Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1506

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CON VENTION—EXCHANGES. MARCH 15, 1886. 1467 Cette liste sera corrigée et com- This list shall be corrected and plétée chaque annee et adressée completed each year and regurégulierement a tous les bureaux larly addressed to all the bureaus d’échange. of exchange. ARTICLE IV. ARTICLE IV. Les bureaux d’échange s’en- The bureaus of exchange will Numbercf comes. tendront sur le nombre d’exem- arrange between themselves the planes qui pourront etre deman- number of copies which they may és et fournis. be able eventually to demand and furnish. . ARTICLE V. ARTICLE V. ~ Les e ivois se feront directe- The transmissions shall be made M°d°°f*¤¤¤=¤¤i**¤l- ment de bureaua bureau. Il sera directly from bureau to bureau. adolpté des modeles et des for- Uniform models and formulas Inu es uniformes pour les borde- will be adopted for the memoreaux du contenu des caisses, randa of the contents of the cases, a1ns1 que pour toutes les pieces as well as for all the administrade correspondance administra— five correspondence, requests, active, demandes, accuses de récep- knowledgments of reception, etc. tion, etc. . ARTICLE VI. ARTICLE VI. Pour Yexpédition a Pextérieur, For exterior transmissions, ExP°”¤°*· chaque Etat se charge des frais each State assumes the expense of d’emballage et de port jusqu’a ‘ packing and transportation to the destination, Toutefois, quand lace of destination. Neverthe- Pexpédition se fera par mer, des less when the transmissions shall arrangements particuliers regle- be made by sea, special arrangeront la part de chaque Etat dans ments will regulate the share of les frais de transport. each State in the expense of transportation. ARTICLE VII. ARTICLE VII. Les bureaux d’échange servi- The bureaus of exchange will tmE5¤¥:_5¤qv¤¤<;¤¢i¢¤- wut ddntermédiaires officieux serve, in an officious capacity, as "° " °” ‘ entre les corps savants et les so- intermediaries between the learnciétés littéraires, scientifiques &c. ed bodies and literary and sc1endes Etats contractants pour la tific societies, etc. of the contractréception et l’envoi de leurs pub- ing States for the reception and lications. transmission of the1r publications. Mais il demeurera bien entendu It remains however well underque, dans ce cas, le role des bu- stoodthat, In such case, the duty reaux d’échange se bornera at la of the bureaus of exchange wil transmission en franchise des be conjined to the free transmisouvrages échangés et que ces bu- sion of the works exchanged and reaux ne prendront aucunement that these bureaus wIll_n_ot III any Pinitiative de provoquer Pétablis- manner take the Initiative to sement de ces relations. bring about the establishment of such relations. ARTICLE VIII. ARTICLE VIII. Ces dispositions ne sont appli- These provisions apply only to '1‘¤¤¤·=<>f ¤¤x>¤¤·¤¤¤= cables qufaux documents et the documents and works pubouvrages publiés a partir de la lished afterthe date of the present date de la présente convention. Convention.