Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1616

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_ 1580 LNDEX. p,,gc Page. Ohio River-—C0ntiuued. Oneida Indians, W’isc0nsm, deficiency appropriation for lighting and a.pproigiation for support, etc., of ... 231 buoying .. 29 - O’Ne¢l, i ary (szster), board of engineers to report on movable pfnsion . . ... . _. 1088 d .. . . n onagon, ic ., approzgigtion for expenses 412 appropriaizion for improvement of harbor. 406 pi s may be laid across, for gas, etc . 438 Ontmzagon Railroad, Marqzcette aid, ilitweien L§ffersonvi1le, Ind., and Louis- forfeiti:;·e unearned lands granted to, in vi 10. y . 7 . 1 ic igan . .. . . constructiog of bridge authorized at Pitts- Oqstcgnaula River, burg . a . ‘ ri gc across, au orize a me, a. . .7 Ohio Valley, Centennial of (see Centennial, Opel012sas,J.a.. etc.), cons mc ono pu cmga ,au xor- Oklalfma §seg als¢a Public Lands), ized. . . . ... lan s in I1 ian erritory restored to pu appropriu 'on or . 5 lic domain . .. 1005 rqtmirn of process, western judicial district . 388 O’Laughlin, Elizibeth (daughter), Opmwns of the Att0rrneys—General,

 pensiog .j . . .. . ... . . 1151   appigpdzgion for editing, etc  977

lcoff, ._ T, quaw a, .,

app1·0priati¢g1 for improvement of harbor. 402 construction of brigge across Mississippi  

Id, Thomas ., River at, authorizod .. 2 9 payment to administrator of 1240 Ord, Mary M (widow), Old (golony Steam-boat Comgnmy, %nsion increased ... 1223 de `ciency a propriatiou or transporta- nance, tion, Pgvy. . . , ... 577, 919 to be issued to educational institutions. . . 492 Old Mackinac Point, Mich., Ordnance Department, Army, light;-house established at 1016 appropriation for pay of officcrs; longev-

ap]3·0%m gio;1 £0$ Q2-signal?. .   .. 943   ity . . . .  482,826

ld rc a a , 'ncess ay, . K, or current expenses 487,832 light-house and fog·sig11a.l established 864 for ammunition for small-anus, etc. .487, 832 Old Settgri Cilaims (Western Cherokee In- {or purchase, ctc., of ordnance stores. 487, 832 iam or equipments .. 487, S32 t0 be determined by Court of Claims . 694 for repairing, ctc ._ 832 Olin, William M, for pneumatic dynamite guns to be ile-gcieucg appropriation for . 16 placied on Pacific coast 8 2 O ip ant, eorge E., or mac nine guns , 833 pension . 1081 for manufacture, ctc., of arms ... 487, 833 Olire, Bzmycm, for civilian clerks 487, 833 fayment to .. . .. 579 for arms for militia available until ex- O iter, James L., hnusted .. . . .· . 488 &:m1e%g executors of 1282 gg; . . ... , ., a 1 , e ... , appropriation for construction of public for grgserving, etcqordnauce stores. . .488,533

 buildmiqt  Z . . .  ... 653 for rip? morning and evening guns. .488, 833

bridge across Iissouri River at, author- for artil ery targets .. 488,833 ized .. 198 for manufacture, tests, etc., of cannon. . 489 terms of court at . . . 443 for converting cast-iron ordnance into Omaha cmd TVirmebc¢g0 Agency, steel-lined howitzers .. 833 épgmgrggiouéor payof Indian agent ms.218, 981 selection of site for proving ground . . 833 a za n um eserva mn, e ciancy appro riations fo 6a' time for i§gment of lands purchased cx- ior royalty to Eau! Butler? 57-; ten .. 150 or supplies ... . . . . 604 interest . i 150 4 Ordnance, Navy. pugciiaserski dgfaiilt to payiu sixtydays. {51 § alyproprigtion for . . 460, 811 ai ure 0 0 ei . . 51 g nance 0'ice. Arm , sale of fiarfeited lands ... { aiwproprgticin fggclgrks, etc .,.. 280, 730 proce-e s . I way, 4 wr es ., allotnggnt to 3Voman’s National Indian  ! pe¤sion increased ... , . . . 1110 ssocia IOH ... regon, Omaha I1{d2'qns, i appwprjation for incidental expenses Inapproprmliou for autici ting annuities . 100 dian service in ... 232, 99E` m Eipégcl in tvsés instagliments .. {50 i for support, ctc., of confedex-ated tribes totribut r capita . .. 50 of Indians "30. 997 special agent to eiigtribute  : 150 for surveyor-gexeral. clerks, etc .. S90, T46 Omaha, gadge City and Southern Radway i for contingent expenses 290, 740 mppcmy, ; e cnency appropriati f Indian - granted fight or way through For: Hays ge in . _,., 29 cc mi itary reservation. . .~ or aries, 015 f ’ #7 Omaha, LK S. Sfeamef, fo1’ Nimbwwmcsug, :;7 §;;;iglm, J ) _ gppmpdgtion for paying Japanese rnyured, etc ... . ...,.,. 938 etc., by explosion of shells from . . . 699 title of lands settled by widows or single Ommcockt '{ga., · E&mw under donation act m, ratiappropria on or surve r ... . . . .. . .. O’Ncal. Catharine and Eéanor, Harney land district established . gg payment to . 1243 arms and military stores for militia ost. . . 647