Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1047

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1018 COMMERCIAL CONVENTION—MEXICO. MAY 14, 1886. May 14, 188;; Supplemental Article to the Commercial Convention between the United States ` of America and the United States of Mexico, concluded January 20, 1883, and to the Additional Article thereto of February 25, 1885. Concluded at Washington May 14, 1886; ratification advised by the Senate January 7, 1887; ratified by the President of the United States January 24, 1887; ratified by the President of Mexico May 30th, 1886; ratmcations exchanged January 29, 1887 ; proclaimed February lst, 1887. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Preamble- Whereas a supplementary article to the Commercial Convention, concluded between the United States of America and the United States of Mexico, J zmuary 20, 1883, and to the Additional Article, concluded between the same High Contracting Parties, February 25, 1885, was concluded and signed in the City of Washington on the 14th day of May, · 1886, which said supplementary article, extending the time until May 20, 1887, for the passage of the laws necessary to carry into edect the Commercial Convention above mentioned, and being in the English and Spanish languages, is word for word, as follows: Supplementary Article to the Com- Articulo Suplementario d la Convenmcrcial Convention concluded be- cion Comercial concluida entre lcs tween the United States of America Estados- U nidos do América y lcs and the United States of Mexico," Estado: Unidos Mexicanos el 20 January 20, 1883, and to the Ad- de Enero de 1883, y al Articulo ditional Article concluded between Adicional concluido entre las misthe same High Parties, February mas Alias Partes el 25 de Febrero 25, 1885. de 1885. The United States of America CreyendoconvenientelosEstad0s and the United States of Mexico, Unidos de América y los Estados deemiug it expedient to further ex- Unidos Mexicanos prorogar de nutend the time for the approval of evo el plazo para. la aprobacion de the laws necessary to carry into las leyes necesarias para. poner eu operation the Commercial Conven- ejecucion la Convenciou Comercial tion concluded between the two conclnida entre los dos Gobiernos, » Governments, signed at \?Vashing· iirmada en Washington el 20 de ton, January 20, 1883, which time Enero de 1883, cuyo plazo, tijado as tixed in Article VIII. of said con- en el Articulo VIII de dicha Convention was by the Additional Ar- evencién, fue prorogado hasta el 20 ticle signed February 25, 1885, ex- de Mayo del presente ano por el tended until the 20th of May of Articulo ndicional tirmado el 25 de the present year, have appointed Febrero de 1885, han nombrado sus as their Plenipotentiaries, to wit: Plenipotenciarios, a saber: Pleuipotentig- The President of the United 'El Presidente de los Estados- ¤¤•· Statesof America,Thomas Francis Unidos de América, a Thomas Bayard, Secretary of State of the Francis Bayard. Secretario de Es- United States of America, and the tado de los Estados-Unidos de President of the United States of América, y el Presidente de los Es- Mexico, Matias Romero, Envoy Ex- tados-Unidos Mexicanos, a. Matias