Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/691

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646 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 24, 47, 48. 1889. ment of interest herein contemplated and provided for, which money shall be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior m§,§g'°m°¤‘ *9 *’° in conformity with the provisions of this act. _ A detailed statement ' of which expenses, except the interest aforesaid, shall be reported to · Congress when the expenditures shall be completed. Approved, January 14, 1889. January 16, ISU. CHAP. 4'I.-An act authorizing the Secretary of War to issue to the governor of "`""`_*"——‘ the Territo of Montana military stores for the use of the regularly enlisted, organized, arid uniformed active Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the M°'*““*¤”*“*- United States Y America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, an he is hereby, authorized and directed to issue to the Arm, ew., m bea- governor of the Territory of Montana such additional arms, ordnance °°°d°°' stores, quartermaster’s stores, and camp equipage as maéy be required to fully arm and equip the present regularly enliste , organized, and uniformed active militia of said erritory, consisting of seven general staff officers and the officers and men of one regiment . of eight companies of infantéy, two companies of cavalry, and one mum. battery of artillery : Provide , That the amount to be expended under the provisions of this act shall not exceed the sum of t irty-three mt}¤¤¤¤¤¤ vf www- thousand egght hundred and sixty dollars and seventy-six cents, ' being the b ance remaining charged against said Territory on account of the sum of sixty-nine thousand two hundred and ninety-six dollars and seventy-seven cents, chaiiged against said Territory on account of the issuance of held arti ery, arms, and so forth, in August, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven; and to enable the Secretary of ar to carry out the provisions of this act said sum of Amuvprinuon. - thirty-th.ree thousand eight hundred and sixty dollars and seventy- six cents is hereby appropriated out of an money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated: And movided further, That nothing mmm sum me herein shall affect the apportionment hereafter, to said Territory, of “”°°“"’· arms, ordnance stores, quartermastefs stores, and camp equipage, - under existing laws an regulations: And provided farther, That To be Umm sums the military stores to be issued hereunder shall remain the roperty

  • "°’°"’ of the United States, and said governor shall be chargeablb therewith as now provided by law.

Approved, January 16, 1889. _ CHAP. 48.-An act to rovide certain arms, ammunition, and ui to the

 State of Oregon forthe militia thereof. eq page

oregonmnuu, Wliereas, the militia organizations of the State of Oregon, already P"°““'b'°‘ perfected, now embrace three regiments of infantry, with one unattached battery of light artiller , and one troop of cavalry, and these are in urgent need of arms and uipments by reason of the inadequate suppl due the State through its regular annual quota provided by law; and, Whereas, the dpoqulation of Oregon, in view of its recent rapid growth, is now ou le that number required as the basis for representation in Congress, and therefore justly entitled to twice its present annual quota of arms and equipments; and Whereas, Oregon contains within its limits five Indian reservations, aggregating within them about four thousand Indians, and these reservations are located in widely variant sections of the State, throughout which there is but one United States military st, with but one company of infantry; and that along the three hundiged miles of unguarded sea-coast, as well as frontier of the State, there are many