Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1546

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1510 INDEX. Page. 1 P¤f-T<=‘- Churles, Richard B., g Cheeks, Peter C., payment of damages to, Fox and \Visco11- 1 Clpensiongncrezpzeg .. . 1116 sin Rivers . . . 20 uaeney. mes · ompcmy, Charleston. S. C,. claim to be examined; payment .. 1309 appropriation for revenue cutvter iior . 48E Chehalis R2're1·, T¤Vash., .t f 4) t01'il1]l)1"\’€l]1(-31115 of ha ·b1r 0 appropriation for improvemen 0 L3 for Sll1'\`&' of water-wa§·.i . 431 ; Chemical Division, Department of Agricultdeiiciency appro riation for blic build- I ure. ' ing ... ... .. . . . . 47 Q appropriation for chemist, assistants, etc.329,> 36 conveyance of certain lzmd in, to Porter for expenses . 330, 837 Academy, authorized . . . . . 45 for investigating food adulterations; relimgt of cost increased, public building at 157 port . . . . . X37 Char eston, W'. Va., Chevmzitz. approggggglon for enlarging, etc., public 134 appropfialijon for consul at . mg .. u or c er ure. .. 7 ' Charleroix. Jllich., i Cherokee Jndian Training School, N C., ’ appro riation for improvement of harbor 405 a, propriation for su rt of ... 236, 1000 CI ariotge V C 1 Ohpokec IndPPO z . - . ., er cans, appropriation for salaries office a.t.27g, 7§5 4 appropriation for expenses of distributing 994 for contingent expenses, a or 27 ,7~5 mone s to freedmen among ... construction of public building author- 4 Cherokee Lzdgms, Eastern Band of, ized at 437 . appropriation for paymenth0Nimr0d Jarappropriation for ...,. 507 1 rett Smith for services ... 234 Charlotte, M K, for payment to W. W. Rollins and O. F. C Inpmopri-gtio20fo1}$m§1r0\·ement of harbor 402 Presbrey for services .. 234 ' ar 0 e 'ce 1-, . C, Cherokee Indians, Clirpnroprigtiog forlpier-lights . 509 , appropriation for interest, national fund. . aro e ar 01-, 'cz., } . 1 lights, etc.,I;0 be established at entrance to ‘ for school fund . 237, 1001 appropria ion for ... . . 0 Cherokee Nation, Charlotteztoupz, payment to freedmen and others of .. 609 C inppropxgatgoxi for consul an ... . . 252. 702 claim of Western, to be determined by 694 use, wm ., · ourt of Claims ... pension 1160 Cherokee, etc., Indian lands, C'hase,_Gc0rge C., t commission to negotiate for purchase of, iF;3IlS10I1 .. . . 1149 west of 96th meridian. . . . 1005 C smar, James H., appropriation for expenses ... 1005 yment of judgment of Court of Claims to 592 pro 'tion to be submitted .. 1005 F "°°‘ C atham, if accepted, land restored to public doagpmprigion for consul at 251, 701 main . 1005 (Tha mm, ass. I proclamation tobe issued .. 1005 Cluopropriaytionlgor smévey of harbor .. 428 E Clestablishment of land 0Hices ‘ . 1006 a cz 2000 Lee iver, cz., esney, Charles S., Appropriation for improvement of ... 413 payment of judgment of Court of Claims construction of bridge across, authorized 378 { to 58 bridge across, at Gordon, Ala., authorized 380 Chesmut, A. W., Ohattanoogq, Tenn., _ _ _ 'payment to . . . . . 1236 qppropnatxon for public building ... 90, 939 C ester, Mrs. E. C., Inuit oftcost increased, of public building 60 Ipaymegt to ... . . 1225 a C zester iver Md;, ‘ constmlrgtion of bridge a1.;1ossbTe1g‘;res.se0 Clpppropriatipn for survey of . . 427 ver at aux oriz y L utta- eyemze an Ampa we Agency nooga Bridge Company_ ... 88 appropriation for pay of Indian agent at.218, 981 by Chattanooga Western Railway Com- Cheyenne Indums, · muy , . .. 179 appropriation for fulfilling treaty with. .219, 983 Chatz¢n0;gg‘BMgg%L'm¥¤a»ry, R1 h for support, etc., of .. 280, 994 authori to ri ge ennessee 'ver at C eyenne iver Agency, Chattanooga, Tenn .. _ . 88 appropriation for pay of Indian agent at. 218, 981 Clzezttanooga, Rome and Columbus Railroad Cheyenne River Indian Reservation, Company, _ established from Great Sioux Reservation; may bgdge Oostanaula Rxver, at Rome, 374 Ch boundaries ... 95, 889 a .. _ . eyenne Street Railway Compan , Ohaflcmooga Ii’estem Razlzqay Company. granted right of way through Igort D. A. may bridge Tennessee Rwer at Chatm- ]% Russell military reservation ... 691 uooga, Tenn .. . .. 179 } hicago Ill., Cheat Rwer,_ WZ Va., appropriation for salaries, office of assistappropnatnon for survey of .. 432 ant treasurer at . . . . .273, 722 Cheboygan, Mwh., 2 for public building, a.ppruisers’ wareappropriatiou for improvement of harbor 405 I house .. . . 359 for fog-signal . . . 943 ¢ f . .. 1 ... 505 939 Clfboygavn fom H urcm, 499 [ fg; ILEE¥°}I.r€` hospital ,... . . . . ,505 og-sagna esta IS 1 f im * , t f I be 405 Checlfeand Drafts. Inoependent Treqsury. fg; mj§)i1tg;·;?;§t :3: Ifghwlood, near 486 dehc1enc_yappropr1at1o11for engrawngand for payment to employees in custompunting . . . . .. 5 house . . . 165