Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1532

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1496 mnnx. Page. I Page. Ascension, Church of the, D. C'., g Atlanta, Ga., taxes remitted .. . ... 1138 g appropriafion for enlarging, etc., public I 3 Ash, Reuben, n bui din at .. : 7 pension increased ... 1274 i deficiency apgropriation for construction Ashepoo River, S. C., 431 I t of nnilitary post .. appropriation for survc of . . erms 0 court at . . Aslielirilge, M O., y [ "Atlemta," Steel Cruiser, appropriation for public building . . . . 152 { deficiency appropriation for completion. . 53 Ashjord, Thomas R. , \ Atlantic and Pacific Railroad Company, paymgnt to . 1235 } paynieuat gglnterest on judgment of Court 61 Ashlun , I/Vis., I 0 'ms to .. . . . appropria,tion for imnrovement of harbor. 407 I Atlantic and Wester1n Railroad Company, fog—signa1 cstablis 1ed at La Pointe 499 [ may bridge Hillsborough River at New Ashtabula, Ohio,; Smyrna, Fla . . 370 appropriation for improvement of harbor. 405 { Saint J ohn’s River, Fla. . . . . 373 llf€·S3.\`1Il?Bt3.SO11 establislflcd at. . . 558 Atlantic Coast, i f 512 946 fog—signa an range- 'g ts esta.. J appropriation 'or survey o , on west ier . . . .., 1016 Atlantic Coast, South, Ashworth, Edmzgnd, 5 appropriation for expenses of commission pensioréligzrfased ... . . .. . ... 1125 4 to locatclnavy-yard on the Gulf, or. 463 As inwa 'o on , Attorney—Genem , a§>pr0pfia]1?c]n]1I for consul at . . . . . , 730 appropriaiion for, assistants, solicitorségg 742 forcer- 'c .. , . *,7 cler s,etc . · .. , Assay ces, · for editing, ctc., opinions of the 977 apprggiiation for ... . . .275, 725 to prevent interference with rights, ctc., Assessment of Real Pnperty, D. C., of the United States by subsidized appropriation for . ‘ .. 315 telegraph lines 383 Amessars, D. C., to remove three insane convicts to Govto enroll members of militia . 773 ernment insane asylum ... . 585 Assessors Ojiioe, D. C., to bring suit in circuit court of Kansas · appropriation for salaries and expenses, 315, 794 to quiet title of lands of Black Bob f for ezingegses oieniew assessment 312 · band of Shawnee Indians ... 768 ees to cposi .. . .. . 7 to try validity of certain wagon-r deficiency appropriation for contingent grants in Ore n .. 851 expenses . . . . ... . 7, 572 Attorney-Generals ége (see Department of Assistant Attorney-General, Interior De- Justice). partment, appropriation for clerks, etc . 742 appropriation for clerks, office of ... 285, 734 Attm·m·:y’s Office, D. C., Assistant A;t0·mey·Gcncrul, Post-%cc Dc- apgrgpriation for salaries and expenses. .315, r ment, _ e ciency appropriation or . . . ... approggation for pay of 293, 742 I An Gres River, Mich. , for clerks, office of .. 291, 740 , appropriation for survey of .. 428 derciency appropriation for services . 581 An Sable, Mich., Assistant Custodian: and Janitors, appropriation for improvement of harbor- 406 appreprgaglon for uulélic buildings outsidglg 956 An able Rivefr, Mich. , 428 0 'strict 0 0 um ia. ... . . , for survey 0 . ... Asmstant Secretary of the Intewor, . Auburn, N K, 4 patentsé s}gned by, declared valid . . . . 87 deficiency ailpproprizgion for public build- 47 - sms an reasurers, mg; re- roo n . . appropriation for salaries, offices of 272,722 . Aulmm (N. Y.) Iiisane Esylum, Aswciutignatfw I£Vorks of Mercy, D. C., 327 80 [ deticienycywungmpdadon for support of 58r approp ion or .. , 7 ni tutes convicts. . .. . . . . o regulation for admission of girls to the l Auckland, custody of ... . .. . . 554 Q appropriation for consul at . . . . . ... 252, 702 Asian. Raqzh,Audztor of Treasury for Past Office Departpayment ogyuldgnxent of Court of Claimsto 59 ment (see Sixth Auditor). Astoria and th Coast Railway Company, Auditorls Office, D. C., may bridge Young’s Bay, Ore ... 7 appropriation for salaries and expenses . .315, 794 A Skipanon Creek, Ore . . 755 l eficiency appropriation for contingent 7 semczon. e uses . ... appropriation for consul at . 252, 702 Audrain gscnty. Mo., Atchafulaya Rwer, attached to western judicial . 153 appropriation fm- survey of . 427 . attached to central division western ju- Atchley, Joshua H., dicial district . . ... 498 A Fzgyjnieng to .. . L . 1224 f Aughinbaugh, WZ L., c won, opeka a n a c S payment to ... . . 578 Company, { Augusta, Ga.. deficiency app:-opria.tion for reimburse- i appropriation for public buildin ... 505 himem ment. ,... 916 l t for h<;spitl;ltbu7ilding at arsens . . . gfx 4 J . GYHISO PO 3 •·. agipropriation for consul at . 251, 700 { Augusla. Me., Af W711S9H, (wld0W). appropriation for water and gas, Kenne— fension increased ... 1121 · bec Arsenal ______________________ 963 A kms0n, Mary R, J deficiency a propriation for public buildpayment to .. . ... . .. 1224 ing; gre-proofing _________________ 47