Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1412

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PROTECTION OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY. MARCH 20, 1883. 1373 ors, and to the loyalty of commer- loyauté des transactions commercial transactions, have resolved ciales, ont résolu de conclure une to conclude a Convention to that Convention at cet edet, et ont effect, and have named as their nommé pour leurs Plénipoten- Plenipotentiaries the following ; tiaires, savoir: H is 1I1a iesty the Ki ng of the Bel- Sa Jlfajesté le Roi des Belges, M. Pl¤¤i1><>t¤¤¤¤¤‘i¤¤ gians: Baron Beyens, Grand Ofli- le Baron Beyens, Grand-Ofiicier cerof His Royal Orderof Leopold, de Son Ordre Royal de Leopold, Grand Officer of the Leagion of Grand-Oiiicierde la Legion d’ho11- Honor, etc., His Envoy xtraor- neur, etc., son Envoyé extraordidinary and Minister lenipoten- naire et Ministre plénipotentiaire tial? at Paris; a 'Paris; is Jllajesty the Emperor of Sa Mqiesté L’Empereurdu Bré- Brazil: Mr. Jules Constant, Count stl. M. Jules Constant, Comte de de Villeneuve, Member of the Villeneuve, Membre du Conseil Council of His Majesty, His En- de Sa Majesté, son Envoyé extravoy Extraordinary an Minister ordinaire et Ministre plénipoten- Plenipotentiary near His Ma/esty tiaire pres Sa Majesté le Roi des theg of the Belgians, Com- Belges, Commandeur de l`Ordre mander of the Order of Christ, du hrist, Officier de son Ordre de Officer of His Order of the Rose, la Rose, Chevalier de la Legion Knight of the Legion of Honor, d’honneur, etc.; e c.; lhs Maijesty the K ing of Spain.- Sa Majesté le Roi d’Es_pagne, S. His Exce lency the Duke de Fer- Exc. M. le Duc de Fernan-Nunez, nan-Nunez de Montellano, and de Montellano et Del Arco, Comte Del Arco, Count de Cervellon, de Cervellon, Marquis de Almo- Marquis of Almonacir, Grandee nacir, Grand d’Espagne de 1*** of Slpain of the 1st Class, Knight classe, Chevalier de l’Ordre Inof thedistinguished Order of the signe de la Toison-d’Or, Grand- Golden Fleece, Grand Cross of the Croix de l`Ordre de Charles III., Order of Charles III., Knight of Chevalier de Calatrava, Grand- Calatrava, Grand Cross of the Le- Croix de la Lépon d'honneur, etc., mon of Honor, etc., Senator of the Sénateur du oyaume, son Amingdom, His Ambassador Ex- bassadeur extraordinaire et pléni— traordinary and Plenipotentiary potentiaire a Paris; at Paris; P The President 3 the French Re- Le Président de la Republique public: Mr. Pa Chellemel-La- Francaise, M. Paul Challemelcour, Senator, Ministerof Foreign Lacour, Sénateur, Mimstre des Affairs; Mr. Hérisson, Deputy, Affaires étrangereir M. Hérisson, Minister of Commerce; r. Député, Ministre du Commerce; Charles Jagerschmidt, Minister M. Charles Jagerschmidt, Minis- Pleni tentiary of 1st Class, Oili- tre plénipotentiaire de 1'° classe, cer of the National Order of the Officier e l’Ordre National de la Legion of Honor; Ligéon d’honneur, etc.; he President of the Republic Présidemtdela Républiqae de { Guatemala: Mr. Crisanto Me- Guatemala, M. Crisanto Medina, ina, Officer of the Legion of Omcier de la Légion dhonnenr, Honor, etc., His Envoy Extra- etc., son Envoyé extraordinaireet ordinary and Minister Plenipoten- Ministre plénipotentimre a Paris'; t12y at Paris; - _ _ is Jllajesty the King of Italy: Sa Majeslé le Roz d’Ifalze, M. Mr. Constantin Ressman, Com- Constantin Ressman. Commanmander of His Orders of St. Mau- . deur de ses Ordres des Saints Maurice and St. Lazarus, and of the rice et Lazare et de la Couronne Crown of Ita1y,Commanderof the d’ItaIie, Commandeur de la _Lé- Legion of Honor, etc., Counsellor gion d’honneur, etc., ‘CODS81llf3P of the Embassy of Italv at Paris; e 1’Ambassade diltalie a Paris; His Majcst_ the King of the Sa MajestéleR0:desPays·Bas, Netherlands: Laron de Zrg en de M. le Baron de Zuylen de Nye- Nyevelt, Commander of is Or- velt, Commandeur e son