Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/4

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LIST OF P LBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. V ·~ Page. Indian appropriations. An act making appropriations for me current and contingent cxpeuscs of the Indian Department, and for fulfilling treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes, for the year ending June thircieth. eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, and for other purposes. May 15, 1886 .. . ... . .,. . ..,,_,,_______ _ 29 Bridge, Mississippi River. An act to authorize the construction of a railroad and wagon bridge across {lg-es Mississippi River from Winona., Minnesota, to the opposite shore in Wisconsin. May 15, I ..-·------ . . ... .. . ...-.. . . . .. . .. . . 47 Bridge, Y cllo1ra!0·nc River. An act to authorize the construction of a bridge across the Yellowstone River in Montana. May 15, 1886 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..,,,.,,,__ 48 Military Academy graduates. An act to regulate the promotion of graduates of the United States Military Academy. May 17, 1886-.. .-.. .. . . - --,- ___,__ 50 Port of entry, Mount Deaert Ferry, Me. An act providing for the establishment of a. port of emu-y at Mount Desert Ferry, in the town of Hancock, ID the State ofMai11e. May 17, 1886. _____ 50 Right of way, arsenal grounds, Philudeqzhia, Pa. An act granting the right of way to the Kensin mu and Tawony Railroad Company through the arsenal grounds at Bridesburg, Pkiladelliig, Pennsylvania. May 17, 1886 .. . . . . . . . ... . . . . _ __,,. ,, _ _ ,___ 50 Charge of desertion removed. A11 act to remove the charge of desertion from the rolls and records in the Office of the Adjuta11t—Geuera.1 of the Army against certain soldiers. May 17, 1886. .. 51 Statue of Maj. Gm. John A. Rawlins. An act authorizing the removal of the statue ofMajo1·-General John A. Rawlins item its present location to a sxto to be selected by the Secretary of War. May 17, 1886- .. . . .. . . . ... . . . . . . . ,,. ,.,,,_____ 51 Public building, Belfast, Me. An act for the extension and repair of the public building nt Belfast, Maine. May 17, 1886. .--. . . -. .. - . .- . .,._, , _,___ _ _,___ 51 Bridge, Missouri River. An act to authorize the construction of a bridge across the Missouri River at some accessible point within ten miles below and five miles above the city of Kansas City, Missouri. May 17, 1886 .. . . .. .-..L- .. .--- . .,,_,,... , _,___ 52 Bridge, Tenmeuec River. An act to give the assent of Congress to the construction of a. bridge by tg§6Na.shviI1e, Jackson and Memphis Railroad Company over the Tennessee River. May 17, 1 -. . .. ..- . -- .. . . . . . ... . . ..,.,. __,_ 53 Public building, Dallas, Tex. All act for the addition of n third story to the public building in Dallas, Texas. May 17, 1886 . .. -... .. . . . . .-., _.,... . ..,_, 54 Bridge, Missouri River. An act authorizing the construction of a bridge across the Missouri River at V or near the city of Council Bluhb, Iowa, and for other purposes. May 17, 1886 ., . , , 5 Bridge, Kama: River. An act authoxrizinglihc Inter-State Bapxd Transit Railway Company to build a bridge across the Kaunas River. ay 17, 1886 .. . ... . . . . . ,.., 51 Public building, Fort Wayne, Ind. An act to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to purehue au additional strip of ground on the oust side of the United States courthouse and post- 0Eice building at Fort Wayne, Indiana, to be paid for out of the appropriation already made. May 17, 1886 .. . . -- .. .. . . . .. - .. ... 57 Bridge Missouri River. An act to authorize the construction of a bridge across the Missouri River at s point to be selected either in the counties of Clay and Jackson, in the State of Missouri, or in the county of Clay or Platte, in aid State, and the county of Wyandotte, in the State of Kansas, and to make the same s post-route. May 17, 1886 . . .. ... --. 58 Bridge, Lfuioaippi River. An act to authorize the construction of :1 pile and pontoon railway and wagon bridge across the Mississippi River from the city of Bed Wing, Minnesota, to the oppomtc shore, in the State of Wisconsin. May 17, 1886 . . . . . . .. 59 Bridge, Miaameri Rirer. An act to authorize the construction of u bridge over the Missouri River at the most accessible point between the mouth of the Femme Osage Crock and a point two miles above the city of Saint Charles, in the county of Saint Clmx·1es,iu the State of Missouri. May 17, 1886 .. .. .. .-.. .. .. . _ . .. .. . . 60 Bridge, Missouri Biur. An act to authorize the construction of a budge over the Missouri River at the most accessible point in Saline City, or within Bro miles above or five miles below the Bmw, in the county of Saline, in the State of Missouri. May 17, 1886 . 6*3 Bridge, Red River. An act granting to the Gainesville and Chickasaw Bridge Company the cou— sent of the United States to construct and maintain • bridge over Bad River at or near Brown's Ferry, in Cooke County, Texas. May 17, {886 .-.r.. .. _ 63 Bridge, Minmeri River. An act to authorize the constmctmu of n brndge across the Mmsoun River ut some accessible point within two miles north and two miles south of the city of Atchi~ wm in the county of Atchison, in the State of Kansas. Mt! 17a l8&$ ---·----- .- -·.. 6·| Bridge, Missouri River. An not to authorize the construction md maintenance of n bridge by the Dakota Central Railway Company across the Missouri River at Prem, Dakota. May 17, 65 w ______ ____________ ___,,, ,,,,,,,,,. ,. ..-.- .. -..-•• •·---- ..---. ---. Bridg: Misameri River. A11 act to authorize the Chicago, Milwaukee and Saint Paul Railway Comimuv to construct, operate, and maintain s bridge across the Missouri River near or in the vicibity of Chgmbeplgimiu the Territory of Dakota. play 17, @886 . .-·-. . . .. . . 67 Right 0 way, Fart Selden Military Reservation. An act grautnng the nght of yay through the Fort élden Military Reaervatiggé in New Mexico, to the R10 Gran e, Manco and Pacxiic Rul- " an . Ia * 18 1 ..---·- - ·---·-- · -·--·--- · -·--···---- - ---··•--··- - ---·-· - --·-- 68 AlcoI ;c ; £ud ;:2zr£otiz:s. {Au act to provide for the study of the mature of alcoholic drinks and narcotics, and of their efects upon the human system, in counectrcu wjith the several divisions of the subject of physiology and hygiene, by the {mpi1s m the pnbhc school}: of the Territories and of the District of Columbia, and in the M1 itary and Naval Academxes, aud Indian and colored schools in the Territories of the Umtgd Sugtes. May 2Q, 1886 ., .:,,_ 59 Bridge, Ohio River. An act to authorize the C0v‘in$ton and Cincmnaf:1 Elevated Bulway and Bndgo Company to erect a brielgo ncmss the Ohio wer. May 20, {88€-:ié:-..;£.w: Kruk; ,____ 9 Pullic building, Wichita, Kas. An act for the completmu of a public m mg 10 xm, nsas. 69 Mayms 1896 ··•··· · ···· · ··••·• ······•’ ·····• ‘ *‘·• ···• ··•········‘‘'**'‘ ····· ·•"‘'‘‘*’'‘