Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/733

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688 FIFTIETI-I CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 203. 1889. P“Ym°¤°°°’-’°m°*‘°· Third. In view of the cessions contained in the above articles the United States agrees to pay to the Lemhi Ind1ans the sum of four thousand dollars per annum for twenty years and to the Fortllall Indians the sum of six thousand dollars per annum for twenty years, the same to be in addition to any sums to wh1ch_tl1e above-named ‘ Indians are now entitled by treaty, and all provisions of existing tiéeaties, so far as they relate to funds, to remain in full force an - · e ect. A11<>¢=¤¤¤¤¤· Fourth. Allotments in severalty of the remaining lands on the ' Fort Hall Reservation shall be made as follows : _ 'l‘o each head of family not more than one-quarter of a section, with . an additional quantity of grazing land, not exceeding one—quarter of a section. To each single person over eighteen years, and each other (person under eighteen years now living, or may be born prior to said allotments, not more than one-eig t, with an additional guantity of grazin land, not exceeding one-eighth of a sectionaall al otments to be medi with the advice of the agent of the said Indians, or such other person as the Secretary of the Interior may desiignate for that pur- , upon the selections of the Indians, heads o families selecting _ ior their minor children and the agent making allotments for each orphan child. Sum: of Fort HM! 'fth. The Government of the United States shall cause the lands of the Fort Hall Reservation above named to be prodperly surveyed and divided among the said Indians in severalty an in the proportions hereinbefore mentioned, and shall issue patents to them respectively therefor so soon as the necessary laws are passed by Congress. The title to be acquired thereto by the Indians shall not be subject to alienation, lease or incumbrance, either by voluntary conveyance of the grantee, or his heirs, or by the judgment, order or decree of any court, or subject to taxation of any c aracter, but shall be and remain inalienab e and not subject to taxation for the eriod of twenty-five years, and until such time thereafter as the gresident may sie it to remove the restriction, which shall be incorporated in · e pa en . Done at the city of Washington this fourteenth day of May, anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and eighty. S*z¤·¤¤¤¤¤ TEN Dov, his x mark. TEsE1>Em*r, his x mark. Gnousn PETE, his x mark. J Acx GIBSON, his x mark. T1 HEE, his x mark. CAPTAIN J nu, his x mark. J ACK TEN Don', his x mark. Witnesses: ‘ J. F Srocx. ‘ Jos. T. BENDEB. A. F. GEN·rEs. Cunnms R.uNEY, Actingrlnterpreter. J om: A. mem-, United States Indian Agent. a A11<§¤;¤¤¢ in sever- Sec. 2. That the Secreta of the Interior be, and he is hereb au- 1ii»iitngse°ii$ii¢ir°iiiiF°" thorized to cause to be survbyed a sufficient quantity of land oh the Fort Hall Reservation to secure the settlement in severalty to said Indians as provided in said agreement. Upon the completion of said survey, he shallrause allotments of land to be made to each and all of said Indians in quantity and character as set forth in the agreement above mentioned; and u on the approval of said allotments b Pawn:. the Secretary of the Interior, he shall cause patents to issue to each