rctour on de relache, sa déclara- entry, makehis declaration to the tion anx autorités compétentes. competent authorities. The latter Celles-ci en donnent avis aux an- shall give notice thereof to the contorités consulaires de la nation du sular anthoritie of the nation to propriétaire du cable. which the owner of the cable belongs. Anrrcrn VIII. Amicus VIH. Les tribunaux compétents pour The courts competent to take c,,,,,.,,;,,,,,,,,,,,, connaitre des infractions a la pre- cognizance of iniractions of this ofinbactingparty sente Convention sont ceux du convention shall be those of the *9 h¤'° .l¤¤’i¤di¤· pays auqnel appartientle batiment country to which the vessel on °‘°“‘ a bord duquel l’im"raction a été board of which the infraction has commise. been committed belongs. ll est, d’ailleurs, entendu que, · lt is, moreover, understood that, dans les cas on la disposition in- in cases in which the provision consérée dans le precedent alinéa ne tained in the foregoing paragraph pourrait pas recevoir d’exécution, cannot be carried out, the represla. repression des iniractions a la sion of violations of this convenprésente Convention aurait. lieu, tion shall take place, in each of the dans cbacnn des Etatscontractants contracting States, in the case of a Pégard de ses nationaux, con- its suljects or citizens. in accordlormement aux regles généralcs do ance with the general rules of penal competence pénale resultant des competence established by the spolois particulicres de ces Etats on cial laws of those States, or by indes traités internationaux. ternational treaties. Arzricnic IX. Aizrionn IX. La. poursuite des infractions pre- Prosecutions on account of the Prosecution to vues aux articles II., V. et V1. de iniractious contemplated in articles g° th ¤°¤° °’ la présente Convention aura lieu II., V. and VI. of this convention, °“ °‘ par l’Etat on en son nom. shall be instituted by the State or in its name.