Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/225

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190 FOR’1`Y·NINTH CONGRESS. Srzss. I. C11. 827 1886. keeper, and weigh clerk, at two thousand dollars each ; abstract clerk and register of deposits, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; assayer’s computation clerk, at one thousand two hundred dollars; in · all, twenty-nine thousand five hundred and fifty dollars. W¤:9¤· For wages of workmen and adjusters, sixty thousand dollars. `pc€g_‘“g°“* “' For incidental and contingent expenses, twenty-five thousand dollars. Few 01*1 °¤¤• MINT yr NEW UmL1:ANs, LOUISIANA.-—FOI‘ salary of the superin- '·““‘°• tendent, three thousand ilve hundred dollars; for the assayer, melter _ · and reiiner, and coiner, threein all, at two thousand five hundred dollars each; cashier` and chief clerk, at two thousand dollars each; assistant assayer, assistant melter and refiner, and assistant coiner, one thousand nine hundred dollars each; abstract clerk and bookkeeper, at one thousand six hundred dollars each; weigh clerk and assayer’s computation clerk, at one thousand six hundred dollars each; register of the deposits, warrant clerk, and assistant weigh clerk, at one thousand two hundred and nfty dollars each; cashier clerk, at one thousand one hundred dollars; in all, thirty-one thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars. W¤S¤¤- For wages of workmen and adjusters, seventy-four thousand dollars. C°¤*i¤8°¤'* ¤· For incidental and contingent expenses, including repairs and new V°““°“‘ machinery, thirty-ilve thousand dollars. D<=¤v¢¤ ¤¤i¤t- Mmm AT Dmwmz, Conommo.-For salary of the assayer in charge, two thousand ilve hundred dollars; for melter, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; chief clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one clerk, at one thousand six hundred dollars; one clerk, at one thousand four hundred dollars; assistant assayer one thousand four hundred dollars; in all, ten thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars. W¤z•=¤· For wages of workmen, fourteen thousand dollars. · g:;¤;i¤s¤¤* ¤¤- For incidental and contingent expenses, six thousand dollars. Pcsew rem any- Assay-orrrcm AI Nnw Yom:.-For salary of superintendent, tour °¤¢=•- thousand five hundred dollars; for assayer and for melter and renner, at three thousand dollars each ; chief clerk, assistant melter and reiiner, and weighing clerk, at two thousand five hundred dollars each; bookkeeper, two thousand three hundred and fifty dollars; cashier, two thousand dollars; warrant clerk, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; har clerk, abstract clerk, and assayer’s computation clerk, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; assistant weigh clerk, one thousand six hundred dollars; register of dlposits, one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; assayer’s iirst assistant, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; assayer’s second assistant, two thousand one hundred and fifty dollars; assayer’s third assistant, two thousand dollars; in all, thirty-nine thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. W'!?- For wages of workmen, twentyhve thousand dollars. P£:¤:¤¤S¢¤* ¤*' For incidental and contingent expenses, ten thousand dollars. Saint Louis as- ASSAY·OFFICE AT Samir Louis, M1ssoUiu.—For assayer in charge, ¤°F·°m°°· two thousand ilve hundred dollars; one clerk, one thousand dollars · C t_ t in Iall, three thopsand five hundred dollars. ’ °¤ ¤¤s;•=¤ *¤· or incidenta and contin nt ex enses iucludiu labor thr - P°°"i“‘ M sand dollars. ge Pg ’ cc thou He cur. out., Assarorrrciz AT Hsnmxu, MoN·ra1u.—For salar of assa er in “"°“Y‘°m°°· charge, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars ;yand of melter, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; chief clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one clerk, one thousand four hundred dollars- W in all, seven thousand seven hundred dollars. ’ Cog; em Bx For wages of workmen, twelve thousand dollars. MLM g _ For incidental and contingent expenses, six thousand dollars. l¤° i » me Assay-ormoz AT Boisn Cnr, 11:4110 Tmmn‘oBY.—For assa er b°’ °°°°y °§·°°’ who shall also perform the duties of melter, two thousand dollars;)ond _ _ clerk, one thousand dollars; in all, three thousand dollars. pg;-mwt ¤¤- dogggumdental and contingent expenses, including labor, five thousand