Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1556

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1520 mon};. · P . _ Page- Dakota——(.`ontinued. age Davids. Ifenry S., _ appro priori: in ft ir legislative expenses 277. 726 payment of judgment of Court of Claims to for contingent expenses ..., .. 277. 726 executor of ... 595 for survt-yor—general. clerks. etc . . . . .289. 739 Davidson. .-1. L'., _ for contingent expenses 289. 739 appropriutioii for contested election exdeliciency appropriation for salaries, office penses . ... 546 of surveyor-geneial ... 5-1 Da vidson. George U'., for additional associate justices 567 payment of judgment of Court of Claims to 22 for incidental expenses Indian service in Dm·{ds0,,_ JO], ,1 T__ ‘ S1}PF€m€ Wm'? to 09m5S? of Wgllt Judges 698 payment of judgment of Court of Claims to 24 divided into eight ]lld1C1EiI.d1S1Z1`1CtS .. 398 Davidson_ Lucy, subdivision ot hfth and third districts 398 payment to, pdgnlent against Dish-ict of mlgnment of Judges- terms · - r --------- 699 coinm ia . ... *2 terms of district court .. . 399 Dawes_ D_ ])__ disqualiiications of judges ..------·------ 399 = pnrrnont or jnrigmont or Court of cionnn distri¤tb<>¤n<1ari<—>s= 1>¤¤di¤g=¤<=ti¤¤s; ¤¤<>¤·— ‘ to 23, 929, 930 ganized counties .. 399 Davis, Alfppd p__ bridge ¤¤r<>¤S Red River of the N<>¤th- au- pavment to administrator of . 1226 thorized between Minnesota and. .214, E98 Duiés A demo"' (colored) division of, into North and South ... 676 , aviuelqt to ’ 1,,26 to continue a. Territory if constitutions of l Dgvfs _1rabemI'(% &j) ‘'’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘ “‘ North and South Dakota are re- lj·‘ ’ · - . I pension ... . . 1213 oxoirngegtegr `éortAin`1mi§ `1n"uétt{n`ér MD“””· °"*“""’*’ H·· Cgmnty with Northern Pacific Rgih I payment of judgment of Court of Claims to 591 mad _ .771 I Davis. George T., _ _ subdivision of Sioux Indian Reservation l D£3$gmg?;z€_%5gg§°Dt of C°urt °f Clalmsm 591 in . . ., . ... 888 I ,' " Dakota Central Railroad Company,.D$;‘?Sm€n;Lt°·é ····’···········-·-·-· · --·· 1323 right cg wairéato, through Great Sioux Im Qaygngat :3 ‘* 1040

 Servation-I-.--'-..`--'---1m,893 Da “I ...•··· -¤••·..·. HH

Dall , T ·, wa, Jo zn, sr., · · degilzierfig appropriation for public bum]- mjgflio I?·d1'DiHlS1JI`&t01’S of ,..,_, , , 1236 Q '! Dalles éyjeééh, '‘'`'‘‘'‘‘‘‘ 47 Dpaymjnt otljnlrrdgment of Court of Claims to 26 authorized to ridge Columbia River .240 @18* mgm ‘· Dalles of the_('0lumbiu River, Oregon, _ Dggymen . ·······------·--·- · ···- - - · - - 1944 appmpnatxon {or fish-landing for Indian . 235 l p;séiOLne umhzmased 1134 or surveyo .. . . . . 430 . . ‘ ‘‘‘··‘······· · ··-·-- Dalton, Colby, l D¢wl8,_Jl/lurqzns D., yment to . . .. 1226 pepslgn ‘‘‘‘‘ , ‘‘·· . ······· · ······ · ····-··· 1 107 Dglize, George WC, D·;;;;ig1:¢r QU C- <u·¢dvu·), HW Dtpggnrarmltcohi Sigh, . 1226 Davis,. Mmglyi &;'u;£,;(;';); · · ·_ ···~—-··-----·· 9* pagiucapggf judgment of Court of Claims to 591 l D}¢’g;S‘°¥$;é')l·(;é ···············--· · -·--·-·· 1136 Da n . rf. ·· · ( piiyinent of judginezit of Court of Claims myluctit °f.‘}“““"g°S “’· FOX and WiB°0“· _ - to admmmmtrix of- · _ · _ _ _ _ _ ______ 591 '_ ern Ru ers .. . . 19 Dunk.,, qywmlm L__ i Dua m._U zllucm M., my,m,m to mhumi_,_,tmw,. of ____________ ,226 pension. . 2 . . . . , .. . 1113 D“"h,lx_ l.·,.,m(.h,’ Dm on and ( oirell, _ l pension ,. . . .. 1069 t ,, S:) ““`?}t "f J“*l¤"“*“* °f C°¤*`* of ($191*119 tv 599 1)univl°x Irrry. La., . '“'”· Dlxridie apmss Tensas Ri ver authorized gg_ 754 ‘ D(:';;f:::*l tv 0\\'¤¢-*¤‘¤ of , 6 uri e. 'u..*· '· _ _ am,mp,.imi,,n for mad to national c9me_ 5 payment to administrator of ..,. 1227 tery . 9*:0 D<w‘#<>~ C*’””f!I· Mont-. Darling, Jumes IL. portion of Blackfeet Reservation attached pension . 1095 re -·----· . . . .,. , ,,,_,_ 239 Darnall, Asa, Day. Berry payment to .,,,,,,______ 1944 pension. 1076 Darrell, Julia A. (mother), Day. Dand. pension ._ .. . . 1046 deficiency appro riat' f f d f Dartt, Phwlomelia L. (widow). to . . HT} 585 pension . . .,,,,, 1 23Du!/, [wav. -` ` Dqnpgn, James, . I DH§`lD€‘¤t to executor of ., . . , ,,,.,... 1227 payment to admunstrator of . 1227 Dayton. H'illiam M Daugherty. James. . pension H payznent to administrator of . 1242 Dayton ohio " `````````````‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘ ms Dmtp hrs Island, Ala. ‘- -` , bridge Grant rm to, nnmnm. to ; “""'°‘Zt'?é‘l3*"i£§’.¥.§?FT?“S°. . I°'““*°°’ S°E;40 972 Dgzrgggigzaorraas, 1188 Da?/{O""` Fla-. -. . . , . _.. . .. L bridge across Halif. · R' tl‘ Dand, Samson M. De Freifas. Frmxcistu lvm. an lomed at 3*2 pension . ... . .. . . 1104 t pension increased . . . 1257