Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1659

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INDEX. ] 623 _ _ l Page. i Page. Sundry Caml E.z·pen,aes App#ropnations—Cont’d. . Supreme Court, D, C.—Continued. under the War Department, for: ‘ to appoint commission to compile etc records of the rebellion .. 530, 970 I laws of the District . 872 smog and for statues . 971 Supreme Court Reports, M111tary Prison, Fort Leavenworth. . .539, 972 1 complete sets to be distributed to United Nationa1_Home for Disabled Volunteer w States courts . 661 Soldiers _ . 540. 973 appropriation for ... 661 un ler _Departnient of Justice:- additional copies to be furnished for disrepaxrs to bmlding ... 543, 976_ tribution . (561 court;-hopsc, Waslxmgton, D. C 543, 976 ] Sureties on Ojicial Bonds, pemtentmry, Idaho ... 543 to be given 1mmcd.iatc notice of principafs wah. ._ 543, 1 deficiency 387 yommv .. rc afte fi _ 'th t `t 357 J rgisocflanegus 544, m Surgeon-Generl¢;¢l’:;7(`C_`{;i(!¢;t¢·Ts wl Ou Sm u1c1a ... . ... a roriation f· 1 ks, t.;- United States courts . 544, 977 I PP {nent . . . é . . @2%, 729 under legislative establishment, for: for rent, dispensary .. 281, 730 inaugural ceremonies ... . . 978 for printing aud binding catalogue . . .547, 979 statement of appropriations 978 deficiency appropriation for additional Botanic Garden . 546, 978 force, repairs, ctc . . . . 51 Senate . _ ... . . . . 546 printing for record and pension divis- · contcsutgeslii-election expenses ... f ion may be done in the office .. 52 misce cous . or extra yto am 10 e 574 fogputlglic printing and binding . Survey Efk Iggrthmvn 1:11:% €$V0rthwestern o eu ... , a es, leaves of absence to employees ... 548, 980 appropriation for .. 538, 970 centennial anniversary of inauguration of Surveying Public Lands, first President, April 30, to be a appropriation for .. 525, 959 national holiday. . . ._ 980 deficiency appropriation for. .28, 55, 63, 579, 598, oomm¢Bi;:>rat{;o cieimmggnxes m Congress, 980 S G I 603, 921, 932, 936 em r , urueyors- mera , for expenses of  :. . 980 appropriation for, clerks, etc .._____, 259, 738 Superintendent of Indian Schools, degmmy ¤PP¤`0P¤¤m0¤ fo1' S¤}¤1‘i6S Ofappropriation ifor travelling expenses . . 219, 982 $06* ff ·-·-··--·-·----·--·- - --··-- 54 Superintendent of the Census, Lml S’;"”¢?I·*i)£é for 819 _99 appointment, salary __________________ _ _ ppro _ .. , 4 S 1,,;,.,-0,., W- _ Surveys, Rwer and Harbor, lappropriation for survey of harbor of 433 · - 495 I01H8C ... .. ... .. .. » rim` Superior Bay and Saint Louis Bay, Wis., P’°V°m°¤t¤ ·-··-—·----···---- . - - - 433 uppropriatxon for improvement of harbor. 407 Susqueharinq River, _Md. and Pa., Supewising Architect, T,.w_,u,.y, I approprmuon for maprovément of ... 410 appropriation for, clerks, etc ... 265, 715 » SW qrlmrd, G-, _ _ — for draughtsmen, civil engineers, etc, ,266,715 d€h¤1€11€Y 3ppl‘0pl‘1ation for refund to , , 91] Supervisor of New York garbor, Sutherland, George E., V. to be demguatcd by the President from P8}’1110I}t ofylamages to, Fox and NX isqqmthe Ima officers of the Navy ... 210 Sm RWBB ···-----·----·--· - ---·-- 595·.g of the Census, Sufherfnnd. Helen (mother), appointment 761 i P€‘¤*“°¤ ··--···---···~···-··---·- - ...-. I333 SuP,.e,,w g,_,m.;_ .‘§'n·u·rme·¢~ R1`z·er, Ffa,. appropriation fm. Chieggustice, 44 Q qlfigynoprig {or improvement of ... 413 ates . .7 }* ° " · "’ ·•, . for marshal ___________________ __ _____ 2g4_·;44 Q pnvme-ut to uduumstmtor of .. . . 1234 for pnuchasc of portraits of Chicf·Jus- L S*';;%;1(:;":‘I*’*'E» 1) 9 tices . . . . . 54" , P 0 ···- ; ··-····-······----. . LT for printing and binding . 548, 979 7 S**’*'”'P L*}”(l CI*"”**· _ _ _ to advance h£dn in W-I-iu, 0; enc, in ; appri3>r1a_tion for expenses of ml_]ustmg...>!4.959 crimes punislignble by death 656 ( SW"'- · IV wits of en-or and spina], to, in uestious ; payment to .. . . . 1234 involving jurisdiction 02 courts I S“’¤'*Y0” }M"b0;· VU below .. . . ems ¤v1>¤>1>ri=¤¤<>¤ or ¤¤r¤·y of . 432 jurisdiction only to be reviewed in judg- E Sim"!- Charles, ment umm $5,000 asa p¤ym¤¤3¤= damxjgyé Fm; and Wiscon- 21 limitation .. . . 693 . _ Sm ‘•'°!'¤» 1 0113 ----. . . . Supreme Cmgrt, D. C., _ 5 Sweeney, John, appropriation for chiefqustice, 44 g S pension . . . . .. . 1257 ates . ," g weet, Ma AL usido ), for printing and binding . 518, 980 J pension . . . ... 1084 present sgcial terms abolished .. 749 ; Sweden and Abrnmy, termsto fixed by court in gencralterm } appropriation for minister to ... 247 697 jenn . .: ..--·----·---- _ ---- 749 ; Sweeping. etc., Streets, D. C'., summon or gurors for specxal terms as 2 appropriation for . . .. .320, 799 cnrcugt court _ . ._ ... 349 ; Sweet. Edu·m·gl, and Company. term of peut yurors, cnmmal court; .. 449 r payment of Judgment of Court of Claims to 60