Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1139

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1 1 1 2 INDEX. p _ Page, Lofty, S. JI., ago I Louisiana-Continued. _ ' payment to . ..,,.,,.,,_,,,, . ...,. 663 < grant of lands t0, in aid of 00¤St!'¤€U011 of Logan, Byers, { railroad from New Orleans to the payment, to ,___ _ _________ ____ __ ____ _ _____ 761 State line in the direction of Jack- Logan, David, I son, Miss., I'Bp8&}6d . ---··---- ·· ---- 141 payment to .. ... . . . . . 947 { allrights forfeited; land restored to pub- Logan, John A., ‘ lic domain; sales by United States printing of oulocrics on, authorized; por- 1 ~ confirmed ..-------- - ---·--· 141 ¤ t trait ..,,,, ,,,, __,__,,_ ,,,, __,, _ ___, 488 i Louisiana North and South Railroad Congpany, Logan, John ni (father), authorized to bridge Rad River at A cxan- ‘ ____ _ _____________________________ -43 drin, La. .. . ... . 508 Llgzlzlg? pw I ’ Louisiana State University and Agricultural _ t t 3] f ____ _ _____ _ _________ 947 and Mechanical College, L1B31E2t6u 0 Wl Ow 0 possession of United States barracks, Baton appropriation for consul-genera,] at .. 110, 481 Rouge, U‘¤¤Sf¤1`1‘€<U0¤ for €d¤<>¤·¤0¤9·1 tb: clerk hiro . , . .. . . . . 115, 485 purposes ---·-- - ----· · ---·- - ----- -- - 144 London, Canada, [ to be kept insured and in repair .. .. 144 apppgprjgtiou fg]; consul git____ __" ______ _ 484 I WIIGII HOU UBC!]. tO1'8\'0I‘t to UD] Déd SERIES 144 Lo d J b A. ; Louisville Ky. liloiiniy $07..., .,.. . ,,,,, _ _,,,, ____ ____ ____ 969 appropiiation for public building .. .22.3, 510 London, Leander, 1 partition of land in, owned by John Echols payment to , , .. .,,,. ,,, ,_,_ __ ____ ____ 761 { and the United States, jointly ______ 17 Lones, George H., i Louisville and Portland Canal: Kentucky, payment, to . . . .,,,, , _ __,_,___ 55:; appropriation for survey or di·y-d0ck _ _ ____ 331 Long, Frederick, LOMUN, J- A-, payment ro . . . . . . ... . 962 payment to . . . . . .,.,. 286 Long, James, L°*’€» Ja""??, _ L paymenm to administrators of .. .. 662 L p¤y?€¤t to Widow of . . .. 939 mag, ames, ore, case, · qnsion .,.. ,,-. ,.,,,,,. ,,,_ ,,,, , ,,,,, S9? payment to administrator of .. 602 Lolixg, John, 3 Lovelace, James J., payment to widow of . . , ,,.., 947 payment to .- .. . . ..,. 773 Long, N H., Lovell, Sarah A. (mother), paymout to administrator of .. . . . 663 pension . . . . . . 728 Long, Nicholas $1., Low, Dand, d · payment to a miuistrator of .. . ... 947 payment to a miuistrator of ., .,,,,_, 663 Long, Thomas, . Low, David W., payment to .- . . . . ..,. .-., 947 payment to, postal moneys stolen, ________ 918 Long Haul, Low, E. P., interstate common carriers forbidden to P**Ym°¤t t°· -··-- - ··~-· · -·-- » -·-... . . 761 cxmge im m than for nlm haul L·>·¤d¢··¤¤¤F¤, W- H-, under similar circumstances; proviso 380 Payment tv · ·-··--· ···- --·... I . .. 773 Long [gland: f b Id E R Lqggagegbgszc ggr Lowdenback), Chnafopher G., GM; construction o rn go across ast; ivor -·-- - ---.. . ... 4. between New York City and, an- L°'”» A"d"”'°_S·» xhorizea .. . ...,,,,,,,,,, , ,,,,,_ 468 L P¤ymn¢}3:_0f3 uélgmeut of Court ofC1niing to- 275 Longmire, Elizabeth, °w°* ° mm ·r , ________________ payment to , __,,,_ ___ ______ ___ ______ _ 663 L0Y';€,::;?tI;1:}u8, uu °--u. ·"° 663 g L0!¢‘0,_ IV. W. and Company, payment to __ ____ ______ ____" N"-. ·•_•_· 947 ! claim of, referred to Court ofC1aims .. 359 Looney, Margaret, i Lower Brulé {lgmcy, Crow Cree}; and, payment to ndminigtrgtoy of ___ ____,___ _ 553 I M?r%w£r?t£0n$0r Pay (if 11161811 Bgéllt at..29,45O Looney Robert I V n , 0 n l ., \ ’ ’ a ment to udminist tf ’ payment to ... ,,. ,..., ,, ,,_,_ 663 I Y Y _ T8 UX 0 . .-.. 61 Los Angeles, Cal., I L°'"·V· Sq"""’v _ _ _ l construction of public building gt, gu- · L Payinem €° Edmlnlstfalflx of .. . .. 761 tnorined , ,,__ _ _______ _____ ____ _ 370 F 0!I¢|]{ B¢§»_3qmor•_ P2, appropriation for .. . . . . . . 510 Lopzl écal ‘s“b'l‘"°s T°m0V0d- ·--· ·-.. 857 Loss by Exchange, g y , no u, appropriation to meet, lcgations ..,, .1l0_ 430 2 LoV“Ym"P€ of back P3? to -·- . .. -. .. 875 consulates .--. .. ,_,.: ,,,___ ____:_ _____ tug, 486 [ yd, grlgatm, deficiency appropriation for diplomatic } Lim; Ci:" ·· ·---· ·· ·. . . . ..,,, 959 “"i°° --·· ·-·· -·-· -. ,____9:,g,ggg 2 _”"_» €·· _ for consular service . ..., . .,,.. ,,,, ,___259 23;) ! “PP*`°P"mU0¤ fo1‘ llupmvcment of ,_,, ____ 3]7 ’ g Lubes J\’urrou·a Mc., Lggyfggzlgm ________ __ __ ______ __" ___' __·. 780 light-housc csmblighgd at ___ _ _ _______ 142 Loud, A_ pr, ; Lumzvgfzpféutxou for . . ,_____ _ __ _ gg_; deiicicncy appropriation for travelling ex~ i 8 2u° Q " v·=¤- ·-·—·——-·—--·— -· ··-- -----~ 262 i LMS, §»2r,‘.3;;m(;.U;;·· ···· ·· ··-···---·-· *3*** Louisa Fork nf Sandy Rirer, Va., L pension - r Lotpgzgriuticn for survey of .. . . 3::4 f Luc,,,,,, p;,};,},;;" ‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘··· ···· · ··-·· 8*3 I ·. . ‘ ¤ » .. appropriation for pay of surveyor-general ; L,X.y¥‘3Z,E.;;l (mo"`"), '‘‘‘‘‘ " ···· ···· -·•· 678 c]€YL$ --·-·· ·· -~·· - -···- --•·•· ·· --204, 6`27 1 pgngmu for contingent orpensas .. T-..:--. .204,627 Q L,,g;,,g,,,,,,']g}é,]: °’'’‘‘‘ " ···· ·· ··-—·· · -···- B16 for surveying private land claims m _ 240 k appropriation for improvement of harbor- 315