Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1185

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1158 INDEX. m . 1’=¤.·:<>· San Carlos Agency, Sanford, J. A., _ _ appropriation for pay of Indian agent at..30, 250 paymepct of damages to, Fox aud Wnscousm 283 San Diego, Cal., ivcrs . . . -.-- -·-· ·--- · ----· appropriation for survey of harbor ... 317 San farfl, James W., San Domingo, pcnsmu .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 808 ap wpriation for consul at - . 114, 484 Santa Fé, LZ Mex., San £‘ram:isco, _ quarters to be providgd for purveygrgenappointment of commissxon to select sito craliupublic bmldmg, 1fpra.ct1cub1o. 204 for pulglic building at ..- . .. 500 appropriation for pqblic building . 511 nppropr1at1ou for .. .. .. 500 complatmu of public bmlding at, authorappropriatiou for salaries, officc of assist- ized . . . ... . .. . . 393 ant; treasurer . . . . .-.. -189, 612 Santee Agency, for salaries, mint at . . . . . 189, 613 appropriation for pay of Indian agent at..30, 450 for wages- . ...-... . . 189,613 Santee River, S. 0., for contingent expenses-- -.-- - -- 189, S appropriation for improvement of, proviso. 320 for survey of harbor - -..- . - ---. -... anlec Sioux Indiana of Nebraska deficiency appropriation for collecting cus- appropriation for fulfilling tregnties with .. 39, 459 toms revenue at. -...-.. 261 Santiago (Capo Verde Islands), 1ega1—tcudcr notes may be redeemed at sub- 560 S appropriation for consul at --.. . . . . . . 115, 485 treasury ...-. . . ...-.. . . anliugo dc Cuba, right of United States in certain land, rc- appropriation for consul at .---.. ..-. ---. 112, 482 linquished to ..-... . ...-. . .--.. 351 San to Domingo, patent to issue. --..- _ . - .-- . . 352 appropriation for clungé d’aR'=niras in 108, 479 Seal Rocks granted to, un trust as a preserve San tos, fo}- sogls, etc . -. . ..- 408 appropriation for consul at- .--...-. . . 483 San Joaqum Rwer, Cal., Satterjield, B. B., appropriation for imtgrovcment of. ...- 327 payment to administrator of .. . ... 952 forsgurvcy of mou of -. -.. 317 Saucer, Devreaux, (,52 San Jo , payment to ...--- ..-. .- -..--...-- .. .- . appropriation fog consul at ...- -. ..-. 113, 483 Sauer, {Stephen (faiher), San Juan (Pqrto Roco), pcusxon . . . 1- t .- . -.---..-- . . . . 865 Saap`pmprB1t;pgT10£¢;r consul at -. --.. 112, 483 Sauyatuck, ligne1e.? _ t f h b 315 n umu e e, approprm wu or nmprovemcu 0 ur or. appropriation for fonsul at -- -... 113, 483 Saugertiea, N. Y., San Luis Obispo Ca ., appropriation for im rovement of harbor. 312 appropriatio1{ for broakwator, Whalm-’s Sault Sainte Marie, faint t.. .. . .. .. 317 sale of Fort Brady Military Reservation at. 128 Sa for l15h!: and fog-grgnal -. . . .--- 513 purchase of sxtc lor new post, Fort Brady, n Luis b•ap0' Bay a . authorized ..-- . .. . .-.-- 128 light-1¥’>uso gu;} {gg-siénal established at 142 Saundcra, James, crt u 01* -. . . · . ---- payment to administrator of ...--. 776 San Pablo Bay, Cal., Saunders, James L., appropriation gm- survey of. .-.. . . .- ,. 317 paymentof judgment of Court of Claimrto. 282 7San Pedro Bay, al., Saunders Phebe `dmc), appropriation for survey of. ...- ... . ...-.. 330 · pension .-...- .-..-...- . ...-... 697 San Salvador Savage, B 'mninll, appropriation for consul at . - . ..- 113, 483 paymon?to -.-... . .- . ..-.. ..-- ...- 679 Sand Bcacfo, Mich., _ Savage, James, appropnamcn for improvement of harbor payment to -.-.-..-..-. ...-.. 767 cf refuge- ...-· · · ·-·.. . ...·· 315 Savannah, Ga., Sanders, J. I., __ appropriation for improvement of harbor. 313 payment tc ...- . .-... .. . ..--. ¢66 public bmlding to be erected at .. ..-- 104 Sanders, Loamma 4.,_ appropriation for .. . ... 224 S pzymaxish to adrgunstrator of .. . . .. 667 oponmzpaigi public building at, may bc cm era, omnv ., uc .. ...- ..-· . 348 payment to .. .. ..---. 963 Savannah Ri ep- G ,, Sanders, TIC C., _ up ro ria1E0n; fc: improvement of .. . ...-. 321 payment to- ...-.-.--.---- . -.--.-...-- 667 grr Eglxting --... --.. .--. . ...-. 228, 5].6 Sandunky, Ohw, _ for survey of .-. . -...- .. ..-.-.. . 331 ¤pfpmpdatio1;;'<;: ugprovcment of harbor- 314 Saverenol, Janes, or survey ar x· --.---...-... -. 334 pension .-.- . - . ..--..--. . ...,, 866 Sandusky, gqonathuq, ktnwtd 77 Sawimlci, Vincent S., ymen oadmxm . . . ..- 5 t fd a t F ¤dW' ' 8.53..7, q.,M.,.. pam, m, ”°”°Ei€m?Z f‘f?°?. .`T’..f’I.f‘ f€‘?€"??ff‘ 284 bcundanes Of, dehucd ...· . ... 430 Sawyer, Jamey R., Saudy Bay Hgrbvr of Bdvw, payment to .- --. -.. .- 951 Saalgprgdlgulcéujor improvement of 311 Sa1vyer,Lucmda (mother), or y oo . . umon .- - -..--..-..- ., ..-,. _, appmprigtiou {Jr improvement of channel. 312 Sagasyer, Marg E. (widow), Sandy Hook, N2 J., Proving Grmmd, pension. .. --. -- ,.,. , ,_,,, _,_, 732 appropriation for repairs, ctc .. . . 244, 530 Sawyer, Samuel, . ·?¤nf•¤i. Zia., _ _ pension .. - .-·-·. . .. . . 904 apptupnatmu for xmlxtary telegraph from Sayers, Alexander, S“f""P0int Jupgcr to --·.-.. 405 Scpagrmogt hte .. . . . . ,,.. 776 Cardin ., _ a an 0 ·n L. payment to administrator of . .. .. 667 ¤mm ¤g referked to com-g of claim, ______ 359