Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1671

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INDEX. 1 635 Washi1zgtpn_iWI0rg1cmenf. _ Page- Watcrtou*n, N K, Pam appropriation; for iillmg, grading, etc. . . 533 . appropriation for construction of public for care_and maintenance of .. 533, 965 4 building at . .. 499 for contmgent gxpenses .. Y . . . 965Wate1rliet Arsenal, AC K, to be under direction of Secrotarv of \Var. 533 I appropriations for . . . . 531 {com to be set apart for National Society. 533 I ilor establishing gun factory for heavy; joint commission dissolved .. 533 { ordnance . 489 Wknshington. National Monument Society, I for officers? quarters ...,.. . . . . 489 · to have use of room, etc., at Washington . for sewer; repairs .. . . 964 _ Monument ... 533 { Watkins, George R., W¢1sleingl(2rL _A?: 1:y- Yard, D. C'. , payment of judgment of Court of Clksimsto 5S approprxatum for constructing gup·plant. 825 Watldrm, James M., Wdshinzfon Lgdgfjgg Hggggg Aggpcfa- ;  ;!7X€‘CUt0I`S of ... . . . . . . . . . {On, I1 1718, . ., appmpriation for . . 326 i u}>¤y·¤¤¤¢<>f Judgment of Court <>fC1aimsw 5 Wh ington Sound, I’Vash., i Nr8W, Albert (80*%), ' gpprgpyigtion for [ightjug ______ _ ________ 946 pt-}I1810Il . r ... 1].81 W'a8/gngmn Te»,~,-tory, f Watson, Charlotte 1*., appropriation for incidental expenses Inégo 997 { Wg3E3i9i3i *1%; ·—---·-------·-·-·---- .. 1235 dum' servicein .. . .., }· - ·, _ _ _ for salaries, government in ... 278, 727 [ deficiency ¤PP’*w?¤t¤0¤_foF· 90m¤1iSBi0!161‘ for legislative expenses ... 278, 727 ; Fox Mid 1S<>0¤¤1¤ R1V€1'¤ ---·--·- 596 for contingent_ expenses 278, 7 28 I Watsorz, Susan L. (widow), for surveyor-general . 290, 740 pension . .. 1115 . for oontingent expenses 290,740 { Watson, Walter O., deficiency appropriation for salaries, ofncc pension 1201 of snrveyor-general ... 55, 921 I VI augh, Jamgs P., for contingent exdgxenses ... 909 · Wpayment of Judgment of Court of Claims to 930 leases of school lan in, ratified ,... 359 aukegan, Ill., refund of money erroneously deposited by appropriation for improvement of harbor. 405 ‘ clerk of court for .569 Way Letters, title of lands settled by widows or single appropriation for .. 347, 845 women under donation act, ratified 359 de ciency appropriation for . 14 "r“hingt0n(Tm1.itm.”) Volunteers, l Wea Indians (see a]s0 Unitod Paorias and deficiency appropriation for pay, etc . 30, 67,VY6W5m M¤m I¤d1¤·¤§L rm, 600, 605, 607, 934, 938 a.p}1ropr}1;a.t1pn fog trust-fund interest. . .237. 1001 W···-g5.~·; H·~»d·¤-···¢»~· Nwrghy f3§ §°er°€:i,§;‘ 3i1e.;;;;;.;; : 1; 1: ::1: r; :??"“ *2%

.·· . all tmc t lands` ... ‘

app;-01:;;::2011 for compldflpll of m0¤u‘ 538 choim gg tribal funlggniygjrzlvwommvc be- 1015 W ’ JOM; °‘‘’‘‘‘'‘‘'‘‘ gozunglsitizons referred to Court of ]_ upayment to widow of ... 1319 E ’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘···· · 10 ° · ater Department, 1J. 0,, d ; Enoch, 1090 3 't' f Salalri uses, Q . .·. ppm9p?:;;?}; tgm reveinsuols . . . .s2·z,s0·z 1 W¢¤wr· Aww J- <d<wyMe»~>, for new main 327wmlm ----·-··--·-·· · -·---··-···-·---· 1315 for inteéagst pn water ntock bonds a11g2S 808 the“*`;’;_r;{°£: C·· 10/__ dn ‘ g und _________ _ _ _________ , P6 .. . .. oO doficiency_appr0priation for _ 573, 914 I Cbé- John';) d _ _ , _ for contmgent expenses .., 914 | mmf;;,] 1*; Y¤¤¤18*¤1¤0¤‘ of -·---·- . . . . 123) Water-g11)ges_and Fzrc—p{ugs, D. C'., I '· f _ _ Q uppmpnahou for mpam etc _____________ 532 , mnwnmt gm égnxent of Court of Clmms to .4 Wqter Reserve Lands, Wiscolrasin, e néionei U _°" . 1 1 16 rnght of vgay granted to railroads through 423 I W};°bb “,mmm HH ········· Howago right reserved .. 443 , ,mem0f ·ud I I t fC t fc] . 0, date of proclamation corrected .. 654 W}?);)" Fwdgdcil m " mu ° aww to ·° » Wate¢· Sxqzply, D. C'., Increase, lént of dm! · t F d W. deficiency appropriation to complete ( pam Sin Rf_€r;°g°s °* °x m' mC0n' 19 workon ... . ... 51* ‘‘'‘‘·····‘········· for new 48—inch main from distributing I W€b"·_•L H- _ _ reservoir . ... . ... 014 I Wgiegmgpcy avgropmhou for fuel . 916 W Ri ,S. U., ‘ ee -1 GQ9W -,

 for improvement of- pro, I DSiOD . . ~ . . .  . .. . . . . . . ...·. . . . .  

viso Z . 412 i Wjskv. Jvhn E. Wategqnun, _[l1)·ankE_’ Pq»yD1€Iltt0.. .. . . .. . deficiency appropriation for su-vices_ ____ 587 ‘ Wexghts and Measures, International Bu- Waters, Edward, } of»f m_b t_ to teion . . . . ... 1201 ¤PP\‘0P¤¤ 011 OT ¢0¤ u non main

, John, _ nance of  249, 699

uyayrnent to widow of ... 1268 g Weights and Measures, Standard, aterg, Sarah Ann (mother), 1 appropriation for adjuster. etc .. 270, T20 uyensnon _ .. . . 1123 [ for materials, etc 270,720 aters River, Mass.. I for expenses of attending International appropriation for survey of . .. , . 428 Committee .. 270, 7*20