Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1074

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INDEX. 1 047 Bolton, Caroline P. (mother), Page. Bolts, William, Page` P°¤¤1°¤ ---- - -----------·-·--- ·--- 905 u ment to .. . ... . . , . * Bombay, _ _ Bagelxm, Langstrath and GI5 appropriation for consul at .. 114, 484 refund of tax to - 7 857 Bond, B'¢’*¢‘¢‘*"¤, Boundary Dine, . u ---·-- I----- an ---·-- =*m°¤¤* °f» ¤¤¤€¤¤¢d- ——-· ---· ---- -- ------ 16 cvnveriticn as to international, with Mex- ¤•> by r¤¤¤W¤¢i every four years . .. 16 ico ou the Rio Grande and the Rio BOM Gwrye M-, . Colorado .. . . . . 1011 payment of j udgmont of Court of Claims to- 277 ‘ Bvun ty, Volunteers, Army, B0"']: -H“.'I’h deficiency appropriations for.292 299 304 306 307 P¤§'m¢¤¥i to =\dmi¤iSf1‘3t0l‘ of .. . . - 679 Bmmties. Supprvssing Slave Trade I , T , BMG. Jvhfl, deficiency appropriation for. .1... .. . . 298 payment ofjndgment of Court of Claims to. 282 Bowden, Francis, Bond, Willfang, and Company, payment to _ ____ _ ____ ______ ____ ___ _____ __ 680 payment of j ndgmont of Court of Claims to . 275 Bowden, Mary A., Bond, Willfang E_, payment t0_ _____ __________________ _____ 939 payment to. . . .. . . 922 Bowen. Caroline, . Bmw, Jamvv H. payment to ..-.-. . ..-.- -----· 938 payment. of j udgmont of Court of Claims to - 281 Bowen, John J. S., Banda, E.roculora’, D. O., payment to administrator of . 658 to the extent of debts only may be taken; 361 Bowers, William H. and George F., pro_vis0s .. - ... . payment to .. . . . . 960 Bonds, Ojlcml, Bowero and Dunham, proceedings in court for release from .. 505 payment of j udgment of Court of Claims to. 27 6 Bonner, John, and Company, Bowling, Samuel W., payment gfjudgmgni; of Court ofC15,im5 to. 278 pension ________,______,,,. . ,.,_ _ , ,- . - S13 Boone, Susan A., Bowlua, Sophia, pay ment to . . .. . . 671 payment to administrators of. 681 Booth, Robert C., Bowman, Henry, payment to executrix of. . . . . . 960 pgyment to _____,_______, , _____ ____ _____ _ 753 Boothe, William N, Bowman, Jonathan, Bp1g1I1Q11i? to . -.. . . 939 B paymer; to. . .. . . . .,_,..., _ . . 754 or au, owman, ichael, aptpropriatinn for consul at-, .. . . 112, 482 payment to udministratrix of ..., . , ... 676 or clerk hire .. . .. 116, 485 Bowman, Tlwmaa E, Borders, Arthur, payment ofjudgment of Court of Claims to. 282 paymesnt $0 aegninistrator of - .. . . 955 Box, Elizabeth, f Boring, ter ing ., aymeut to administrator 0 . . 939 payment to -. . ... 939 Begd, George W., Barat, John 0., date of death of .. . ... . .. S83 payment of damages 1:0, Fox and Wisconsin twelve mout11s’ ay to heirs of; proviso .. 883 Rivers. . . . . . .. 284 arrears of pay og to legal representative. . 883 Boston, Maas., Boyd,.}. 1E, appropriation for salaries, office of assist- payment to . . - . . . 753 mit treasurer..-. . -. . ..187,610 Boyd, James for improvement of harbor . 310 I payment to .. 752 deficiency appropriation for collecting ons- I Boyd, Robert U`., toms revenue at . ... . . . 261 | payment to . . . ... 938 Boufon Harbor, Maas., Boyd, William JI., liglxbliouso and fog-signal established at l payment to . . . ... 752 Deer Island .,.. . . - .. . .. 142 I Boyd, William P., Boaton,.llarine Barracks, { payment to. . . . . . . . . . 635 deticienoy appropriation for repairs. . . 269 i Boyd, Hdla a_nd Vincent Boston, Steam Cru iser, j puymentoljuelgnuont ofConrt of Claims to. 278 appropriation for arinament . .. . . . 151 i Boyers, Gcorgc W., {br completing c0nst.ructi011 . .. . I54 i payllléllt I'0. . -- ·... . . . 677 deficiency appropriation for powder for. .. 7 I Boylv, John, and Company, _ Bagwell, H, K,, { rutiunal of tux to . .. . . ... . UM payment to exocutrix of -. 752 _ Bvylv fwd J[GM¤H14|, _ Boswell, Nicholas H., · refund of mx to ... .. . .. .. Foil payment, t0_ _________, , ..---. . . .. 656 Bracken, rlIrll'Ul¢I, _ Botanic Garden, payment to .. _ ... - .. . . 7,»3 appropriation for pay of superintendent, P Bradbury, Edzrard l-.., _ _ as.-sismnts and laborers - . .. 177, 600 payment of Judgment of Court of Cl:-nms to. 27.n for repairs and improvements . 177, 303 Bradbury,tLteo»:a»·d, 960 for repairs. ew ---..- · . . ..-·--·. ‘ 5 paymerr 0- -..-·-·- --·- ------------------ Bo/anical Division. Department of Agriculture, Braden, D. P., _ _ ___ uppropriation for . ... 100 payment to administrator of .. . ... bon for lwfanisl, etc .. . 495 Bradford, _ _ fm- expense, ______ __ ____ _ _______,,, . .. . 496 I npproprxation for consul at . . 11i, Buyer fnderick, ; for clerk lure . . . ... 11b, ~lco pension _ _____ _ _____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____,__, .-. 42 Bradford, H. W., Borrlerf Prvfvcfiw Acuvviation, i puymevt w --·-· -· -·-· --— -·—----- -- --·---· 670 articles for exhibition of, at Boston, to be ¤ Bradford, James,. · _ admitted freeof duty; regulations., 169 L payment to W1d0\\’ of .. -- . 606 _ Bolts, Beverly B., _ ¤ Bfadfwdl Joh s-- _ payment of j udgment of Court of Claims to. 260 T payment of judgment of Court of Claims to. 276