Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/216

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170 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Smss, I. Gus. 361, 362. 1888. Vicksburg, in the State of Mississippi, for the accornmodatwn of the United States courts, post-office, custom-office, and intc-srnal-rpvenue Si¤¤.1>1ms, m oi‘Hce, at a cost not exceeding 0n0 hundred thousand uollars, inc1ud— ing cost of site; nor shall any site be purchased unt1l cstunatcs for the erection of a building which will furmsh sufficxcnt accommodations for the transaction of the public busi11ess,_and wluch shall not exceed in cost the balance of the sum heroin hmited after the s1t0 shall have been purchased and paid for, shall have been approved by the Secretary of the Treasury; and no purchase of s1te, nor plan for said building, shall be approved by the Secretary of the Treasury Om- involvin an expenditure exceeding the sa1d_sum of one hundred Pr<M¤·>·· thousanl dollars for site and buil ing: Promdegl, That no part of said sum shall be expended until the plans, spcc1cations, and full estimates for said building shall have been maglc acqorrling to law, '““°·“°· and a valid title to the land for the site of sanl luurlduxg shall be vested in the United States, and the State of MISSISSIPPI shall cede to the United States exclusive jurisdiction over the same during the time the United States shall be or remain the owner thereof; for all purposes except the administration of the criminal laws _0f sa1d State and the service of any civil process therein: And promded furtfuzr, That the site so purchased or acquired bg condemnation proceedings ·shall leave the building unaxposod to anger from Bra in adjacgmt °¤¤¤¤¤*°°· buildings by an open space of not less than forty feet, mcludmg streets and alleys. Approved, June 6, 1888. Juno4S, 1m 362.-Au act to authorize the sale of a tract of land in the military res- """`""'""'_` urvation at Fort Leavenworth, in the State of Kansas. Be it enacted by the Senate cmd House of R§pre.s·e#ntat¢Z·ves of the B;{gr¤“Ii:¤M¤¤¤ United Smtesqf America in Congress assemble , That the Leavensaévog fin 0:, m. worth City and Fort Leavenworth Water Company, of Leavenworth,

  • h°'“°¢ Kansas, a body corporate organized and existing under the laws of

pm, pans. the State of Kansas, shall have the right to purchase from the United States that parcel and tract of land in the militar reservation at _ Fort Leavenworth, State of Kansas, bounded and cllzscribed as fol- B°““‘““°°· lows: Beginning at a point 0n the north line of Metropolitan avenue in the extension of the west line of the land owned by the Leavenworth Coal Company; thence north in the extension of said west line Eva hundred feet; thence cast parallel to the north line of Metropolitan avenue eight hundred and twenty feet, more or less, to railroad right of way; thence on the west line of said right of way five hundred and three feet, more or less, to the north line of Metropolitan avenue; thence west on the north line of Metropolitan avenue eight hundred and fifty feet, more or less, to thalplacc of beginning; containiu nine gg w ¤<>¢¤ rv- and three-fourths acres, more or ess, rascrving to the United gtates °° or assigns, the coal or royalty for coal underlying the same. _pS;;=l¤!;¤j£uj $¤;;g Smct That the Secretary of War is hereby directed to appoint a vey. c0mm1ssion of three competent Army officers, which shall, without unnecessary delay, examine and report the value of the tract of land hcrcinbcfora described, and report to the Secretary of War. On receipt of such report the Secretary of War shall forward a certified copy thereof to each the Secretary of the Interior and the Leaven- P·*¢•¤i¤>· worth City and Fort Leavenworth Water Company: Provided, That the report of the board of Army ohicers on the subject of the value of the land in question shall not be operative until the same is A¤v¤>v¤1·_ apgroved gy the Secretary of War. —

  • "”°¤°'°'°°°°· mc. 3. hat whenever the beavenworth Cit and Fort Leavenworth Water Comgany aforesaid being thus notiged of the valuation

of the said lands, s all pay to the Secretary of War, in lawful money, the amount of said appraisal, and shall notify the Secretary of the